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10/2/2010 2:15:48 AM

Credit Resets

Good evening, We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers. A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives. A more comprehensive pass will be occuring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider. Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread. [b]Edit 1[/b]: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!) b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!) Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via itentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.) Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't. [b]Edit 2[/b]: 1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try. 2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry. [Edited on 10.01.2010 9:02 PM PDT]
#Reach #Halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] umm with a 1.13 kd you don't get to call anyone a scrub but the guy in the mirror.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] X BC73 X Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.[/quote] Congrats on the engagement! Now, whine harder, butthurt crybaby.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BoiIed Frogs My point is, you can't suddenly decide to ban people for doing something in your game that you allowed to happen, because if you allowed it to happen you either prove that; 1. It's meant to be that way. 2. You didn't test your own game enough before releasing it. [/quote] Unplugging your ethernet cable is not part of the game.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BoiIed Frogs Nothing's a glitch until it gets fixed. Maybe it's a glitch that the needler homes in on targets (rediculous but just proving a point) and everybody will soon be banned for using this gun. My point is, you can't suddenly decide to ban people for doing something in your game that you allowed to happen, because if you allowed it to happen you either prove that; 1. It's meant to be that way. 2. You didn't test your own game enough before releasing it. Neither of which should mean paying customers should have to pay the price for lazy development.[/quote] [quote]2. You didn't test your own game enough before releasing it.[/quote] Please, tell me why Bungie would have any reason to pull out their Ethernet cables when testing their Daily Challenge system to see if it had any effect on them. Or any other game mechanic for that matter. And also point me to a game which has spent 13 years in solid testing conditions to root out every single possible bug in every single possible loophole in the game.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MMMMMonster Man, I am new to these kinda games and beyond MW2 and Halo 3, I don't have any other games. I am just saying that although this ban won't affect Bungie's profits or fan base substantially (in fact it may bring more confidence to online play), I just felt that their action was wrong--even if it was more lenient than what microsoft would have done if they had evidence of cheat or tampering. I just feel awful for player who innocently thought that their farming techniques and challenge resetting wouldn't earn them a ban since Bungie never formally addressed the problem or warned them of it. And to those who were reset--I feel that although Bungie's punishment may be "fair" it was not okay of them to punish people for exploiting their in-game glitches and shortcomings without appropriately warning/informing them. That is all. [/quote] You have got a point and i think they could have given more warning, but they have always had the tip during matchmaking "Network manipulation will get you banned" and the Terms of Service.... as well as common sense, the cheats are generally not something you stumble into and doing them over again is malicious and people trying to game the system

