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Edited by a_dmg04: 1/30/2019 8:19:29 PM

The RNG drops for titles needs to be addressed before the Physical Seals on the Bungie Store are unavailable -- This cannot be ignored much longer.

As one of the many players who have yet to get Rivensbane/Cursebreaker due to missing one or more of the rare RNG drops necessary to complete the collection, I think Bungie is underestimating how frustrating of a situation has been created. With exactly 2 months left to complete these triumphs and redeem the codes to buy the Physical Seals on the store, the chance continues to increase that a great many of us will be locked out of purchasing them through no fault of our own. These memorabilia are specifically marketed towards Destiny's "Hardcore" players -- The same people who sherpa raids and the whisper missions, dedicate hundreds of hours towards progressing our characters, and chase day one completions of endgame content. The fact that it's entirely likely that a great many of these hardcore players will not be able to obtain physical mementos of their investment in this game despite maximizing their possible attempts at these drops every week is frustrating and somewhat disheartening. It feels like Destiny is telling me that it doesn't respect the time or dedication I put into it as a hobby. Even if Bungie has learned this lesson and addresses this in new seals going forwards, they cannot ignore Cursebreaker/Rivensbane. These NEED to be fixed, and it has to happen before a large number of players are locked out of the possibility of purchasing the physical seals. From my perspective I can think of 5 possible solutions to this problem that Bungie has: 1. [b]Greatly increase the drop rate on these items[/b]. If this is to be an effective solution the drop-rate needs to increase to about 20-25%, and it needs to happen SOON. Currently the estimated drop-rates I've seen for items such as 1KV and the DC Cosmetics are about 3-5%. 2.[b] Implement RNG protection for these Items[/b]. The drop-rate needs to increase by a Significant amount for each completion in which the item isn't obtained. Considering how little time is left to get these items the increase in drop rate needs to be about 5% per failure, maxing out to 100% after approximately 18 or so misses. For the Ship from the shattered throne it needs to be even higher, considering we have only 9 more tries before the deadline (and that's if you include this week) 3. [b]Guarantee these items from certain difficult triumphs[/b]. This idea has gained a lot of traction, and I think for good reason. It feels good to be rewarded for performing difficult gameplay feats, and knowing that you actually earned your gear. Reward 1KV from Petra's Run, Reward DC ship from solo Shattered Throne, etc. The only possible limitation I see with this idea is whether it's technically possible for Bungie to retroactively reward these items for triumphs players completed and redeemed weeks/months ago. 4. [b]Allow us to grind for these items[/b]. If we can run the content as many times as we want in a week for more chances at the item dropping, then the low drop rates are less of an issue. Sure, it may be tedious to have to run the ascendant challenge 30+ times to get the cosmetic item to drop, but at least it reduces total gambling to a test of patience. 5. [b]Remove the these items from the requirement for the seal[/b]. It might still take me until July to get 1KV this way, but at least I won't be locked out of getting the title and purchasing the seal. dmg and cozmo, if we could have some sort of communication on this topic. I've yet to see it addressed as a possible issue anywhere (although it's entirely possible I just missed it). I'd like to know if the dev team is at least aware that this is an issue that a significant number of us are concerned about. Please, pass it along.

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  • Hey all, 1. The team is aware of feedback on RNG requirements for Titles. 2. We are currently working with the Bungie Store team concerning dates for pins behind these seals. We'll provide more information when possible.

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    96 Replies
    • Edited by chris-25187: 9/8/2019 1:11:18 AM
      Disheartening to say the least. If there are certain times to acquire the seals or if Bungie does away with them altogether in preparation for Shadowkeep just imagine how many Guardians will drop out of the Destiny universe altogether. This is would be an incredibly overwhelming and sad future for the title, for those of us who actually put in the time. Why take all of that away? The fate of Destiny's growing playerbase rests in Bungie's hands.

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    • I still need the ghost shell. Ascendant challenge every week on 2-3 characters and still hasn’t dropped. It shooukd have been a guaranteed drop after completion of the 6th ascendant time challenge. At least that demonstrates skill and determination.

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    • I don’t understand the difficulty of just putting all cosmetics or anything in the raid/DC behind a clear wall. Like say 50 raid clears. That way everyone who is truly hardcore will have it, and you can still get good RNG along the way and not have to take 50.

