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11/25/2018 9:23:05 PM

Nerf/buff nova warp. (This is long, prepare your eyes edition)

A lot of people are talking about this super. "Its op in crucible," "it's not op just team shot it or run away from it," "it's not very good in pve, leave it alone," "I'll warp my foot inside your ass," and so on. I personally think these sort of responses definitely aren't without some sort of merit. Nova warp is the only mobile super in the game to have a 24 second duration. It is also the only aoe super/attack in the game that can be used while moving. It's also one of the very few mobile supers to consistently one shot a majority of the supers in the game with next to no real set up. It's biggest drawback is weirdly how ineffective it can be in pve. Normal scatter grenades are better than handheld super nova for damage and warlocks already have a bunch of other perfectly capable ad clearing supers. I think a lot of these things are the main issues that nova warp brings to the table, but I don't want bungie to just take that away, because it's a new super and it should feel as unique as can be. So I've tried to come up with a compromise below that I know won't please people, but I don't think too many would be angry if executed properly. So first, reduce its duration from 24 seconds to 20 seconds. Doing so would remove 1 fully charged pop, 2 uncharged ones, and 2 dodges. Before it could do 7 fully charged pops, 12 uncharged ones, and 13 dodges. Although I think this would be completely the same time I also don't. If bungie could somehow reduce the energy cost of the attacks and dodges to still match the maximum total the original supers duration could deal, I don't think too many complaints would arise. Example: [spoiler]Each fully charged explosion from nova warp takes around 3.428 seconds of the duration per attack if you perfectly timed it. If you multiply this by the total number of times it can attack, which is 7, it has a total duration of around 24 seconds (I timed the duration first, found the number of maximum attacks it can do, then divided it). So, if bungie reduced the duration to 20 seconds, divide that by 7, you would only need the fully charged attack to drain 2.857 seconds of the supers duration, which bungie could properly use percentages to apply a buff of this kind. Even if my math is wrong or not done properly, you get the point. [/spoiler] Next would be the blast radius. I have no real complaints with this as it is a super designed around a single aoe attack, I just wished supers with similar attacks like fist of havoc, Phoenix dive on dawnblade, landfall on stormcaller, the slam on arcstrider performed, and hammers (you can fill in the rest) performed in a similar way. Nova warp is the ONLY aoe attack super I know of that has the capabilities of killing targets at the edges of its attack. Fist of havoc can end up doing 1 damage at its edges while nova warp can do around 212 against non super targets, it has a MINIMUM damage it can deal. EVERY splash damage/aoe attack on supers should perform in a similar way, as lag and movement can VERY EASILY cripple the other supers and their attacks.. If every super had a minimum damage that still did noteworthy damage, the effectiveness of SO many attacks would increase dramatically. The damage. I'm not fond of its PvP damage. It having the consistent ability to one shot supers simply by holding the trigger is kind of unbalanced. I don't think this should be removed as that's it's power, but it should definitely be scaled down a bit, as things like fist of havoc BARELY live the attack. I can't exactly give numbers right now, but if they could reduce the fully charged damage to allow lower armor supers like dawnblade, sunbreaker, shadow shot, etc, to survive a fully charged blast with 4 or more 4-5% masterworked armor pieces, it would be SO much less of a pain in the ads to fight one. I don't want to take away from its power, but it's absolutely infuriating to get one shot out of thundercrash by a single nova warp attack. Since I either have to land on them or near them, their blast radius paired with their damage is just ridiculous. As for pve, I think increasing handheld super novas damage as well as increasing the damage of the fully charged attack a bit would certainly help out the subclass. Not that it really needed one in pve as their are many more supers that need a damage buff first, but it should be considered. My goal with this post is not to ruin the super in any shape or form. But it more or less dominating crucible the way it is kind of makes it boring, as a lot of other mobile supers can't really do anything to combat it. Let me know what you think.

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