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3/27/2020 8:57:08 AM

Future Hopes, Dreams, and Ideas for the Future of Destiny 2

These topics that I have listed below are just some of the thoughts that I’ve had over the years of playing Destiny going all the way back to D1 Y1. And I am aware that I might just be repeating some of the things that content creators and streamers have said before. I also understand that a lot of these things might be wishful thinking or a “In a perfect world” scenario. Anyways, I hope you read through it all and feel free to comment what you think about it, even if you disagree. I hope It all makes sense to you guys and if you do agree, please give it an upvote. [u][b]-Meaningful Loot[/b][/u] [i]Retiring Weapons [/I]: I know that this is a hot topic with the community at the moment, but personally for me I feel like it’s something that would need to be done eventually. Yes, I love using Spare Rations and Recluse and all the other meta weapons. But in order to keep the game fresh, some of these weapons are going to have to be retired. The way the I see it, or how I’m thinking it will happen, is that it’ll be by year. So my Y3 weapon will most likely not be viable for content in Y4. (I think Luke Smith confirmed that’s how they wanted it to work but I’m not entirely sure) But if anything, it allows for the player to acquire new loot and to experiment with their load outs. I know that this is personal bias in this but I enjoy grinding for new weapons and armor. That’s what an MMORPG is. The reason why I think this should be a thing is because some fo the weapons from Shadowkeep were just not as good as the weapons from the year before. Because why would I use a Y3 weapon when my Y2 gun with a reload perk/damage perk is still viable, and I can just infuse it to the new power level cap. A way that weapon retirement could mix with the way things are now, is that some of the weapons could be brought over into the new year of content, but with different perks it can roll with. It will be able to still be effective in the new content, but not the point to where it makes the new weapons irrelevant. [i]Curated Weapons and Armor:[/i] Idea to have armor that has a chance to drop with a curated roll, like weapons, where it can come with a set of powerful mods and a mod that can only be found on said curated armor roll. This can also apply to some of the curated weapons that can drop already from activities that can drop with a specific perk [i][u][b]-Go Back to The 2 Expansion system[/b][/u] (Some of this may sound confusing but bear with me):[/i] Bungie has proven that they can pump out a lot of content in three months, but they even said themselves that this system is very strenuous for their employees. This is why I believe that they should go back to the 2 expansions per year model. Yes, I know that they historically don’t have a good track record with this system, but I think there’s a possibility of a “best of both worlds” kind of thing that could happen. Since these kinds of expansions lasts for about six months, they would be allowed to combine two seasons of work into one expansion to bring us a fleshed out story, and meaningful content to last the whole expansion. How I see it is that with the two expansion model, they can add more content and add onto the seasonal activities and be able to flash them out instead of having to create a whole new activity with new mechanics and entirely new rewards. They could still do two passes of rewards at the three month mark to add more loot into the game, but it would be included int the expansion so you wouldn’t be paying for two passes. Also, this would allow them to add onto the seasonal content to keep it fresh (Whether that be new encounters, activities, mechanics, or missions). [one issue I see with what I just brought up: This could very well be just as taxing on the employees as it would be with what they are doing now with the seasonal model] But this could allow Bungie to complete a narrative or storyline and allow Bungie’s idea of a flowing storyline to be conducted easier and make more sense instead of having a bunch of subplots interconnected very loosely. Which brings me to my next point [u][b]-Story Telling[/b][/u] Destiny has an amazing and fantastic story, but in order to get the most out of the story, the player has to either go look up and read the lore cards or go and watch a Byf video to learn more about it. I think that bungie should Implement the Lore into the game with cutscenes, not just lore cards. I’m not saying that they should add ALL the lore into cutscenes but move some of the stuff from lore cards into the narrative so that it can add to the story being told to the player. As stated with going back to the 2 expansion system, it still allows them to build off of the story the set when said expansion released and could actually allow bungie to conclude stories and flow into the next. A pet peeve that I have with the storytelling is that the big bads don’t really feel memorable. Remember Penoptes? I didn’t feel as scared of him as I did when I faced Oryx. Xol was supposed to be a powerful worm god and he went down super easy. (I know he was the weaker of the worm gods but still a worm god nonetheless). I also understand that Warming was more endgame focussed but I still feel like it should have meant something to defeat a worm god. This brings me to an idea that