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2/10/2011 4:00:54 PM

Why Adult Entertainment Videos Can Do Harm - Discussion

[b]-FLAME SUIT ON!-[/b] [b]Disclaimer:[/b] [i]In this thread, I will argue my point as to why in my view p0rn videos do harm, this thread is also aimed at straight men, but most of the principles still can apply to women and -blam!--blam!-s. Before you all attack me in your replies for what ever reason, I would like to you read what I have to say. I am not looking at this from a religious or moral angle, but rather showing examples that could happen in real life. I do not want this to be a religious thread, and I do not want this to become a flat out insulting match between two sides, if it does reach that point, I will inform moderators of what is going on and ask them to lock the thread. Also, please no one post links to anything including nudity as there is no real age limit on these forums. Also, to any moderators who may read this, if you feel that discussion has become to explicit, or that my original post breaches the rules (I don't see how it should, as in nearly every thread there is at least one post closely related to what I am talking about) please lock. Ok, with that out the way, let me continue...[/i] There are three reasons I can see why it would do damage, as such, I will split the rest of this post into three parts. [b]1. Expectation[/b] This can harm relationships for two reasons, first is that for all those people who haven't had sex yet (AKA 99% of the flood) it boosts expectations beyond what can be equaled. You will want your girl friend/wife to look and act like the women you are used to seeing, and as such she isn't adequate. This is known to be the case. If you want to be married, and over time you become bored with your wife, you will want something that looks more like the unnaturally good looking women you have seen in the videos you watch. This will (and has often) led to affairs and break ups in relationships, as well as the man involved feeling resentment to their partner as they don't feel like they are getting what they should. [b]2. Addiction[/b] Most often, if you are in a long term relationship, you're wife/girlfriend wont want you to look at other people having sex. This is very understandable, the only problem is, that many people are addicted (or so they claim) to watching p0rn and -blam!-ion. Most often people seem to think that once they are in a relationship they wont need to resort to over ways of -blam!- stimulation, but in long term relationships (and coupled with the first point I made) means that they resort back to the original method, and cannot give it up, even when their partner finds out about it. [b]3. Objectification[/b] If you are used to having women do what ever you want, when ever you want, when watching videos on your computer, then if you think you do or not, you are making them simply an image or object, which exists only to enhance the way you feel. When this comes to a partner, you may be great friends with them in other occasions, but you will have objectified the female body and the -blam!- act as something simply for your own gain. Sure this isn't for everyone, but for many people it is. Men sometimes asks their parters for a threesome with another woman, but are opposed to their partner asking for a threesome with another man involved. In my eyes neither are right, but if thats what you are into or not, you must see the double standard. If those jokes about the perfect woman being some one who only makes sandwiches and being naked weren't based in anything, they wouldn't exist and people wouldn't find them funny. This also applies to other forms of sex which men like the idea of and women don't want to do, yet they are pressured into. [b]Conclusion[/b] I am not trying to judge anyone, but I have seen too many relationships and marriages break up because of this. Most people probably don't think of how it will effect them in the future, but they need to. Because if they don't address the issue at least, the adult videos will do harm. (clearly, there are some exceptions to the points, such as your partner watching it with you, or them not caring, but this isn't everyone, so the points still stand for those who do care) Again, I am not telling you how to live, just giving you food for thought. So, what is your view? Do you think that you should try and give it up now, before you get into a relationship, or how else should you live your life? [i]- JFKES[/i] [Edited on 02.10.2011 2:02 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MideonNViscera I'd also like to point out that a very large portion of internet pr0n is amatuer, with very realistic looking girls, and in many cases, completely legitimate sex between couples. I'm not sure how that could be misleading.[/quote] This. But honestly, OP is assuming our female partners are going to be non-attractive. Every girl I've been with was honestly more attractive then anyone I've fapped to.

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  • So, if I'm used to women asking me to do whatever they want me to do so they'll be pleased, what does that make me?

