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11/8/2017 6:32:47 PM

Why in the blaming Hell isn't present a random algorithm for dropping enemies?

I mean, why enemies always drop in the same f-ugly order, same f-ugly spot and do the same f-ugly aproach. Bungie even tried to improve something? Why isn't a random spot dropping thing? Enemies patrolling at F-BLAMING RANDOM Why Public Events don't show up at different places? Man Bungie put it easier showing timers and the exact spot in the map. Why not try to drop Events in every faaaaaacking place posssible? On patrol, missions, strikes, nightfalls, why you can't implement a darn piece of code for enemies to show up different each time? Different allocation. Different quantity. Different groups. All different darmit. If !'m going to travel arround the same places for 2-3 years, why can't you do it at least a little more dinamic? Well this is going to be ignored. So I'm done ranting.

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