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1/1/2019 10:40:04 PM
So you did it day one, so you morons are saying everyone should be better than you if not that means they're bad? How bout you stop being a douche and try to help instead of just bashing people you -blam!-s. You're what's wrong with games and the world for that matter. I know for a fact I'm better than you at this game and in many other things in life so is it right for me to dog you? And before you look at my account and say you haven't done a raid you must be trash just stop. That only means I dont like having to play with randoms and my friends dont play this. You cant raid solo besides crota and I did that and I solo nightfalls every now and then. This is besides the point just quit shitting on people just because you can play a game pretty good jesus -blam!-ing christ

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