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12/2/2023 5:27:15 PM

the great hunt was justified

Now that season of the wish is out, alot people ate having sympathy for the ahamkara. I think these people ate forgetting the havoc they caused around the system. In the lore It is implied prayedth was stuck in the vault of glass, as a result of a ahamkara wish. And let's not forget the ahamkara that made people dance off a cliff. The ahamkara are dangerous and get more dangerous if left alone.
#destiny2 #lore

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  • Ahamkara aren’t good or bad…. But they are probably the universe’s most powerful sh!t-stirrers. And they have a survival need that basically requires them to do it. Ahamkara also have no reason to grant your wish how you want it, but only people who willingly wish to an Ahamkara can sustain it. It’s gotta be a both sides thing. Ahamkaras are basically super-nukes that have a biological need to blow up and that anyone can aim in a general direction…

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    • They also retconned the leader of FWC into a racist/xenophobe, and killed her off, leaving her corpse in a playable area so all the sanctimonious players could giggle and teabag her. They've been trying to push this whole "they are more than just enemies and maybe we're the bad guys for fighting" narrative for quite a while. In the most hamfisted ways...

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      6 Replies
      • Shaxx soloed wish dragon by himself. Idk what cracked build he had but I need it. Probably spammed a heap of grenades.

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        • This entire story is dumb. Why would the witness not wish upon all of the dragons? Guess it conveniently forgot. We get in the portal through means that should have been accounted for considering everything. The entire lightfall story is irrelevant now. Who needs the veil, just wish on a bone and your good. Why did the guardians not wish to vanquish all foes forever millennia ago considering they killed so many dragons. Why did we not think of the bones in all conflicts leading up to this? Red Legion? Dragon bone Seeva? Dragon bone Darkness? Dragon bone This entire writing team is cringe.

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          • Edited by The Bored Chairman: 12/2/2023 11:37:11 PM
            The fault lies on both sides tbh. While people should absolutely be more careful with what they wish for and sometimes get exactly what they deserve, the Ahamkara don't care who it brings harm or joy to. The wish of a saint is just as worthy as the wish of a psychopath. They are like children with a magnifying glass at an anthill. There really was no other option. Send them off to other parts of the galaxy (and have them wreak havoc there), keep them contained (worked so well with Riven) or exterminate them to ensure their power can't be misused by anyone. Don't get the wrong idea about Ahamkaras. They are NOT guilt-free. If they exercised more restraint in their wish-granting, the Great Hunt would've likely never happened. Ahamkara had the power and intelligence to avoid that outcome, but they lacked the will and discipline to make it so. It was an unfortunate outcome created by many factors.

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            • We should hunt down people with terrible lore takes next.

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            • I dont think eliminating an entire species because you're scared of its power justifiable

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            • I mean sure they were a problem. But I’m not sure genocide was the correct response. After one kills or harms people then absolutely hunt it down. But not indiscriminate killing.

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            • But what if the vanguard wished them to be our allies or friends and not to grant wishes that cause harm or that will backfire? Would have been easier and saved time.

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            • Id like to imagine the amount of nova bombs and thunder crash and blade barrage that went off during the great hunt

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            • It really does bother me how often Bungie tries to flip the script and make it seem like we're the bad guys. Like during Forsaken when we were going around killing the Barons. It's like the ending of Shiki all over again, except done even worse.

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              111 Replies
              • If I was a Ninja I would lock this thread. I’ve started seeing a lot of anti-ahamkism rise up even after they suffered from the Ahamkaust. You’re all a bunch of speciesists!!!

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                2 Replies
                • Not to surprising, Bungie has had these weird kick recently of trying to make the enemies we've been shooting and defending humanity against for years suddenly be pitiable. Fallen- Oh they are just poor reflections of what humanity could be and a terrible allegory for real world immigrants...just uhhh, forget their horrifying caste system, that they have raided and killed humanity ever since they arrived, oh, and they ATE BABIES. Hive- Poor things, they were tricked into committing mass genocide for trillions of years... Cabal- They're just proud warrior space rhinos who enslaved entire species and created machines that literally ate planets and blew up suns, oh but they got invaded and lost their homeworld so lets all cry for them. Now Ahamkara- Hey these -blam!- genies need to EAT, so what if they've caused mass havoc and in one's specific case shes locked an entire city in a three week time loop that is STILL happening where the inhabitants are literally forced to repeat the same actions over and over, even if it leads to their death, and many have been so broken over it they no longer care or feel anything. Can't wait to find out all the Vex have wanted is to create a perfect utopia and we just need to let ourselves bathe in the incredibly painful Vex milk so we can join their Hive mind

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                • Edited by Hammer Of YEET: 12/3/2023 8:58:26 PM
                  wHy DoNt wE nUkE tHe DrEaMeInG cItY¿ Ahamkaras came from there, if we nuke, problem solved

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                  2 Replies
                  • Personally I don't have any sympathy for Ahamkara. I'm just here to enjoy conversations like: Petra: Not so much fun when something YOU want is at stake, huh? Mara: Petra! Petra: Apologies, My Queen

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                  • Edited by ForeverLaxx: 12/3/2023 2:29:49 AM
                    The comments defending the Ahamkara are weird. A creature that goads others into making wishes so it can intentionally misinterpret/twist that wish akin to a Monkey's Paw wish doesn't deserve any defenders. If someone wished they could "escape their terrible life" and the dragon killed them where they stood, these people would take the dragon's side.

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                    • Do they even illustrate or explain why the Vanguard genocided these things?

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                    • Since none of this is ever presented in any way in game. I'm gonna say nah

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                        In forum jail again. Be back soon. 💕🥛 - old

                        Only good wish dragon is a dead wish dragon.

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                      • Edited by piratepatchy243: 12/3/2023 3:00:45 PM
                        Huh, -blam!- ing what. [spoiler]Many try to abuse thier ability to grant wishes, only to find out it there's actually a cost and it's never what you want. This applies to both the light and the dark, Riven pulled a fast one on both Orxy and Savathun. They aren't entirely dead either, their bones still hold power and are used as a last resort.[/spoiler]

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                      • Humanity is more dangerous you xenophobe

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                        2 Replies
                        • I agree that ahamkara were undoubtedly dangerous and chaotic but I’m not sure it warranted their extinction/ absolute genocide. After all the ahamkara followed the traveler for some time and yet you’ve never heard the stories of the Elkisni massacring them, I think that because of their power and some bad eggs there was a major overreaction to them. I mean come on, almost every culture on our planet has a mythical creature or fable warning about being careful what you wish for. The people who dealt with Ahamkara always paid a price higher than what they gained and at a certain point someone dealing with them should have already known better from simple gossip, and any bill that they paid was in their head.

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                          8 Replies
                          • There is lore that states the Ahamkara are ontological predators and most can’t but help their predatory instincts, which in this case they feed off the wishes and desires. By this very nature, they are a threat that should be contained or wiped out. It’s sad given they have a very deep story and personalities, but if no one stops them, over time they’d feed on all living creatures’ desires.

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                            13 Replies
                            • Well, a mass murderer game with a mass murderer as protagonist. Us. Of course everyone else must be evil and deserving elimination. Symptomatic for human mankind.

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