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Edited by HeerooML: 4/6/2020 3:42:52 PM

Shotguns need a nerf in PvP

These two weapons are just too good in PvP. There is no chance if they are at a half decent range,you can't win, or you have a shotgun. Why is this so one sided and still not fixed? Snipers are problem too, but more outplayable. Both of these weapon types are kjust too strong in pvp and snipers additionally too easy. Or do you think this is fine? I think they primarily need to fix the ammo issue, why can't they do it like destiny 1? This is was a bit bad solution.

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  • You’re running double primaries. Not even really decent ones.

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  • Laughing at 100+ comments yet with the mass shotgun apes. The only thing to hope for is for a few streamers to get sick of them and then whine for a nerf hammer like they did for Recluse, Erentil, Contraverse, you name it THEN and ONLY then will they take the massive, MASSIVE overuse of shotguns seriously. Not before.

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  • If you can’t kill a guy rushing you with a shotgun in this 0.7s or faster ttk AR meta you’re the problem not the shotgun...

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    • 1 word Bastian

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      4 Replies
      • Shotguns need their range brought back. I'm whiffing a lot lately using them.

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        • If I get close to you and nail you with a shotgun that's on you. If I take your head off with a sniper rifle cause you peaked my lane...that's on you. Shotguns have been nerfed....Snipers have been nerfed enough. Now flinch needs to be directed away from the head on snipers. I will take that fix. But as to blanket nerfs. Nah.

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          • it is not the shotguns that need adjustments only the ones capable of mapping you, also snipers are only problematic because of how flinch works nerfing an entire weapon class would not solve the problem, it would make the 1-2 pain in the ass weapons the only viable option left (look at handcannon nerf just made sure everyone use spare ration, waking vigil and a few exotics since others were outclassed by everything else)

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          • From looking at your current load out, I don’t see anything that can consistently counter shotguners. Your blue smg is the closest thing for CQC. Granted you can get them with anything if they run straight at with no cover.

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            • I personally don't find either to be too troublesome to be honest. Annoying sure, but not aggravating. Shotguns don't bother me too much because if one kills me it's because I let them get too close. Normally I'll backpedal away from a shotgun user, and since I'm usually wearing Wings of Sacred Dawn I can also add vertical distance on top of horizontal distance and just pelt them with my pulse rifle. Generally leaving them helpless unless they switch to another weapon. If I do end up at close range with a shotgun user, my own slug shotguns can usually bean a pellet shotgun from just outside its kill range. If anything snipers are more annoying for me because of the way flinch works. I could be unloading repeated pulse rifle bursts into a sniper, and they'll still land a perfect head shot regardless.

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              1 Reply
              • We tried using Primaries only in Year 1 D2 and it was horrible cause team shooting was a faster ttk than shotgun or snipers

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                • I’m sorry, what are the two weapons? Astral and mindbenders? Or are you talking about snipers and shotguns?

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                  1 Reply
                  • Edited by XmasReaper: 4/6/2020 1:11:52 AM
                    They've already nerfed shotguns this season, how many times do you want it nerfed?

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                    2 Replies
                    • They were already nerfed recently. If you find yourself dying too much to shotguns you should work on positioning/minimap awareness. Im not saying im perfect obviously everyone finds shotguns annoying but the bottom line is that shotguns only can realistically one hit kill you from around 6-7m which is nothing and theres a lot you can do to stay out of that range.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Stop calling for nerf. Just because you died by it a lot doesn't mean it needs a nerf

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                        1 Reply
                        • Edited by Gemini Trash: 4/6/2020 4:02:44 AM
                          Bud, if weapons are available to your opponents they're available to you too. With that being said, you can do your best to work around these weapons or take some on yourself. People have categorically complained about every special weapon that exists. Try this on for size, pick up a special weapon or become a god. Whichever you choose you have no one to blame but yourself. You either had a weapon as good as their's and got slapped because they were better players, or you chose not to use the tools available to you and got slapped because you were unprepared. Wise up dude

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                          2 Replies
                          • You can’t go up against every single team with the same loadout and expect to win. If you have shotguns rushing you, put on a snipe (snipe them before they get close) Or a fusion like the Bastion (that’ll knock them out before the even get into range)

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                          • I find snipers to be more difficult than shotgun players.

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                          • You think shottys are bad now? Let me tell you about a time, long, long ago about Felwinter's lie way back in year 1 D1. It was the worst of times, it was the best of times...

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                            5 Replies
                            • My friend you are gonna fight a up hill battle posting this. Yes shotguns, snipers, and special weapons in general are way to powerful for how much ammo you get for them. Yes it needs nerf it needs to be like D1 where you only get ammo from a crate and player dropped ammo only grants 1 round regardless of how many scavenger perks you got. But players will not agree to that or want it cause "muh power fantasy" or "use a sidearm you NOOB and L2P!!!" because most players want that easy kill.

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                              2 Replies
                              • BTW: I think the most obvius thing isn't to nerf shotty or snipes, but reduce ammo. Not giving them a 2 shot always on every spawn.

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                                3 Replies
                                • Edited by Jeidd: 4/5/2020 11:19:38 PM
                                  Just use sticky nade mountain top it’s hilarious seeing a ape get blown up by the sticky nades😂

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • Did they already get a range nerf recently?

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                                    5 Replies
                                    • Edited by PRIME_-LeGEND: 4/5/2020 9:12:10 PM
                                      Back up. Use a sidearm and then t bag

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                                    • They can't nerf them in PVP without giving telesto a hidden perk that detonates all bolts with the force of 11 supernovas.

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                                    • I find shotguns are now more inconsistent for me. I now need to get closer and sidearms outplay me a lot. More viable varieties of weapons to now use.

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                                    • I think they're fine. Sliding is broken, you shouldn't be able to shoot while doing it. And Quickdraw is just too... "Must have," albeit it can be swapped for Threat Detector without too much trade-off. In terms of raw stats, pellet shotguns are fine as-is. You have summoned me.

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