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    • I’ve been 10/11 for Cursebreaker for the last 3 months because of the Dreaming City ship. I’ve been 15/16 for Rivensbane for nearly a month because of the raid sparrow Each week I don’t get one or two of those items I say out loud, “Well, gotta wait till next week”

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    • Ya you right it seems that the more you play the less chance of getting the drop I've done 5000 hours and have a triumph level of 65550 so you would think I would have more than 1 seal no I've just the 1.

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      7 Replies
      • It's not just those two titles, Dredgen and Wayfarer are the exact same - locked behind RNG cosmetic drops. I finally got my wayfarer title the other night after hundreds of sleeper nodes. Any fun or sense of acclompishment had been totally drained from it with the sheer boredom of the grind and frustration with the whole RNG farce. At this stage they might as well just put titles in Engrams as an RNG drop becase that's what it boilers down to.

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        9 Replies
        • Another week of all bounties, dc story missions, ascendant chests and challenges, purification rituals and shattered throne on all three characters with nothing to show for it. Until Bungie addresses this, I'm done.

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          1 Reply
          • Been stuck trying to get ghost and ship to get curse breaker for over month it's so frustrating and stupid

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          • RNG in destiny is garbage and doesnt respect players time investment. you can farm for months and not get an item and other people get it immediately or on the first try. what -blam!-ing sense does that make. RNG bungie's paychecks since they like RNG so 40 hours this week and maybe get paid...maybe not...good luck next week guardians!

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            3 Replies
            • Can someone please explain this..the  refurbished black armory shader it's the last thing I need for the badge. I know its RNG but this is over the top now... I have done 400 forges with around 300+ of the guns that drop the shader dismantled (galliard, tango, swift ride, bad news, atalanta-D, dead man walking, baligant, show of force, acantha and hoosegow) and still no shader.[quote][/quote] I'm putting more hours in trying to get it everyday and still nothing?! A shader shouldn't be this hard to get........I also need 1k voices for the seal but I have lost all hope in getting that..was hopping I could get the blacksmith seal but yet again locked for cuz of a blue shader.....

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              3 Replies
              • I think it would be fair for the triumphs to be updated for example CURSEBREAKER SHIP = complete 15 shattered thrones. GHOST = 30 Story missions. SPARROW = Open 30 chests in ascendant challenges.

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              • Doesn't Bungie want our money? I've wanted to buy that Cursebreaker seal since Forsaken dropped and no ghost since then. I have 3 characters and do allllll the things every week. I even did the extra Dreaming City things: solo the Throne, all Ascendant Time Trials, all extra destination triumphs, ALL the lore has been collected, and etc etc. More then anything, the story is my favorite and I'm engulfed in the Dreaming City story....but still no ghost. (Also missing ship for Dredgon and sparrow and bow for Rivensbane, but I honestly gave up on those seals). Bungie, I've said it many times, you guys ruined these seals. They don't show off how skilled or dedicated of a player you are, they just show off how lucky you are. You see someone with a Cursebreaker seal, whats the first thought that pops to mind? "Thats one lucky son of a gun" not "that person worked hard for that." You guys hyped these Titles like they were going to be some cool thing to show off, but all they do is show off how lucky you are. All you did was cause rifts between players instead of bringing them together. The cosmetics should be offered with completing harder tasks, along with the RNG if you decide to just try to be lucky. For example, give the guy the ship for soloing the Throne. Or give that gal a ghost for completing all the ascendant time trials. (Pretty please?) Make the sparrow drop from Blinding Well like how the EP sparrow dropped. Or give that poor dude who did a Petras Run his 1k Voices already. This crap is getting ridiculous and a lot of players are leaving because of it. [spoiler]My birthday is on March 26th, a few days before the physical seals expire. I want my ghost LOL So many people like me deserve it already at this point.[/spoiler]

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                12 Replies
                • Edited by vioLence: 1/31/2019 4:33:59 PM
                  All these topics about the titles and the RNG AND NOT 1 REPLY FROM THE ADMINS. I mean i should have had cursebreaker, rivensbane months ago if it wasen't for the damn cosmetics... thank god i got blacksmith all it took was doing the raid 2 times flawless.