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  • I'v never looked at p0rn once in my life and i'm 17

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  • I'd also like to point out that a very large portion of internet pr0n is amatuer, with very realistic looking girls, and in many cases, completely legitimate sex between couples. I'm not sure how that could be misleading.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] valker It was a mistake for me to try it out... I'm three weeks clean, even though that isn't much of an achievement.[/quote] I haven't tried quitting yet, I need to though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES Why would I do either? I am just voicing my opinion on the subject, I never expected the Flood to like what I had to say, but that doesn't mean they don't need to hear it. [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] Lol, need to hear it. What you are saying makes absolutely no sense, you are just bringing up a "controversial" topic to get attention and to make yourself think you are intellectual.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SweetTRIX How does the arguement have no weight? You are accusing adult entertainment of causing something that has been happening for centuries. If anything I just took the heat out of your arguement. I never said it wasn't running with it, I just said it didn't cause it, which is what you have said multiple times up to this point.[/quote]It is causing it, it continues to cause it. Just because it has been happening before does not mean it does not also cause it.[/quote] How can a thing cause something that has already been happening? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. [quote][quote]That is highly debatable. Has there been any evidence of such damage? You can attribut divorce to a great many things that have nothing to do with -blam!-. While -blam!- can be bad for some couples/people I think your bias is extremely obvious, your struggling to paint a negative picture on the subject[/quote]Yes, I have evidence of multiple society that died once the 'family' view broke down. I am tired of people thinking that its all just some fun and it does hurt anyone, only to have it ruin their relationship. I know of multiple cases where this is an occurrence, even if it doesn't break up the couple. [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] Please present such evidence, I want to see something that states and supports that viewing of adult entertainment has caused a breakdown in the "family" view. There are dozens of reasons this happens, widespread acceptance of secksuality in general has more of an impact on such a thing than the adult entertainment industry, and guess how we got there? Women were given equal rights, meaning they now have the right to be as secksual as they desire and look how that has changed thing in the last 3 decades. Yet you blame adult entertainment. I've stated twice now, that for some it is a problem, i've never denied that it could be. But you blaming it for the things you are is utter BS and does little more to show your bias. [Edited on 02.10.2011 11:31 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SweetTRIX That is highly debatable. Has there been any evidence of such damage? You can attribut divorce to a great many things that have nothing to do with -blam!-. While -blam!- can be bad for some couples/people I think your bias is extremely obvious, your struggling to paint a negative picture on the subject[/quote]Yes, I have evidence of multiple society that died once the 'family' view broke down. I am tired of people thinking that its all just some fun and it does hurt anyone, only to have it ruin their relationship. I know of multiple cases where this is an occurrence, even if it doesn't break up the couple. [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] Saying "I have evidence" and not actually posting or specifying evidence is pretty bad form. So is disregarding the evidence (like scientific studies) of the opposing side.

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  • Im horny now. Just kidding, sorry man, but anyone will EVER get rid of pronz on the internet. NEVER. It´s like taking away your left arm or leaving a school without any seats. It just doesnt work the same way.

