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12/30/2017 4:00:01 PM

I just don't feel legendary anymore

D1 beta player, primarily pvp. Honestly could give a shit less about eververse. My problem with Bungie is the ruining of pvp in D2. I just don't feel like the guardian bad ass like I did during pvp in D1. I don't like the weapon configuration at all. I used to run a lightning nade titan with no land beyond and a thesan fr4. You know, cause I'm that asshat. Actually had a positive k/d as well. Anyways, there isn't that weird type of load out anymore, and everything just feels cookie cutter. My play style isn't unique anymore. There isn't any real experimentation in D2 that made D1 fun. All of the weapons moved to heavy are useless in pvp compared to swords and rockets. There is no point to fusion rifles, snipers, shotguns or grenade launchers, when swords and rockets outclass the moved over weapons. They are obsolete. I could use them, but then I'd just lose to rockets. It goes against the power fantasy, it goes against fun. To everyone else's point, dawning is a predatory mtx event. Even worse is that mayhem is broken. The problem with eververse is that the rest of the games problems exacerbate the vitriol for Tess and her wares. If the end game loot grind didn't blow, or if pvp wasn't such a team shooting, slow ass, predictable toilet of gameplay, we as a collective whole wouldn't be bitching nearly as much about the micro transactions. I don't feel legendary. I don't feel like a space God with grenades and supers. I feel like anyone else, just a face among a sea of faces. Don't tell me to go back to playing destiny 1 if I don't like it. I paid for D2 and the season pass. I just didn't imagine while pre ordering, that crucible would be stripped way down, and broken like it has been. It really doesn't feel fun. It feels like a chore. I've been playing other games. I miss old pvp. I miss 6v6. I miss combined arms. (one of the few) How about new modes? Like a big team battle or capture or king. Couldn't they just build modes, roll them out and see what sticks? The playlist method after all the control had in game mode selection in year 3 of D1, is such a massive step backwards. Customs games next year I guess. If we lost all out great gear when the red legion attacked, why am I earning D1 exotics? If I was on that 10 year plan, I should Still have my no land beyond. That was garbage. Lost all my old gear, so I could re-earn my old gear. F-you on that one. If it's going to be new gear make it new gear. Stop rehashing stuff from D1 or let me have all my gear from D1. Inclusion of old exotics is just lazy. When early d2 trials had everyone running mida, I swore at your company under my breath. All these jerks get to run around with their old favorite scout, but I can't get my NLB crispy headshots anymore. There are just so many things that got screwed up between D1 and D2. How? How is that possible. The players were in a good place after RoI. I just don't get it. I haven't had that moment when I got my gjallarhorn from going first in a Rumble match, or when my god roll eyasluna dropped. That elation from finally getting the carrot on the stick. It doesn't exist in this game. I'm just sad that my favorite game had turned into a hate toilet echo chamber. Destiny's sandbox feels like a litterbox, with a fresh steaming pile of eververse. Good job, and kudos, mates.

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  • You don't feel legendary because you haven't come to see tess for my silver.

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  • Destiny 1 was leagues more fun PvP wise then destiny 1.5. Fusions though are still pretty good but good luck using one seeing as you only get heavy every now and again. Mayham was a blast even with unlimited nova bomb spam. I do miss weapons like no land, universal remote, ice breaker, ghally etc. Would be awesome to see a uni or no land making a come back but I doubt it. Heck a primary fusion would be absolutely hilarious.

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  • Thi mean isn’t 🙂

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  • I’ve played destiny since year one well in between house of wolfs and taken king and I’ve played destiny 2 since day one and their two completely different games there in the same game series and universe but destiny 2 is destiny 1.75

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  • Really? What is with this community, hell, I won't defend this game but it wasn't meant to be destiny 1.25. Destiny 2 is a complete new game what do you expect, they wanted to roll something new out and they people do is complain, it's simple play another -blam!-ing game if it's an issues and if style to do that go back to destiny 1. You was given the opportunity to complain through the beta. I can beleive you complained about D1 at one point because they nerfed a shotgun or something. Oh and saying you're a beat play means shit, I've played all the way from halo 1 so -blam!-ing what, it makes you no more special that anyone else, sick and tired of people like you thinking they're better for being dropped in early, ooo wow amazing. Get a grip move on, you and this community won't get your precious destiny 1 life style back.

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    10 Replies
    • The power weapon issue isn’t one of usefulness imo. It’s of ease of use and risk reward. Rockets are so easy to use and powerful so they’re the go to. I disagree on swords. Shotguns are much deadlier, especially legend of acrious. They just don’t get as much ammo. Fusion rifles are also incredibly good in the right hands. Snipers can be too, but now we’re talking ease of use. They’re very hard to use with the insane flinch no matter what weapon shoots you. I think the sandbox is overall better. We asked for most of this whether directly or indirectly. The common thing I see in all crucible posts is no one feels powerful. Translated that means there is no method, ability, or item for me to easily dominate or assist me in getting quick kills. Didn’t we complain about that for years? Didn’t we ask for more balance and gunplay than ability and special/heavy spam? That’s why you don’t spawn with one hit weapons or abilities anymore, which most competitive games don’t, stickies are garbage now and you can’t spam grenades every 25 seconds, roaming supers require a bit of thought, no more running the map with LMG’s never running out of heavy.

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      4 Replies
      • Did someone say nerf fusion rifles?

