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6/25/2011 10:10:23 AM

Bungie Aerospace: Indie Game Developer Stats Integration!

Turns out Aerospace is a [url=]Indie Game Developer 1-Up program, intended to help Indie Game Developers integrate their game statistics with the platform.[/url] Not as fancy or shiny as I was hoping, but maybe they plan to expand on it. (It's in the dropdown now) [quote][Original thread:][/quote] (Please note that I'm not a part of Bungie, so all of this is purely my own thinkin') [b]Updated: June 26th 2010[/b] [quote][url=]Detailed update on a bunch of things. Important read![/url][/quote] So to add to a bunch of theories and ideas flying around about what Aerospace might or will be, I've posted my thoughts before on what I think it will end up being. I've previously said this regarding what I believe Bungie Aerospace is: [quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn[/url] Calling it: I think Bungie Aerospace will be Bungie's own Social Network, complete with clan-support for the new-IP, cross-platform statistics, new-IP-related news, community-content spotlight, interviews, ViDocs, and perhaps even downloadable/purchasable old Bungie games like Gnop!, Myth and Marathon. I just think it will be the central hub network for Bungie's next game, and I think it will have a heavy focus on community content. I'm not sure what this would mean for as far as its function goes, but I definitely feel like the plan is to have all of their future games' content offsite so that it doesn't clutter Bnet. So yeah, them's my thoughts.[/quote] There was one core thing that was bugging me about this idea, and that was that it didn't really offer anything that Bnet didn't already have or could do. Then ingenuity struck. [quote][b]Bungie Aerospace could connect the players of the new multi-platform IP together. From Xbox gamers, to PS3, PC and iPhone gamers, or even Facebook gamers.[/b][/quote] Here's how: [b]Step 1.[/b] [quote]Think big. What's the next logical step for the games industry? Well, there's social-gaming on Facebook. There's the hugely successful SmartPhone market. There's the [i]hugely[/i] successful World of Warcraft MMO. And then there's the past 10 years of experience developing the FPS "Halo". Valve has also released Steam on Playstation 3, allowing PS3 and PC gamers to play together. Bungie are also now independent from Microsoft: a 3rd-party developer. They can do what they want. Then there's step 7: World Domination. How can you dominate the world in this current game climate? You connect everyone together through a singular hub. [url=]It's been reported previously[/url] that the entire gaming population of the Xbox and PS3 online markets is around 65 million, whereas PC gamers have over 100 million users worldwide. What if you were to combine those numbers together? You'd make quite a hefty number, that's for sure. That's where Bungie Aerospace comes in. "Aerospace" gives connotations of a world in the clouds and above. The idea of an untainted area of the world as-yet unclaimed. A place that covers the planet. Globally dominating, you might say. So there's the big idea. Makes games for as absolutely many markets as possible and connect them all to Aerospace. Also expand on Player Investment (as seen in Reach's Armoury) to the extent of having affordable and attractive micro-transactions payments for content like costumes, weapons, quests, etc, as opposed to monthly payments. Keeps everyone happy! I'm sure you can see where they could go with this.[/quote] [b]Step 2.[/b] [quote]Convince major publisher, Activision, of multi-platform games of a new business venture that could revolutionize how games and gamers connect together over each platform. Sign 10-year contract.[/quote] [b]Step 3.[/b] [quote]Hire! Hire! Hire! This is no easy task. Developing for multiple platforms is something that Bungie is yet to do, and specifically the Playstation. They're familiar with iOS, PC and Xbox development, so that's all in the bag, and Android/Blackberry development isn't too difficult to pick up and learn (if you're familiar with their codebase already, that is). But the PS3 devkit? Yeah, that's some superbly complicated stuff right there. Not to mention expensive. You'll want the absolute best and most experienced people to ensure success.[/quote] [b]Step 4.[/b] [quote]Start getting servers set up and internally test connections via each platform you're going to be connecting. It's been said before (and I've personally had it explained to me before) that is it entirely possible to connect Xbox and Playstation gamers together, and it has been done before, but never commercially, and that's all down directly to Sony and Microsoft: they'd never allow direct connections. So what do you do? You make a proxy server.[/quote] [b]Step 5.[/b] [quote]Why not also make that a social-network to boot? Bungie have said that they are moving away from weekly updates and the Comm Chatter, so it can be assumed that news will come from Aerospace in the future. Feeding gamers news directly to their games? We've seen Bungie do that with the notifications that pop up in Reach occasionally, so why not make room for that as a full feature?[/quote] [b]Step 6.[/b] [quote]Blister ahead with developing both the game, and Bungie Aerospace. Both would be completely essentially for eachother to survive and be successful.[/quote] [b]Step 7.[/b] [quote]Release game. Be super awesome and successful. Win over entire gaming population of the planet. Die happy.[/quote] [quote][/quote] [b]Additional Reading:[/b] 1. [url=]*Mouse/Keyboard VS Controller Solutions *'s WLID-requirement Login Concerns *Microsoft & Sony's disagreements? *Social Interaction (same functionality as Raptr) *Musing over comparable UNSC, Covenant, Flood, Forerunner Factions for new IP[/url] 2. [url=]*Migrate WLID userbase to automatic Aerospace account? *Aerospace not the same functionality as Steam.[/url] [quote][/quote] I've spent some good few months thinking about this, and I believe this is my final conclusion on the matter. I look forward to July 7th to see how close I am to the target. Should be interesting! What are your thoughts? [Edited on 06.30.2011 4:57 PM PDT]

