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Edited by Sector Z: 1/29/2013 2:14:00 PM

ODST not appreciated for what it is:

Recently, I've heard far too many unfounded complaint about the lack luster of ODST, that it isn't a good Halo title, or doesn't even deserve to sit[i] with[/i] the other Halo titles. Hear me out, ODST is much more than the gameplay; other factors have to be taken into consideration. [b]The Character[/b] No longer are we playing the role of a galactic hero; this time around, we're more of a human being than ever before. This different tone and sense of survival is fresh and relieving. Quite a few players disagreed with the decision to not implement Master Chief, but think about it: Chief has been exploited for almost all of his potential thus far and a new face was open up another aspect of a, generally speaking, linear in-game universe. It should be seen as a welcome choice. [b]The Story[/b] Not to beat the dead horse, ODST is nothing like any other Halo game. You're not on a sole mission to save the galaxy, you're not the turn-to-guy that can't fail. Rather, you're in an relatively small world and you're only choice is to unravel the mystery of the previous few hours. Why was ODST's story valuable and intriguing? Because it brought to the table a more human element. The story brings you back [i]before[/i] the Covenant landed on Earth, and explains the social tensions that proceeded the hours to follow. it shouldn't be taken for granted the venture Bungie took into their established anecdote. [b]The Gameplay[/b] Putting firefight aside, ODST showed us that we, the players, can have fun without being a walking tank. Honestly, there shouldn't be too many upset with the gameplay, it still handles like Halo. In fact, the planning ahead notion put forth by the series is emphasized here as momentary choices seriously affect how the next arena would play out, much like Halo: CE What this also creates is an underlying understanding to the atmosphere that ODST aimed to create. [b]The Music[/b] The somber mood given to ODST is one that is easily recognized by players and fans alike. Once again, keep in mind you're not a Spartan and the general Halo theme is not called for. Referring back to the emotion extracted in Marty's pieces, his work is shy beauty (personally speaking). With a completely new set-list, ODST defined itself from the other Halos with sax-solos and brand new orchestral pieces, traditional in his work. To wind down, Halo 3: ODST is, of course, a different and new new Halo. It deserves as much praise that's given to Halo 2; considering the well executed Character, Story, Gameplay, and Musical score, with a one-year development plan and the small number of hands recognized. ODST is not a game to be complained about. There's no[i] real [/i]significant faults with the game, and remember that it's intent was essentially to be a larger Ad-On. [url=]Dramatis Personae[/url]
#Halo3 #Halo #ODST

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sector Z 157 It's funny. Generally, the public reception is that "It's not like Halo.". I disagree, Halo Reach is the least Halo-like while ODST neatly falls in line with the rest of Halo canon, and the gameplay is fresh, rather than casual-friendly. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JerSagun21 I too agree...ODST is my favorite Halo campaign. Not sure why so much hate for it other than cry babies whining about the price[/quote][/quote] I agree, Halo: Reach is the least like Halo and Halo 4 will soon follow that trend. ODST is basically the last real taste of Halo we'll ever get. Even with Halo Anniversary, I keep getting the feeling while playing it that 343 tried to make it feel more like Halo: Reach. Halo 3: ODST shared the same game engine as Halo 3 which is why they had the same graphics pretty much (though ODST was slightly improved). I feel Halo graphics were the best at Halo 3 in terms of style. Sure Halo: Reach had better graphics and higher resolutions, but I just didn't like the art style of Halo: Reach. Halo 3's style was perfect and reminds people that it's a Halo game. ODST kept that same style. With Halo Anniversary, they just copied and pasted Halo: Reach textures. I'd be ok with that if they used Halo 3 graphics for Halo Anniversary, but in 343's eyes, Halo: Reach is now the new standard for future Halo games. I think ODST could've been a great Halo game if Bungie had made it a full fledged Halo game with its own multiplayer and Forge. But otherwise, it had a great campaign. With Halo: Reach bungie tried to take the Halo story in a new direction/style. I didn't like the direction they went with Reach. However, ODST got it right. It's a new direction for the Halo story, but it doesn't alienate the classic Halo feel.

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