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12/8/2017 11:28:19 PM
Here are a few testimonials from members! The first time I was able to complete a raid. I usually run solo and so it was difficult making new friends to run the raids with. Finally finishing one felt great! Too many memories! A group of sisters helped me complete my first raid, Crota's End. I learned a lot and had so much fun in a friendly setting. We had a KF raid where we never got pass the relic portal, because we spent 3 hours just laughing talking, sharing recipes, dancing and taking group pictures lol. So much fun just hanging out with such awesome women. When I asked for help for the first time. I got a response within a matter of minutes. Which never happens. I always thought the Destiny community or xbox was full of meanies but I've met the most amazing and defenintly interesting. I've got to experience so many things I didn't get to as a solo player and I am very thankful. When I finally decided to chat & join in instead of just "observe". It was one of the best things I ever did! I have met some amazing people in here that share the same experiences & humor & that I can relate too!! Thank you ladies!! 😘

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