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  • Awesome thread; great read, and interesting theories :) You have put alot of thought and effort into writing it.. Now the question would be; what's the new IP ;D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh ajhallmon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Luke35120 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dunver Hire SonicJohn.[/quote][url=]He's a great artist.[/url][/quote][url=]And has industry experience.[/url][/quote][url=!/JohnDowdles]Not to mention he's not too bad to look at, if you ignore the hideous growth on his nose, of course.[/url] It also says he's in Seattle currently. Really he's actually pretty good candidate. [Edited on 06.26.2011 5:11 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MURDUR 587 It would be pretty awesome ... and makes a large amount of sense. Lets hope it's this or something cooler and not just "Oh yeah thats the name of our new engine ... and Bungie's new pet snail ..."[/quote]

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  • The only other game that I've seen bridge playstation(2, irrelevant), Xbox, and PC and allow them all to play together is final fantasy xi. There may have been more and this may be neither here nor there, but it may lend some credence to the thought that the new IP is an MMO. But that's just my opinion. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Skibur [url=]Oh, please no.[/url][/quote] Do you [i]ever[/i] add anything useful to a conversation? But I digress.

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  • Called it. :P Just didn't say much, is all. I liked the seven-step plan in the OP. :P

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  • That sounds quite interesting.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Skibur [url=]Oh, please no.[/url][/quote] [url=]Yes.[/url]

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  • [url=]Oh, please no.[/url]

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  • Interesting read. Good hypothesis John. Also, I'm glad there's finally something to talk about on this board again.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn What I'd like to see is that when playing in-game, there is no indication of through what medium each player is playing on. Otherwise, you'll get a hefty amount of "LOL YOU'RE PLAYING ON PS3? MAN YOU SUCK!" from long-time Bungie/Halo/Xbox fanboys who can't accept the idea of cross-platform gaming.[/quote] I would quite like to distinguish between xbox and playstation owners, it kind of highlights that you are cross platform gaming, although I think you're right about fanboys taking the piss out of each other. But, if they created some mechanic where people benefited from teaming up or playing alongside people from different platforms, like little bonuses or boosts, I think it would encourage them to work together rather than remind each other who has the better exclusives.

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  • There are so many plausible theories, and this sounds like another one. I wouldn't mind if your assumption is correct at all. I think that would be awesome!

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  • I hope you are right.

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  • you said "die happy" as part of the last step....... Are they going to dominate the afterlife too? Probably. [Edited on 06.25.2011 7:56 PM PDT]

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  • Very interesting. Though it has brought forth an idea into my head. Notice how bungie repeatedly talks about what they're creating as an IP, but don't seem to emphasis the word "Game" all that much. Perhaps we're not looking at unified game, but several games that all interact with some sort of world that connects all of them. In other words, what ever it is that Aerospace is being used for doesn't connect games across the various platforms, but the games connect the player to (as you call it) Destiny. I'm still trying to remember if they said that they weren't going to release details about their next "project" or about their "IP." The wording may unhinge this. P.S. This might also explain the naming. Let's say it's some sort of space related world. Bungie aerospace is a company designed to launch you into the new world, so to speak. It's more of a huge announcement/introductory thing than something actually related to the IP. P.P.S. This is starting to make me want to build an epileptic tree. We know that Ensamble [url=] Was creating an MMO based on the Halo universe[/url], but it was canceled because Microsoft wanted it to appeal to a broader audience. The project was apparently called "Titan." Cue the Activision and Bungie agreement. Blizzard says they'd be willing to work with bungie. What is their next project called? Titan. What was Activision's deal with bungie? [url=] "Activision will have exclusive, worldwide rights to publish and distribute all future Bungie games based on the new intellectual property on multiple platforms and devices."[/url] Food for thought. [Edited on 06.25.2011 8:06 PM PDT]

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  • That was a good read, and a very interesting theory.

