The foul words running amok in my head right now... Half of them had almost half-a-second hit registration and almost never missed snipes because YOU CAN'T FLINCH THEM WITH THAT ABSURD LATENCY.
I do not blame them, but SCREW this damn matchmaking already. If you can't find me someone to match against right away, I'LL WAIT! No need to **** off with my chances so hard!
EDIT: And it tried to match me against them again after a couple of matches. Pretty toxic. That's how you finally get me to leave matches. Me not leaving is a kindness.
EDIT 2: And again. I'm not Chinese. This is going to be some feedback for sure.
Last EDIT: Whoa, this post blew up for some reason. I know what I said in the previous edit, but this wasn't what I was expecting. I really meant it as personal feedback if it kept happening afterwards, but...
Try being in regional Australia. The Aussie playerbase has dropped to almost non-existent, it takes me ages to find matches, it usually times out, but when I find matches it's always with Japanese players. I can't solo queue pvp anymore, pvp is not even an option for me now.