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Clan Recruitment

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3/10/2020 11:43:52 AM

xXShadowBringersXx – (US) PC clan RECRUITING & looking for active players!!!

Hello fellow guardians, I would like to invite you to “xXShadowBringersXx”, our clan that has been geared up to take on Destiny at its full capacity. Our clan strives to be tight nit and helpful to all members. But we need your help as well. We are looking for active players who love "Destiny 2". I have set up quite a few different features for the clan with more to come to help us on our journey. Below you will find the link that you can join our chat on Discord. This clan does not focus on just ONE type of activity but on ALL activities. I would like to plan weekly raids that are open to all and encourage grouping up and tackling activities. My goal in the future is to form multiple raid groups and with the recent confirmation of Trials of Osiris returning I would like to form some PVP groups as well. But the time is now to get together and prep for these activities. The only rule is to be active in chat or in game. This does not mean you need to play or chat everyday however we are looking for players who are not afraid to be involved with the clan and clanmates. Everyone must be respectful to others and most importantly let’s joke around and have fun. If interested feel free to submit your request to join and use the link below for our Discord. Your request will be approved once verified on discord. For any questions you may also DM me directly through discord. Discord: Steam Community: Thanks, djcliatt2

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