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  • [b]WHY LOOK AT THE TIME, IT'S DEBATE O' CLOCK [/b] [quote]It is not sexist in the slightest, I said I was aiming this towards men. Of course there is objectification of men as well, how does that make it any better? To use an old saying, two wrongs don't make a right. [/quote] It is sexist because your OP implies that only women can suffer negative effects from -blam!-. The closest thing you suggested as a negative effect for men would be a terminated relationship, which affects both men and women equally, Much like this entire issue. [quote]Actually quite a lot of the p0rn industry involves people who are forced into it. Plus I am saying that the objectification of the women you watch often means you will objectify your partners. That is where the problems arise. [/quote] Neither of us have shown any definite proof to confirm our opinions on this yet. From Wikipedia, this is quite interesting; "Most male performers in straight -blam!- are paid less than their female costars. Ron Jeremy has commented on the pay scale of women and men of the sex film industry: "The average guy gets $300 to $400 a scene, or $100 to $200 if he's new. A woman makes $100,000 to $250,000 at the end of the year.[9] "Girls can easily make 100K-250K per year, plus stuff on the side like strip shows and appearances. The average guy makes $40,000 a year." I know the top wage mentioned here is not astounding, but for a fairly unskilled profession it is a lot. A P0rn actor/actress with no qualifications can live fairly comfortably on this. So if anything, if we look at payment, men are more likely than women to "get trapped" by this profession if they were forced into it - Women would be more likely to "escape" (I would prefer the term "quit") and take on whatever career it is they would move on to next that they would prefer. [quote] Because filming yourself doing him makes it more enjoyable doesn't it? They do it for money. [/quote] For some people, yes. Say, for example, you are in an extremely long term relationship, across continents, and you get to see eachother barely once or twice per year. A film of the two of you together could prove beneficial and help some relationships. Now, some people get HUGE kinks out of other people watching them do the deed - that is why there are such genres as public secks, outdoor secks, etc etc. If the both of you got a kink out of this, why not put it up for people to see? [quote]I came up with this idea myself, no one told it to me. If anything you have been indoctrinated by the internet says that you can watch p0rn with no recessionals, which quite clearly isn't true. Plus what you said about people watch it for enjoyment not to objectify women, I would say that you don't smoke in order to die from it, it is a result that you have little to no control over. [/quote] We're comparing a form of media that is considered dirty to a past-time that can give you cancer. I understand your analogy but you could have used something more simmilar. Actually, search "Bugchasing" on wikipedia (Not on google for crying out loud!). This is proof that some people do things specifically for the negative effects. (I know it's not the issue at hand but it is related). The recessionals you speak of by all means exist in a minute form - Only people with extremely low (social) intelligence could possibly believe the extremes of prawnography to be acceptable, or even desireable. [quote] Of course I have a sex drive. But the whole "I would" is a sign that our society is objectifying women (and men). If it was a simple basic instinct, then we would naturally want to breed with the most healthy women, which isn't the case. It is because of things like p0rn that we look for women to be perfect, and we think that we can think about having sex with them if we want to. You see yes it is the sex drive, but it has been changed thanks to thinks like p0rn. [/quote] First of all, I'd like to thank you for agreeing that men are objectified as well as women. Okay. Let's define the term "objetification" (or objectifying or what have you) ; objectification ; verb (objectifies, objectifying, objectified) * 1 express in a concrete form. * 2 degrade to the status of a mere object: a sexist attitude that objectifies women. "A secksist attitude that objectifies [b] women [/b]". WELL BLEEDIN' WELL, it looks like this little definition is in itself seckist, because it implies only WOMEN can be objectified. Ever seen a group of those moronic, pop-culture obsessed teen girls discuss, for hours on inane hours, how much they LOVE Justin Bieber, or how HAWT Edward whats-his-name from the Twilight novels is? Firstly, if objectification is a bad thing, women are just as guilty of it as men. Secondly, WHO THE BUGGERY SAID IT WAS A BAD THING IN THE FIRST PLACE? Why is it so bad to judge people on their looks? We may as well, as looks are an important part of any relationship. Not THE most important, but almost always an initial factor. 90% of people, I assume, base their first impression of people on looks alone, then mannerisms, and then a whole load of other things (Accent, hygeine, friends, money, anything). Looks are important. For example, uniform (in army, police, whatever) is mandatory. Looks, including clothing fashion, hair, makeup, and particularly tattoos can imply a lot about a person. Note I said imply. I don't see why judging women on their looks (AS WELL AS OTHER THINGS) Is so frowned upon when they seemingly do everything to ajust their looks to a way that satisfies them (Or, a way that imitates their favourite celebrity, fashion, or culture). Lets face it, a large number of men don't care about makeup, hair, fashion or accessories when they want a relationship, because all these factors are lies, a facade that women (and men too) hide behind. The vast majority of people want a natural looking, naturally healthy partner, with a personality that suits the suitor. (I find it wrong that anyone should be forced to change any non-dangerous, non-illegal factors of their personality or lifestyle). The point is, there is a balance between biology and cultural perception in attraction of the opposite secks, and it should be pretty even but it is probably more 65% biology - 35% cultural perception. Wanting to have intercourse with someone abstract based on looks is nothing to be ashamed of (eg "I would) - but acting this out is uncouth in a way, but acceptable in modern society. And I do not agree with this - It spreads STDs and causes a general smuttiness amongst the otherwise normal people who practice it (It being casual secks). My argument has probably kind of trailed off in to a rant by this point. Now, to the feller that said in some African cultures, being overweight is attractive, you are correct. BUT DID YOU KNOW, in most Western cultures, as little ago as just 100 or so years, being overweight was attractive to them, too? It implied wealth and a healthy diet. In this modern time western cultures do not find being overweight attractive because it implies the exact opposite. In the West now, an overweight person is more likely to be lower class and unhealthy, because the cheaper foods avaliable are the most unhealthy, fattening ones. What is attractive changes with the time period, not just culture. Also watching p0rnography and actively cheating on your other half are so extremely different I can't even begin to describe. A partner who sees watching p0rn as being unfaithful is a confused and self centered individual who obviously has identity and image issues and is willing to take it out on the other by [b]BANNING[/b] a hobby completely from them. This makes them extremely undesireable.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Budgetgravy Wow, after reading some more of OPs posts he is obviously just seeking attention and trolling. Never mind.[/quote]Why would I do either? I am just voicing my opinion on the subject, I never expected the Flood to like what I had to say, but that doesn't mean they don't need to hear it. [i]- JFKES[/i] [Edited on 02.10.2011 11:25 AM PST]