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                  3 Replies
                  • When you care too much about a silly title you know the games dead

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by Scuzi: 1/31/2019 9:31:37 PM
                      dmg actually replied to this issue like 5-6 weeks ago and said he will report that "rng for seals is no fun" (not an actual quote sry cant remember the exact wording) and I dind't hear/read that anything was changed so far and that is really sad. Not only that bungie thought that this rng-bs is a good idea but that they wont do anything even after a lot of feedback from their remaining customers. Of course they are not obligated to do what the community asks for but that just shows how much Bungie really cares. Personally I gave up on Cursebreaker after I didnt get even one of the Dreaming City ghost/sparrow/ship to drop even after at least 18 weeks of doing everything related to the Dreaming City on 3 Chars. I also tried to go for Wayfarer but its just so god damn boring and frustrating to farm for the braytech weapons that I gave up on that after I opened ~250 sleeper nodes and still miss the sidearm and the scout rifle (gotta love the rng within the rng.....). The more I played Destiny 2 the more it seemed that there is not a single person at Bungie that actually plays the game bcs there are so many stupid easy to fix things in the game that drives away players that wouldnt be there if anyone of the higher-ups @bungie would play this game frequently. EDIT: mb - it was Cozmo not dmg and he said [quote]I am bringing it up in a meeting today. I will let the team know that RNG cosmetics and Braytech weapons being tied to Titles are causing a lot of frustration in the community.[/quote] (actual quote this time) This was posted on Nov 29 and still nothing from Bungie...

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                      5 Replies
                      • Another rotation of getting garbage from shattered throne, when is the ship going to drop?!

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                        3 Replies
                        • Edited by IRaidWithAussies: 2/1/2019 7:15:21 AM
                          [b]"Even if BUNGIE learned this lesson"[/b] They have your money, your playtime, and clearly your attention. You have NOTHING to show for it. And you're claiming THEY need to learn a lesson?

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                          1 Reply
                          • Edited by l Xemnas: 2/1/2019 1:56:48 PM
                            Community: "Bungie for the love of god please fix the RNG system. Its killing your game!" Bungie: "Working as intended."

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                            1 Reply
                            • Lmao, 🤦‍♂️

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                            • 1
                              I’m surprised this hasn’t been attended to or acknowledged earlier... bit of a hard subject as there should be a happy medium with the rng stuff, it shouldn’t be handed out easily but also there should be a point where a person deserves to receive an item... from my experience I’ve had numerous instances where I’ve ran an event (sherpa’d last wish and shattered throne, helped out with lesser skilled players in ascendant challenges etc) chasing an rng item I need, and yeah you guessed it, I’m left empty handed while a fireteam member gets what I’m chasing... I believe the rng system is manipulated to a degree to slightly cater towards casual players (to immerse them into the game more) and hinder hardcore players (cos bungie know we’ll chase something we want, I know I will) as I’ve seen it countless times not just in my experience but also others, I understand casual players deserve to be included into the game and I’m fine with that, but I don’t think the hardcore players being excluded is cool as they are the players who have supported this game and franchise from day dot.... also from a business perspective, locking people out of seals because of rng is throwing money away basically... i have purchased the seals I have unlocked already and plan to purchase the remaining seals if I somehow get “rng” on my side in the next few weeks (highly doubtful), and as an avid collector of destiny memorabilia I’d love to add more seals to my collection but at this point I don’t think it’s realistically going to happen, and I’m just one example, I’m sure there are many others in the same position... why have something up for sale in a store when there’s a number generator stopping the purchase?? Seems stupid to me

