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4/9/2018 10:57:44 PM
Imma letchu finish, but, what if mods let you move any weapon you wanted to any slot you wanted, but nerfed or buffed it (damage and ammo in reserve) accordingly. You want a kinetic sword, the damage gets nerfed down to kinetic weapon level and no uppercut/lunge/smash, but you get a couple hundred swings (and can still guard). You want to move it to energy, same damage, halve the ammo reserves, and add in a burn and the RT attack. You want a Better Devils in your power slot, you can do that, but you only get 1 mag in reserve - it'll hit like a golden gun. That's how you make static rolls great, IMO. That's the dream I had when I played the beta and saw the mods - moving weapons around to whatever slot I wanted them in.

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  • You definitely are able to see the appeal of the second part of what I am proposing. I do not think it would be smart to allow just any weapon to be moved back and forth. Take for example a rocket launcher. How do you "nerf" it down to somehow be satisfying. Doing that would prevent there from being anything really special and distinct about the weapons native to the Power slot. Allowing transfer between Kinetic and Energy would be problematic from a in game perspective(why would an energy weapon suddenly work fine shooting kinetic bullets and vise versa), and would require way to much time and energy spent creating alternate sounds and animations for all weapons, and greatly complicate any weapon balancing. I think the dream you had in the beta still exists. The mod system though currently hardly useful, definitely has the potential to become something great and exciting. This is more suited for a seperate thread, but I think that the mod system could be expanded to fill the gap that random rolls used to fill. That is you could use mods to customize your weapon until you eventually get a "god roll". Instead of fight the RNG gods endlessly to get that god roll weapon, you would essentially collect "parts"(mods) that you could eventually use to build that god roll weapon. And Keeping the weapons static perks as a base would ensure each weapon stayed similar to each other and had a base level of power before mods. For example better devils could have a slot to change barrel, or scope, and then have a slot where it could equip a legendary or exotic mod that would give it kill clip, or rampage, or firefly. Or take a sword, could have a exotic mod that would be solar arc or void, and that when the relevant one is equipped would give your sword an aura and effects respective of that element. Solar would set your sword on fire, and inflict burn damage to enemies, Arc would electrify your blade and chain damage. Not entirely sure about void, but maybe it could leech life to yourself. So in short mods could be expanded to multiple slots, and be used to make the static roll weapons more varied. Perhaps new weapons would have their static rolls, and then have random blue mods to them natively, so each weapon would start differently. So I think it is the mod system that would be best to change things to the way which you dreamed and suggested. It would be a shame if Bungie never takes advantage of the potential their system has in this game or its sequels.

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