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  • Well if wer'e gonna give a background Jay I might as well too. I'm 26, with a bachelors in history, with a focus in european history, a minor in psych and I'm currently working 50 hours a week while taking care of my 6 year old parentless half brother and trying to get a bachelors in CJ(almost done), I've been with my girl for three years nov. 16th and we're engaged, haven't set a date yet due to me enlisting in the army at the end of November... Now that being said, stop replying to my posts u scrub. Emp erno, I never called myself mpg pro, but compared to u, I might as well be lunchbox LOL. I posted to make a point, not to be criticized by scrubs...again, anyone with half a brain and some skill, I know your out there because halo isn't like cod, it takes skill to play, please answer my previous question of how I ruined your INGAME experiance. Also, emp, I like all the boosted camaign commendations, ur so legit bro. Captain Grade 2 two weeks ago, before challenge resetting as well. No animocity was intended in my posts but I'm not gonna be called unlegit by scrubs I wipe the floor with because I boosted for armour...I boosted for something that never affected anyone gameplay and I accept the punishment...I just don't like the idea of scrubs calling me unlegit.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emperor Erno [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jaythenerdkid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emperor Emo Get over yourself, calling people lady and little girl doesn't make you come across as some grizzled American soldier. You violated the Terms of Service. Stop trying to justify it.[/quote] Meh. People do this online all the time - find out I'm a girl, and then attack that because they don't have any other arguments. Turns out that having breasts and a -blam!- doesn't mean I'm automatically wrong, but targeting me for being a girl pretty much guarantees that the whiner in question is overcompensating for either a) their complete lack of a life, or b) their incredibly tiny and flaccid genitals. Either way, my usual response is to look at how awesome my life is, shrug my shoulders and chalk up another failure of evolution.[/quote] I wasn't even aware you were a girl, haven't been reading everything too closely, though when you talked about your upper soprano range I did a double-take. But yeah, a few of my female gamer friends get that a lot. Largely from screeching, prepubescent boys.[/quote] Yeah, I usually only get it from little kids, or forty-year-olds with massive misogyny issues. A lot of my male friends are gamers, and they couldn't care less what my sex is - they just want someone to game with. I'm not really an FPS girl, so I generally don't do the multiplayer thing, but when I do it with people who know me IRL, I don't get any of that stupid sexist stuff. And most of the gamer boys I've met online have been fairly decent, too - in fact, there have been a lot of great folks in this very thread. I'm thinking of going and friending all the people who've amused me with their witty shutdowns in an effort to expand my XBL friends list beyond my boyfriend and his friends. :P The stereotype of the sexist gamer boy is based on a very vocal minority of douches who can't stomach the idea that girls are good for anything other than being sex objects. Unfortunately, pretty much every member of that minority seems to be out in force in this thread. Fortunately, they're still being smacked down by the people who are cool enough to know better. (By the way, I could have just as easily talked about perfecting my lower tenor range - I'm a very versatile singer. XD)

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  • Nothing's a glitch until it gets fixed. Maybe it's a glitch that the needler homes in on targets (rediculous but just proving a point) and everybody will soon be banned for using this gun. My point is, you can't suddenly decide to ban people for doing something in your game that you allowed to happen, because if you allowed it to happen you either prove that; 1. It's meant to be that way. 2. You didn't test your own game enough before releasing it. Neither of which should mean paying customers should have to pay the price for lazy development. I'm going to be scared when I play Halo now, incase something I do is only allowed because a Bungie member forgot to fix it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] qbnstephen [quote] [b]Posted by[/b]: MMMMMonster Look man, I am not reset--I just feel that what Bungie did in this situation is morally wrong. Although players exploited a cheat in their game--(although I am not sure how they would gather this information to a high enough level of certainty)--they should have had the decency and respect of their consumers and fans to give a friendly warning or a mass message for the glitches. Bungie could have patched the glitch without incident, but severely tarnished their image to many players by mass banning. By the way it gives no unfair advantage in a game since cr only buys armor--which is purely aesthetic and does not affect gameplay. So that warning in Xbox Lives agreement I don't think should be referenced with regards to cr boosting. [/quote] You cant say "it gives no unfair advantage in a game since cr only buys armor" while farming/cheating to get said credits! and if they are purely looks why does it matter? why cheat? [quote] [b]Posted by[/b]: MMMMMonster Not his fault if Bungie makes a faulty game that has different ways to exploit it. It is only against the rules if there is a set of rules that says it can't be done. Since Bungie made this game incredibly easy to farm and glitch cr, why should the player be punished--especially with out appropriate warning. Bungie should be ashamed of their actions and claim some responsibility for this issue rather than ban or reset loyal players who were never formally told that their actions could result in a ban/reset. [/quote] Name ONE game that doesn't have some sort of glitch that allows cheating/modding especially during its first month of sale. The Xbox agreement applies to ALL cheating and Modding, no exception, they got off lightly, they could have been banned and their xbox bricked. Sorry to be kind of angry but if they let cheaters get away with this the game quickly goes to hell[/quote] Man, I am new to these kinda games and beyond MW2 and Halo 3, I don't have any other games. I am just saying that although this ban won't affect Bungie's profits or fan base substantially (in fact it may bring more confidence to online play), I just felt that their action was wrong--even if it was more lenient than what microsoft would have done if they had evidence of cheat or tampering. I just feel awful for player who innocently thought that their farming techniques and challenge resetting wouldn't earn them a ban since Bungie never formally addressed the problem or warned them of it. And to those who were reset--I feel that although Bungie's punishment may be "fair" it was not okay of them to punish people for exploiting their in-game glitches and shortcomings without appropriately warning/informing them. That is all.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 By the way its bungies folt for having this cheat out in the open in the first place, not ours. [/quote] Do you seriously believe this makes it okay to cheat? They didn't leave it out in the open, they didn't go "Hey guys! Want some easy cR? Check [i] this [/i] out!" The fact that they overlooked an exploit does not mean they're condoning its use. Not nailing down all your possessions does not mean it's okay for a burglar to steal them.

