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11/26/2018 9:51:35 PM


I'd like the matchmaking system to be fixed, currently I think I've been in 4 or 5 games (crucible and gambit both) where the matchmaking is equal in skill distribution. Almost all games I currently see is that one team gets only skilled people and the other team gets what is left over. Matchmaking in terms of skills isn't implemented, not only have I been in teams that have people far below my, and the opposing teams, skill level but I've also seen opposing teams with players only consisting of player far below my, and my teams, skill level not to mention the times where I've been in a team with players up to around my skill level only to be pitted against a team that is filled with players far above my teams skill level. This doesn't make for a good or enjoyable game in the least. I don't mind a challenge or a loss but if the challenge is "be better that you will be after 1 year of no-life training" or "carry your entire team against a team that has players whom are at least as good as you" it's not fun. In addition to this I've seen that a group of randoms are pitted against partied teams, even if the overall team skill is around the same for both teams the partied team will always have the advantage regardless of playlist.

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