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        1 Reply
        • I wasn’t a pvpcentric guy but I did [i]enjoy[/i] it, win or lose and I played it more for fun then for bounties. I used an Arminius-D auto, Jabberhakke-D sidearm and Sol/Young wolf sword. I didn’t care about any exotic or loadout. I’d go Arc and break any camp or defense or Solar and wreck it with hammers. Sure my kd wasn’t anything to be proud off and neither was my w/l. Happens when you play solo. Never cared about stats. I enjoyed losing and winning. Because it was [i]fun[/i]. This isn’t. I do it for the milestones and then leave and don’t come back.

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        • Hey remember that time when you could choose which game mode to play

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          1 Reply
          • Clash is on the playlist on D1 this week. Got another Phantom with only grenades and scout (no sniper camping). Absolute blast. Collectively we should all boycott D2 in favour of me, you feel like a God in pvp 👌

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          • Destiny: Become legend Destiny 2: Become less than

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          • Hmmm. In a good place after roi? You mean where sidearms were the only good weapons in the game? Yea, okay.

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            2 Replies
            • Titans are for pussies :P but joking aside yes I agree

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            • I agree with you, having to work as a team with people we don't know and don't communicate or even try to work together is a nightmare, especially when put against full fireteams. At least in D1 I could solo queue against a fireteam of any size and still stand a chance. Now if there's 2 of them and one of me, I'm dead almost guaranteed. I'm mixed player, I like a bit of PvP every now and then but my main focus has always been PvE (At least till the end of D1). It's not just PvP that's been ruined and stripped down to less than the basics, PvE has been suffering too, in fact I hate to say it but it's been suffering since D1 when you think about it. Its always suffered for the sake of PvP, so manyweapons became unusable in D1 PvE because they became too powerful for PvP. I would like to see PvP and PvE properly and entirely seperated that way both can be balanced without ruining or affecting the other in any adverse ways and furthermore for the benefit of both PvE and PvP, give us our original skill trees back. Yeah casual players may get confused or just won't be sure what to use but that's fine, they're casual players and if they decide they need to know what to use they can look it up, there's plenty of posts about the best gear/stats to run. We need the ability to choose how we play, not be stuck with 2 equally bad subclass trees for most classes. One more thing, make a roaming voidwalker super, it's only fair. If every other subclass gets a roaming super, even the strikers for gods sake, why not voidwalkers too? Doesn't have to be a crossmap super, just use your imagination and think of something that works with a little bit of range, but not more than a striker or maybe a tiny bit more, idk but make it fair.

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            • You ran a fusion in d1 and don't like them in d2? It's my favorites heavy in PvP right now. Telesto is the besto...

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              5 Replies
              • I felt “too” powerful in D1.

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              • Edited by piratepatchy243: 12/31/2017 7:26:49 PM
                Bump, especially for being a vooper. The Vacancy was my favorite, imo the Main Ingredient is worth using sometimes. The power fantasy is definitely no where to be seen in D2, should've separated the modes to at least keep it in PvE( like we asked since D1 Y1 ). We killed gods ffs, but no let's make game centered around something that's supposed to be training.

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              • ●People complained about god rolls in D1 - got removed in D2. People now complaining about static rolls... ●People wanted a grind - locked behind eververse so you can grind to get the items. Now everyone wants to remove eververse so that the items are easier to get... See a trend??

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                3 Replies
                • You’re the savior of the human race and you can’t even get a discount at eververse.

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                • Destiny 1: Become Legend. Destiny 2: Become Meme.

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                  • there are 2 types of items: - normal (legendary) - filler for non exotic slots - rare (exotic) - just a build's core

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                  • Just looked at your loadout .... I wonder why you dont feel legendary anymore...........(sarcasm)

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                    9 Replies
                    • D1 beta pvp here too. They tweaked so much between games that i really believe d2 is far beyond repair. Even if they remove the lootbox gambling mechanic, which they should for many reasons, we'll still be left with a horrible broken empty game.

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                    • In this game it seems the only crazy loadouts you can use are loadouts that are bad ,that are pebbles against pistols and make you an idiot for choosing then I personally hated NLB (because I sucked at it ,not afraid to admit it😂) and not a day went by where it would exit my vault,but when I'd come against a player using you bet my ass I'd be hauling outta there because if they are using it ,they're [b]using[/b] it In D2 anyone can just pick up any gun and use it ,because they want to appeal to new players ,that was their primary focus making this game ,they don't give a shit about us returning fans ,they're selling us guns in DLC that we have already earned ! When we wanted a balance to PvP we wanted a level playing field with crazy guns that can counter other crazy guns ,but Bungie have taken those guns ,stuffed special into heavy and have given us water pistols in return ,If everyone has the same gun it's equal so it's fun right ? [b]Wrong[/b] The crucible is beyond repair for what fans want it ,The guns are beyond repair for what fans want it [i]Destiny 2 is beyond knew how to make things right after RoI,but I guess praying on the wallets of the new Is more valuable than the hearts of the old[/i]

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                    • I miss the days of getting on D1 PVP with my buddy and spending 4 hours in it. One match I would be rage quitting, cursing my screen, telling my buddy that I will never play this garbage again. The next match I would be praising everyone especially myself lol, going to the tower to get the bounties I forgot to get because clearly now I will be dominating everyone, and enjoying every minute of it lol. Destiny 2 on the other hand is such a dull, boring and stripped down version of what we had. I wasn't a fan of the PVP changes they made after the launch of ROI but good lord I would take that back in a heart beat to add life to what we got in D2 for PVP. I think they are making some good steps toward bettering it but they have a long way to go, IMO of course.

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                    • Hell, I bet I could kick a D2 players ass with the white starter gear in D1

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