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  • A one day cR earning ban, it's been 2 days were I'm at and i still cant get cR and I also haven't been reset yet, so please Bungie make up your mind unban me or reset me

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  • Yeah some of those 'cheaters' were legit...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RossCoBrit Network Programmer: Oh god. Oh god. Really? Can we stop them? Surely they would prefer MoH? Oh god. My poor netcode.[/quote] That is a statement full of win

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  • i was wondering how we had colonel grade 3 ranks guys in the other side when the game had only been out a week now i know ..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KSI_Hallucinate [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that (1)banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch,(2) sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this.(3) Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. (4)Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] (1)there are 1 million + playing this game. and 15,000 isnt anyhthing at all. (2)Bungie does not need to warn players doing this cheat. The warning was when you signed up for Xbox Live: [url][/url] [quote]5: How You May Not Use the Service -[b]use or distribute unauthorized cheats, macros, or scripts; or -exploit a bug, or make an unauthorized modification, to any software or data to gain unfair advantage in a game , contest, or promotion.[/b][/quote] (3) Bungie will not lose Profit (note i spelled the word right you didn't. you failed grammar school.) They already have all of thoses 15,000 people's either $60 or $150 for Legendary. (4) UMAD[/quote] ohh im crying i got one word wrong, call the cops... -[b]use or distribute unauthorized cheats, macros, or scripts. ^ By the way its bungies folt for having this cheat out in the open in the first place, not ours. (4) UMAD ^USAD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KSI_Hallucinate its too late, u messed up. what ur going to tell a judge when u murdered someone "im Sorry" and then u get off the hook? nope. and dont worry, im letting you know now, ur never getting what u had before being reset becuase Bungie is not just doing this to 15,000 people who at hard work looked into this problem to find you cheaters. the cR/Rank/Armor u unlocked, Gone until u reach where u were again LEGITLY and with no help from the commedations currently left as what they were. so u sir got pooped on by the Banhammer[/quote] i never said i wonted it all back im saying i was dum to glitch it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch, sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] Two things: 1. Dont cheat 2. Bungie wont lose a cent, i would be surprised if you get your "Money back" you would be able to trade in which may lose bungie a little money but their "profet" (lol) will be fine