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                              5 Replies
                              • [quote]As one of the many players who have yet to get Rivensbane/Cursebreaker due to missing one or more of the rare RNG drops necessary to complete the collection, I think Bungie is underestimating how frustrating of a situation has been created. With exactly 2 months left to complete these triumphs and redeem the codes to buy the Physical Seals on the store, the chance continues to increase that a great many of us will be locked out of purchasing them through no fault of our own. These memorabilia are specifically marketed towards Destiny's "Hardcore" players -- The same people who sherpa raids and the whisper missions, dedicate hundreds of hours towards progressing our characters, and chase day one completions of endgame content. The fact that it's entirely likely that a great many of these hardcore players will not be able to obtain physical mementos of their investment in this game despite maximizing their possible attempts at these drops every week is frustrating and somewhat disheartening. It feels like Destiny is telling me that it doesn't respect the time or dedication I put into it as a hobby. Even if Bungie has learned this lesson and addresses this in new seals going forwards, they cannot ignore Cursebreaker/Rivensbane. These NEED to be fixed, and it has to happen before a large number of players are locked out of the possibility of purchasing the physical seals. From my perspective I can think of 5 possible solutions to this problem that Bungie has: 1. [b]Greatly increase the drop rate on these items[/b]. If this is to be an effective solution the drop-rate needs to increase to about 20-25%, and it needs to happen SOON. Currently the estimated drop-rates I've seen for items such as 1KV and the DC Cosmetics are about 3-5%. 2.[b] Implement RNG protection for these Items[/b]. The drop-rate needs to increase by a Significant amount for each completion in which the item isn't obtained. Considering how little time is left to get these items the increase in drop rate needs to be about 5% per failure, maxing out to 100% after approximately 18 or so misses. For the Ship from the shattered throne it needs to be even higher, considering we have only 9 more tries before the deadline (and that's if you include this week) 3. [b]Guarantee these items from certain difficult triumphs[/b]. This idea has gained a lot of traction, and I think for good reason. It feels good to be rewarded for performing difficult gameplay feats, and knowing that you actually earned your gear. Reward 1KV from Petra's Run, Reward DC ship from solo Shattered Throne, etc. The only possible limitation I see with this idea is whether it's technically possible for Bungie to retroactively reward these items for triumphs players completed and redeemed weeks/months ago. 4. [b]Allow us to grind for these items[/b]. If we can run the content as many times as we want in a week for more chances at the item dropping, then the low drop rates are less of an issue. Sure, it may be tedious to have to run the ascendant challenge 30+ times to get the cosmetic item to drop, but at least it reduces total gambling to a test of patience. 5. [b]Remove the these items from the requirement for the seal[/b]. It might still take me until July to get 1KV this way, but at least I won't be locked out of getting the title and purchasing the seal. dmg and cozmo, if we could have some sort of communication on this topic. I've yet to see it addressed as a possible issue anywhere (although it's entirely possible I just missed it). I'd like to know if the dev team is at least aware that this is an issue that a significant number of us are concerned about. Please, pass it along.[/quote] I could have got cursebreaker when wishbringer came out, 12 weeks ago? But I still can’t get the ghost. 3 asc/story a week for 15 weeks. Why would something so trivial be so hard to get?! This ghost, which I’ll never use, is Harder than any weapon I’ve ever grinder for on any game I’ve ever played

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                              • While I agree RNG for seals is bull shit, Bungie has made progress, for instance the Platinum Starling Ship(like it says in the description) could have been RNG drops from the Gofannon Forge however it’s actually tied to completing the triumph for forging 100 Forge Weapons. So i guess there is evidence that Bungie is already making the changes for future content. But they also haven’t done anything about the ‘older’ content. So 🤷‍♂️.

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                              • At least we’ve got official gun replicas coming, and they were caught off guard at how popular they became

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                              • Yeah drop rates for raid exotics and dreaming city items is shocking and is blatantly bungie trolling the remaining player base. I’ve near given up hope of getting a raid exotic in D2. The number of raid noobs who we have carried who then get 1k voices is really frustrating - I refuse to help noobs do last wish now as the salt level is so high!

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                              • I am in complete agreement that the seals should not be up to chance. I've only ever seen the Dreaming City ship drop from Shattered Throne and it's the only thing i'm missing for my Cursebreaker Title. I ran it 5 times this week (3 for myself, 2 to help a friend get Wish Ender) and one of my teammates got the Ship on his first try, while i've done easily over 30. It's very depressing having the one thing you WANT/NEED locked behind RNG. The repetative grinding for the Powerful Engrams each week doesnt help's just depressing in my opinion....and if you don't get it from Shattered Throne on any of your 3 characters, you have to wait 3 weeks to try again and see if your luck holds? To me that isn't fair.

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