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5/9/2009 3:41:32 PM

Halo vs Star Trek

StarWars GearsofWar(s) What about Star Trek? Halo vs Star Trek?
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Alpha Prime [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xxR1CExx Firepower-wise? The Precursors had the ability to accelerate evolution. The Forerunners built giant space rings that could destroy entire galaxies. Star Trek doesn't have much of a chance when pitted against these ancient races. Now put Star Trek's arsenal up against the UNSC and the former is a clear winner. But if we're talking the whole Haloverse, sorry Star Trek.[/quote]The fact that the Precursors could accelerate evolution doesn't really say much about the fire power they have. Also the Halo rings only wipe out sentient life in the galaxy. Would that effect the borg since they aren't sentient they only act through a hive mind and are mostly machines? Star Trek as antimatter warheads which can annihilate anything if it is made of matter I think that would rip through a Forerunner Dreadnought considering Forerunner Dreadnoughts have no shields at least known just the hull is the only defense. [/quote] I referenced the Precursor's tech to show just how incredible their "powers" are. Who knows what a species capable of actually accelerating a biological phenomenon that takes millions upon millions of years can do in terms of firepower? Also, it's true that the Halo rings are programmed only to take out only Flood food. But I'm sure some reprogramming here and there can set phasers to stun more than just biomass capable of hosting Flood. Halo rings are thought to use gamma ray bursts to kill the life and like you said, I'm not sure what effect they would have on a species that's mostly machine. I also forgot to mention the Flood. While the Star Trek races could hold them off, the Flood could pose a serious threat in the long run. All it takes is one seed to start a Flood "epidemic". And when they get going, as they did against the Forerunners, they're difficult to stop. We've only seen a smidgen of Forerunner technology and a mini-smidgen of what the Precursors could do. While Star Trek tech is formidable, more than a match for the UNSC and Covenant, I still think the Forerunners and Precursors would trump Star Trek tech. "Jeez, this is a long post. Doesn't this kid have anything better to do than participate in a Star Trek vs. Halo thread? Like, say, study for an IB Physics test tomorrow?" No, no I don't. And screw physics :) [Edited on 05.11.2009 2:23 PM PDT]

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