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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
10/15/2017 5:50:27 PM

Control sucks because ALL DESTINY'S MAPS SUCK.

[b] There is maybe two good maps. Some decent, most are garbage. [/b] The damn map design seems to be based almost entirely around the looks of the place, not any sort of gameplay design. The control points are placed in the worse possible positions, with one side spawn having an absolute advantage. Every space is either too damn tight, with you bumping into literally everything, or open as hell, with zero cover and you getting picked off by a scout rifle. There is no mid range. The spawns are also complete crap, as Iron Banner's casual sequel has reminded everyone. I've had the entire enemy team spawn on my position, on a zone I've secured. Good job Bungie. Maybe you wouldn't have spawning issues if your maps were any good. [b] Now why are the maps so sucky? [/b] Well, I don't think Bungie has ever taken into account the fact that their game isn't COD. In COD, with it's fast as hell time-to-kill, the maps don't matter as much, as engagements are over pretty quickly. With a longer time-to-kill game, which Destiny 2 definitely is, you NEED better maps, as the maps play a huge part in dueling with other players. Also, the movement speed is way faster than COD, meaning the maps need to scale up, and if you're gonna have a double jump, make sure the ceiling is high enough so I'm not banging my damn head on it every time I hop. Another problem is how the maps aren't ever symmetrical. If one side is different from the other, chances are one side will be BETTER than the other. Don't just build a map, and assign spawns once the map is finished. Sharp corners are an issue that you'll see more in Competitive play and Trials. With really sharp corners, peeking is a pain in the butt. People popping in and out of cover so quickly, the whole game just becomes a stale game of whack a mole, except the mole can regenerate health with a healing rift and max recovery. If there were more rounded corners, you wouldn't have this problem, and more active gameplay would be encouraged instead of this current camp-fest. In short, Bungie, just fire your Crucible map designers, and go rip off some Halo maps. Then they might actually be good.

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