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  • Well, lots of relationships break up over insecurities. Pr0n doesn't even cause them all.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SweetTRIX How does the arguement have no weight? You are accusing adult entertainment of causing something that has been happening for centuries. If anything I just took the heat out of your arguement. I never said it wasn't running with it, I just said it didn't cause it, which is what you have said multiple times up to this point.[/quote]It is causing it, it continues to cause it. Just because it has been happening before does not mean it does not also cause it. [quote]That is highly debatable. Has there been any evidence of such damage? You can attribut divorce to a great many things that have nothing to do with -blam!-. While -blam!- can be bad for some couples/people I think your bias is extremely obvious, your struggling to paint a negative picture on the subject[/quote]Yes, I have evidence of multiple society that died once the 'family' view broke down. I am tired of people thinking that its all just some fun and it does hurt anyone, only to have it ruin their relationship. I know of multiple cases where this is an occurrence, even if it doesn't break up the couple. [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] roman arrow12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Budgetgravy Wow, after reading some more of OPs posts he is obviously just seeking attention and trolling. Never mind.[/quote] I'm fairly certain of that, myself.[/quote] I don't think it's an issue of trolling, I just think he is extremely biased on the subject and is pushing his extremist opinion on the subject.

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  • I think he believes what he says.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MideonNViscera [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rambo Stu Flat chested women wearing stockings seem to be hard to come by.[/quote] I swear I see a video that fits that description every day on Clip Hunter haha[/quote]BRB checking out Clip Hunter.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Budgetgravy Wow, after reading some more of OPs posts he is obviously just seeking attention and trolling. Never mind.[/quote] I'm fairly certain of that, myself.

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  • Wow, after reading some more of OPs posts he is obviously just seeking attention and trolling. Never mind.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MideonNViscera Here's the thing. One woman IS inadequate. If I could only have sex with my girlfriend and never watch a pr0n again I would eventually just stop having sex. Thanks to pr0n, I get to mix it up sometimes, keeping my girlfriend from getting stale and keeping me in the game.[/quote]Thats your problem IMO. You hit the nail on the head with that. You think one woman in 'inadequate', there is nothing else I need to say about this line of discussion, everyone can see what I was talking about right there. [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] Yeah, and you say that's wrong, while I say, that's just how it is.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rambo Stu P0rn does not cater to my tastes most of the time. Flat chested women wearing stockings seem to be hard to come by.[/quote]In a way that makes you free from becoming addicted. [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rambo Stu Flat chested women wearing stockings seem to be hard to come by.[/quote] I swear I see a video that fits that description every day on Clip Hunter haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MideonNViscera Here's the thing. One woman IS inadequate. If I could only have sex with my girlfriend and never watch a pr0n again I would eventually just stop having sex. Thanks to pr0n, I get to mix it up sometimes, keeping my girlfriend from getting stale and keeping me in the game.[/quote]Thats your problem IMO. You hit the nail on the head with that. You think one woman in 'inadequate', there is nothing else I need to say about this line of discussion, everyone can see what I was talking about right there. [i]- JFKES[/i]

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  • Pr0n is fine, first time I had sex it was not at all disappointing, even though I had watched massive amounts of pr0n. You people are doing this to yourselves, stop. Stop acting like you can't help it. Control yourself for -blam!-s sake.

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  • P0rn does not cater to my tastes most of the time. Flat chested women wearing stockings seem to be hard to come by.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JFKES [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] roman arrow12 I'm confused as to why you're arguing your position but still completely ignoring all evidence brought against you while not providing any of your own.[/quote]I am confused as to which evidence you posted which went against what I was saying... [i]- JFKES[/i][/quote] Both links on the first post of the previous page. The 49 minute video that is quoted farther down the page (not sure where it was originally posted). [Edited on 02.10.2011 11:21 AM PST]

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  • How about the fact that we've been -blam!- deviants for centuries?

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