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that (1)banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch,(2) sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this.(3) Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. (4)Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] (1)there are 1 million + playing this game. and 15,000 isnt anyhthing at all. (2)Bungie does not need to warn players doing this cheat. The warning was when you signed up for Xbox Live: [url][/url] [quote]5: How You May Not Use the Service -[b]use or distribute unauthorized cheats, macros, or scripts; or -exploit a bug, or make an unauthorized modification, to any software or data to gain unfair advantage in a game , contest, or promotion.[/b][/quote] (3) Bungie will not lose Profit (note i spelled the word right you didn't. you failed grammar school.) They already have all of thoses 15,000 people's either $60 or $150 for Legendary. (4) UMAD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Emperor Erno [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch, sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] Go and Google the day 1 sales of Reach, then the total sales so far, then have another think about whether you and your 15'000 co-cheaters will bankrupt Bungie.[/quote] I didnt say they'd bankrupt, i said loss of profet. Anyways thats 15,000 people they wont get back. Hey, its not my loss... By the way im 4/5ths legit, i did not use the challenge boosting to excess and i played every single day since the game released getting to lt. Colonel. Those 2 weeks ill never get back and i wish i had never got the game in the first place.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] These posts are awesome. 15000 cheaters leaving the service is a good thing. I just feel sorry for the CoD developers, I can just picture them now: Producer: Good news guys, Halo just kicked 15000 network spoofers and lots of them say they are coming to CoD! Network Programmer: Oh god. Oh god. Really? Can we stop them? Surely they would prefer MoH? Oh god. My poor netcode.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch, sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] Sorry, but you're seriously trading in a fantastic games just because some pixels on your screen have changed from a star or whatever to a grey line? Personally, I'd be happy to play this game with or without rank, because I can enjoy the fun of it. And isn't that what gaming is about? [Edited on 10.03.2010 4:10 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BubblEz0000 Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch, sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach. [/quote] Go and Google the day 1 sales of Reach, then the total sales so far, then have another think about whether you and your 15'000 co-cheaters will bankrupt Bungie.

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  • Well done Bungie! Exploiters will be looked down upon from the entire community! Better luck next time guys! Lol epic fail

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  • Why Bungie did this? i do not know. This mass ban with most probably result in a majour downfall in players within the next few days. All my friends have taken thier copies back today, and tomorrow i may possibly too. Bungie, you should have thought ahead of this, if you did think you should have realised that banning in great masses means your game is going to go down, FAST! Bungie, i believe this ban was un-needed, seeings that you could have patched this glitch, sent a message over Reach saying 'STOP BOOSTING 'etc. I saw a video of an employee saying 'we want reach to be packed so reach can go on for 3 or more years'. This is not going to happen, becuase of this. Those 15,000+ people will get their money back resulting in a lose in profet. Sorry Bungie but, me, a loyal follower has lost all hope for Reach.

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  • its too late, u messed up. what ur going to tell a judge when u murdered someone "im Sorry" and then u get off the hook? nope. and dont worry, im letting you know now, ur never getting what u had before being reset becuase Bungie is not just doing this to 15,000 people who at hard work looked into this problem to find you cheaters. the cR/Rank/Armor u unlocked, Gone until u reach where u were again LEGITLY and with no help from the commedations currently left as what they were. so u sir got pooped on by the Banhammer

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  • [quote] [b]Posted by[/b]: MMMMMonster Look man, I am not reset--I just feel that what Bungie did in this situation is morally wrong. Although players exploited a cheat in their game--(although I am not sure how they would gather this information to a high enough level of certainty)--they should have had the decency and respect of their consumers and fans to give a friendly warning or a mass message for the glitches. Bungie could have patched the glitch without incident, but severely tarnished their image to many players by mass banning. By the way it gives no unfair advantage in a game since cr only buys armor--which is purely aesthetic and does not affect gameplay. So that warning in Xbox Lives agreement I don't think should be referenced with regards to cr boosting. [/quote] You cant say "it gives no unfair advantage in a game since cr only buys armor" while farming/cheating to get said credits! and if they are purely looks why does it matter? why cheat? [quote] [b]Posted by[/b]: MMMMMonster Not his fault if Bungie makes a faulty game that has different ways to exploit it. It is only against the rules if there is a set of rules that says it can't be done. Since Bungie made this game incredibly easy to farm and glitch cr, why should the player be punished--especially with out appropriate warning. Bungie should be ashamed of their actions and claim some responsibility for this issue rather than ban or reset loyal players who were never formally told that their actions could result in a ban/reset. [/quote] Name ONE game that doesn't have some sort of glitch that allows cheating/modding especially during its first month of sale. The Xbox agreement applies to ALL cheating and Modding, no exception, they got off lightly, they could have been banned and their xbox bricked. Sorry to be kind of angry but if they let cheaters get away with this the game quickly goes to hell

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