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  • If Aerospace happens to be a superawesome, epic cross-platform game, it'd be great if the different platforms offered different experiences, while each of the different platform experiences tied into each other. (Think along the lines of Dust 514 and EVE Online having interlinked universes). Everything players of one platform do somehow affects what happens on others. It'd be pretty ambitious but they might be able pull it off. For example, say Aerospace is a space combat game. PC gamers could possibly run the factions in the form of a strategy games and manage large flagships in the battle while console gamers play as the smaller fighters and iOS or Android gamers could play minigames to unlock resources for the factions. Of course, if its just a Halo Waypoint or Steam-like hub that stored stats and had some of the functionality for their new IP that would be cool, too. [Edited on 06.25.2011 6:59 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chuckiej2 Dude thanks for putting Pen to Paper (as it were) and turning this into a full 7-step thread. I totally agree and am super-duper pumped for it. Great job writing it all down. You might want to add your Windows Live ID point, I think that's a good piece of reasoning.[/quote]I've added an Additional Reading section to the thread. I think I may update in a future post about my refined ideas for both Aerospace and the new IP. I have some solid bulletpoints about what I think may happen (and if they don't happen, it'll at least give Bungie some ideas about what they could do). [quote]Step 4: I am not convinced. You are correct that PS3 and Xbox gamers are not allowed to play together and I doubt they ever will. Yes it is possible but I don't think the companies will ever allow it. At the very least it opens one company up to the other's version of the game getting hacked and then attacking the first company's consoles.[/quote]Honestly, I'm skeptical as well, but I definitely think that part of the reason this sort of thing has never been done before (and the reason why Sony/Microsoft will not see eye-to-eye) is because nobody has ever had enough solid proof of concept and reputation to execute it. Bungie and Activision together do in my opinion. I think that if Aerospace gets enough security added to it from the get-go, then I think thwarting people like LulzSec breaking the game for the entire network may be easy. It's a compartmentalized concept. If the PS3 gets hacked, only the PS3 players get disconnected from Aerospace. If Aerospace gets hacked, then of course the whole system will go down...but then is that not the same as targeting XBL, Steam, or PSN's servers? Pretty much,, just means that it affects more people. I have faith that Bungie recognizes that this could be the case, so they'll ensure absolute robustness with Aerospace. [quote]Otherwise I totally agree. Aerospace will be a place where gamers from all of the platforms can come together. Beyond that though, Your point is well made - it can also be a place for shared stats, shared achievements/trophies, etc.[/quote]Precisely.'s Halo stats represent a fantastic step forward for the games industry. Super innovative. Other game companies have taken a leaf out of Bungie's book. What if they ramped that up to the level of absolute cross-platform dominance and interactivity? They'd be unstoppable. [quote]To me, Bungie being in the name implies that it will bring everything together, including the new IP, but not just that. Let's say the new IP is called Crimson (one of their new trademarks). After Crimson 1, I predict Bungie will start another IP (or possibly reboot something like Marathon that they still have the rights to) and those games would also be linked to Aerospace. The fact that they are selling shirts tells me that it won't be just adding features to Aerospace is becoming a brand. (linking to this in my thread)[/quote]I agree. I personally think the game will be called "Destiny" (as mentioned in articles regarding the new IP), and I also feel like "Crimson" sounds like it may be something along the lines of "Osiris", "New Monarchy", "Seven Seraphs", and "Dead Orbit" (which I believe are 4 different playable alien factions [or clans] in the new IP's universe). Although it's not mentioned among them, it could be something like that. Same with "Grognok". Or perhaps Grognok and Crimson are names of characters, places, ships, vehicles, AI, whatever. We don't really know for sure, but I'm not sure they're names of games. If they are games, then they'll definitely be linked to Aerospace. Perhaps they're some sort of cross-platform multiplayer test. Remember that they were recruiting people to Bungie Beta test? It could be that they come up with mini-games that aren't anything to do with their actual IP (for the sake of this thread, I'll from now on refer to "new IP" as "Destiny"). Doing this protects the IP from being spoiled, but allows Bungie to test out their new functionality and features. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Guardian Hunter This seems sort of what I said [url=]here[/url]. I found a bunch of the source files for the actual website before they were removed from the directory.[/quote]Yes. I actually had your thread in mind when I was typing this up. I think it's somewhat obvious from various places that it could have social-network aspects to it. To me, that seems to represent what the very least it could be to people. I strongly think Bungie are hiding something huge behind Aerospace: the cross-platform server. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SkilPhil Nice theory, I think much of what you said is probably correct. Probably the most radical idea, and the idea I hope they are working on most, is bridging the gap between PS3 and 360 owners, I would love to see a close connection between the way we play and the way PS3 owners play and see how that affects a shared game universe.[/quote]What I'd like to see is that when playing in-game, there is no indication of through what medium each player is playing on. Otherwise, you'll get a hefty amount of "LOL YOU'RE PLAYING ON PS3? MAN YOU SUCK!" from long-time Bungie/Halo/Xbox fanboys who can't accept the idea of cross-platform gaming. Otherwise, I think it could potentially end the console wars...maybe even the idea of consoles; having everything in the cloud instead. I think the ultimate irony would be if Bungie, the creator of Halo, Microsoft's most popular game franchise since launch, created something which essentially rendered XBL and PSN moot. [Edited on 06.25.2011 6:55 PM PDT]