maybe Bungie could experiment combining the story and the endgame. I’ll stick with the Warming expansion for this example. You could have story missions all the way to Nokris be easily accessible right off the bat, but maybe make it so that it requires some grinding to be of level to run the final mission against Xol, but not on the same level of Xol so that he is still a challenge. (Mission is say 330 but Xol himself is 340). I feel like this could have added a challenge and a sense of accomplishment for defeating him. This could have also allowed for the use of escalation protocol to be used to help level up. (I know that leveling was a pain in that expansion and that it was more endgame focussed, but I was just using those missions and the activity as an example for something they could do in the future). Another thing that Bungie could do is to go more in depth for some of the enemies we face to add on to the threat they supposedly are. (Ex. Hasladun. Yes, we know that she was the daughter of Crota, but that was kind of just it. Show us something that makes us fear her, show us why she was important to the story rather than a strike boss that we needed to defeat to obtain that essence.) And for the love of god have our guardian speak more. Maybe have some choosable dialogue, something to where we can relate more to out guardian [u][b]Other (Very Extreme Ideas)[/b][/u] More challenging 6-player matchmake activities:[/i] Yes I know that it would be very difficult and very reliant of having teammates that knew what they were doing. But The Menagerie did a really good job of implementing mechanics that were never explained and had to be learned by doing or looking up guides. Maybe implement that idea into future activities but still help the players know what to do with markers, display texts. (Example: Maybe an encounter has a mechanic where it choses one player at a time to go and kill an enemy that drops and orb, The player then grabs said orb and deposits it into a relic to build a buff for a damage phase on a boss. That process repeats with the other players until the sixth player is chosen to go to said relic and to pick up the buff and does some sort of interaction to begin the damage phase) [i]Bring back Weekly Rotators: [/i]This can be a new source of powerful and pinnacle gear. The weekly rotators can include the weekly story mission, weekly nightfall, and weekly raid. These activities could have the contest modifier on and other modifiers that could be added on that would increase it’s difficulty but reward the player significantly [i]Adjustment of EXP:[/i] This is going to be a hot take, but as of now, bounties are the biggest source of experience and the core activities don’t give close to enough experience as the bounties do. An idea for that is the adjust the way experience is given to the player. More experience should come from completing the staple activities (strikes, crucible matches, and gambit) and milestones, and the bounties (more specifically daily bounties) should be there to aid it, not be the main source of it. Keep the weekly bounty experience gain the same, increase the experience gained from completing strikes, crucible matches, and gambit, and decrease the amount of experience gained from daily bounties [i]Better Subclass Trees:[/i] This is probably something that would come with Destiny 3, but I think a lot of the community would be more satisfied with the Destiny 1 version of subclasses which would allow for more customization to subclasses than the “4 perks per subclass tree” that Destiny 2 has now. Maybe add a feature where the player can create custom trees with the subclass perks so that they can create multiple builds of a subclass and easily switch from one to the other. (Example: A warlock could have a saved void walker preset where they have devour and cataclysm saved to build 1, and then can switch to void walker build 2 where it has handheld supernova and the tri-bomb from D1 saved to preset 2) [i]Very Random and Specific Idea: [/i]Have us be able to name out guardian. Maybe not our gamertag (because that would be a mess), but to be more voice-actor friendly, have a set list of names we could use and have characters like Zavala or Shaxx say our guardians name instead of just “gaurdian”. Or maybe something like “god killer” or “king slayer”

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  • One Final Note: I know that the things that I’ve mentioned have no way of being implemented into the game. It’s not MY game, It’s Bungie’s game. But with that being said, I know that these ideas are not something that can be implemented in one season of even one year. Bungie has created a HUGE game and already has a lot of items on their list to take care of. I also know that they don’t have the resources that they used to have when they were with Activision, but with that being said. TAKE YOUR TIME WHEN IT COMES TO RELEASING NEW CONTENT. Pardon the pun but Bungie literally controls their own Destiny. They have the power to set dates that works with them and (I would assume) have the ability to push those dates back if needed to polish the game more. They did that with Shadowkeep, and they did it with Trials. Take. Your. Time. We will learn to be patient. I have a deep love for this game and still have faith that Bungie can make this game the way that it was meant to be.

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