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1/3/2018 5:55:06 PM

No Pay Out for Poledancers: Archstrider Alternatives

Archstriders don't feel powerful to me and don't seem to fit into the hunter style of play. And my love for the hunter = shinobu theme is dwindling when the lackluster subclass is put into practice. Especially when compared to their Warlock and Titan D2 counterparts (Dawnblade and Sentinel, respectively). I understand and like the idea of a close-range, boom-tastic, powerhouse, ground-n-pound subclass for the hunter, since arch classes seem to be that. But the hunter is squishy by nature and needs a bit more support if its gonna hang with the big dogs. There are a lot of complaints and critiques I could give about just this subclass alone, but I'll try to stick to three things that bug me the most in terms of character continuity and practical viability; 1) the melee, 2) the mobility (speed), and 3) the super mechanics. 1) Melee: Hunters don't punch. They channel the light through weapons. Just because the super is a long staff doesn't mean you can't give us at least some sort of weapon. Idk if it was just an issue with how to animate that without going into 3rd person to make sense or a worry about the range (I'll get to that), but some viable options would be a quick pop of nunchucks, tonfa (, or even just a short pop of the end of the staff. Range. Can we get some? Even if it must be an exotic (like a hand wrap sorta deal, continuing with the shinobu theme). The pole could extend or retract, for example. 2) Speed: If hunters can't be resilient enough to go toe to toe, then they should be fast enough to stick and move. The archstrider isn't even faster than the striker titan? Doesn't make sense. Closing the gap is really the only way to make this subclass viable and there is barely any support to help do that. Though thank you to that slight buff by briefly removing tracking when dodging in super I believe it was. Just a buff (noticeable) to speed while in super would make it a bit more. 3) Super: I'll try to be concise here. I have no problem with the bow staff as a weapon, but it's not my favorite and the implementation is lackluster. If we keep it as is: -increase speed (as mentioned before) -allow the staff to extend to reach distant enemies (i know that it sort of does but not something that can reliably be utilized) -a button specifically for a crowd (aoe) damage sweeping move (again i know it's there, but not reliable or easily implemented) I realize that these changes could be unbalanced and that much is already apart of the mechanics, so I'd rather plan b. We scrap and revamp the subclass by changing the base weapon: KUSARIGAMA ( The "scorpion chain" was an epicly fun tool in the Ninja Gaiden series and would be my suggested mechanics. An archstrider could form an electric barrier around them to close the gap like the Sentinel or throw out a single shot to slash an enemy in mid- to long-range. Or swing it around the body to kill a crowd. The melee could be a whip attack or use just the hook end (a kama is a viable weapon choice here). Honestly, I'd love to see a grab or grapple move (could even take the place of my dodge) for attacking, evading, and closing that pesky gap, but I realize the balance limits of Destiny. Imagine this electrified and in 4k: Thoughts?

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