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  • Nice theory, I think much of what you said is probably correct. Probably the most radical idea, and the idea I hope they are working on most, is bridging the gap between PS3 and 360 owners, I would love to see a close connection between the way we play and the way PS3 owners play and see how that affects a shared game universe.

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  • This seems sort of what I said [url=]here[/url]. I found a bunch of the source files for the actual website before they were removed from the directory.

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  • As long as there is a giant slingshot, it will be successful.

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  • This actually makes alot of sense. I can definitely see this happening.

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  • Dude thanks for putting Pen to Paper (as it were) and turning this into a full 7-step thread. I totally agree and am super-duper pumped for it. Great job writing it all down. You might want to add your Windows Live ID point, I think that's a good piece of reasoning. Step 4: I am not convinced. You are correct that PS3 and Xbox gamers are not allowed to play together and I doubt they ever will. Yes it is possible but I don't think the companies will ever allow it. At the very least it opens one company up to the other's version of the game getting hacked and then attacking the first company's consoles. Otherwise I totally agree. Aerospace will be a place where gamers from all of the platforms can come together. Beyond that though, Your point is well made - it can also be a place for shared stats, shared achievements/trophies, etc. [quote]I had originally thought that Aerospace would be separate from Bnet, but what I'm implying regarding Aerospace is that it is the name of the service and a hub network and series of servers that will host the future IP. [/quote] To me, Bungie being in the name implies that it will bring everything together, including the new IP, but not just that. Let's say the new IP is called Crimson (one of their new trademarks). After Crimson 1, I predict Bungie will start another IP (or possibly reboot something like Marathon that they still have the rights to) and those games would also be linked to Aerospace. The fact that they are selling shirts tells me that it won't be just adding features to Aerospace is becoming a brand. (linking to this in my thread) [Edited on 06.25.2011 6:21 PM PDT]

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  • Oh John you always come up such great theories, if they could pull this off it would be the greatest innovation in gaming.

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  • [url=]derp[/url]

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  • If this was true i'd be so happy, console wars would end!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh ajhallmon [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Luke35120 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dunver Hire SonicJohn.[/quote][url=]He's a great artist.[/url][/quote] [url=]And has industry experience.[/url][/quote]Aw, shucks guise. Weren't nuffin. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Salazar14 I don't know. While I've always been a firm supporter of Bungie updating profile features to make more of a community connected social network, I don't know how I feel about them starting up their own social network on a different website. A Facebook for gamers doesn't appeal to me. A website that slowly expanded to its own social network (like has) appeals to me more. What incentives would they have for the casual gamer to join when they haven't even announced their new IP? I guess we'll have to wait until they tell us what Aerospace is![/quote]Well, if Bungie is able to migrate all of the userbase from using WLID to a simple account login, then I am all for it. I would rather not have to go to a separate website for my Aerospace goodness (if it does turn out to have social aspects). They've been rallying a bunch of incentives recently to get people to sign up here (such as the link-your-profile-and-win-stuff things they've been doing with nameplates and recently with the Blue Flames). So perhaps any external site is for in-depth explanation of what they're doing, and perhaps it will host the server for the cross-platform hub. [quote][quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bob Bobinson So, Aerospace is Facebook + Steam + + World Domination? That can only equal one thing: [url=]this[/url]. We'll see on the 7th though if you're right. I hope you are.[/quote] I don't know. Having another competitor like Steam wouldn't be the smartest move for Bungie unless they had Activision backing them up and removing Activision products from Steam. I still doubt that would be very successful to have Steam, Origin, and Aerospace competing for the PC market.[/quote]I'm not so sure that they plan on being a publisher and market for other peoples' games. All I was meaning from mentioning Valve being on PS3 and PC is that they have opened up the channels to play between those two platforms. I think Bungie combined with Activision can shatter every barrier and make bridges between every console. Hm, d'you think this could effectively make Bungie win the console war? Maybe that's what "World Domination" is really about.

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