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Edited by Lord-Heir: 9/26/2017 11:15:46 PM

Static Gun Rolls Killed Playability

I can't be the only one who thinks getting a perfect roll or constantly trying to was one of the main aspects of the original and had us coming back for more? Now I see everything for what it really is.. reskinned and recolored with no real differences. Levelling my guns to get a feel for them and unlocking the perks that felt signifcant were a huge part of the experience and without that it feels very empty.. It's kind of sad and since it is this way I don't see any 'U turn' coming any time soon on that route. Edit: I'm definitely leaning more towards the randomization of perks or the addition of a way to customize the perks, and not the levelling of guns itself. It was something I felt needed brought up in relation to guns in the original.

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  • Edited by FooShuLuu: 9/27/2017 1:25:46 PM
    In 2 months nobody will be playing this game, ..Game gets boring FAST...........

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  • In D1 when getting a gun it ALWAYS sparked an interest. Even a gun you normally did not want could be good with a god roll. And the weapons you really wanted on a god roll was just....well godly. ☺ Every single time I got a Shadowprice I excitedly hurried to look at the percs. Now it's like: -"I got that. Is it higher level?" And that's all. Not the same excitement. 😯

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  • I agree with the fact that static gun rolls aren't replayed playability. They need to either a) make the same gun HAVE 2 or 3 different rolls b) improve the mod system or c) go with random rolls. IMO, I like not having to level a gun. By the end of D1, I had enough motes that I would just buy a telemetry and burn through some motes. By not having to level guns, it just takes away those extra steps.

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  • PvP killed this game!

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    2 Replies
    • Agreed. Main issues I have No random perks, Just why? Obviously due to PvP but took out a lot of repeatability, if you want to grind for hours for a god roll then you deserve it, certain perks also could have been pve only. Everything is handed out, No more need for materials or actually use the weapons and armour to unlock perks Can't even choose to reply certain missions and strikes, no heroics, no dailys, why? PvP is garbage, No game mode choice, 30FPS and P2P servers, even Halo 5 was 60FPS and dedicated, and it still runs and plays a million times better! Small teams, small maps, no LMGs but SMGs? Wow. Simple sub classes, no more choice and customisation, the abilities are also 90% recycled which is lazy, where's the new classes? New elements etc? Power/light SUCKS, forced to use stuff with the highest number not what you'd want to. Reskins are back in full force! Bosses are still the same oversized enemies, nothing new, it's just lazy. But the worse thing for me? TOKENS! Seriously? It's so lazy, bland and boring that every event just gives tokens?! The music and sky boxes are decent though, but atm D2, is a 4/10.

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      3 Replies
      • Guns shouldn’t have static rolls. It’s loot shooter. Need more variety. Also, why the hell is there no strike specific loot?

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      • Rng rolls kept me interested in loot and replaying activities to get rolls that I liked. I'd even look at blue gear for their rolls and play with them even though I was max light with purples. Rng really kept me coming back for 1000's of hours to replay activities. It really comes down to that there isn't enough gear in the game. There isn't enough options. I don't think it is practical to make 1000's, but what you had in d1 was. One gun type with static base stats, but random perks, turned that one gun into many guns. I see the same attempt to be made with mods, but its current state is pitiful and I don't think it makes loot interesting. Mods themselves could be interesting if there were 1000's of them, but I see mods seperate from loot and want to get excited about loot.

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      • There are two ways to answer this. In fact, the real answer is broader and more philosophical and probably should be its own thread, because it addresses many if not most of these other specific discussions. Yes, you are right, as far as it goes. Random rolls in D1 caused many of us to grind endlessly for "god rolls" or at least very good rolls. I put a huge amount of time into it. I'd say for the majority of my time playing D1 at all, I was mainly collecting stuff I didn't actually need for any real purpose. The guns you actually needed, that you couldn't just substitute something else for, was a short enough list to almost count with one hand, but the guns you WANTED were in the dozens. It turned into a brutal, joyless grind fest at times. And I think that's basically what Bungie wants less of. In a nutshell: less obsession by the people like us, broadly speaking, the people who are into the game enough to come here and post frequently on a message board about it. They'd be happy if we played less. As long as we buy the game, they don't benefit much if we play it 2000 hours rather than 200 hours. They want more casual players. If you understand that, it explains a whole lot of these "why did Bungie do this?" threads. Example: Bungie made it so you couldn't use a sniper as a primary in Crucible because a casual player won't realize you can do that and will get frustrated with Crucible when he shoots an opponent five times, they survive, gets shot once, he dies, over and over.

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        6 Replies
        • Agree. I'm actually missing Destiny 1. I had high hopes for Destiny 2, and even in the first week I was really enjoying it. Now I'm completely bored of it. The only replayability it is providing is getting to max power level. Which in itself is boring as hell.. Nightfall sucks. I really enjoyed to do these kind of activities solo as a challenge. Now I can't. Finding new guns is boring and pointless. Tokens are pointless... They're just being redeemed for crap I don't care for or want. Bored. PvP is trash unless you have a team, but damn...I don't want to always be partied up with people!!!

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        • -blam!- all you that think static guns are a great idea. Why stop there? Let's force everyone to be one class, one tree, one super, and the same shader so EVERYONE is exactly equal. Cry baby bitches.

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        • I hated RNG perks in D1 mainly because of the constant updates that would occur for PvP balance issues. That being said, random perks should be available as mods and then simply disable mods in PvP. It eliminates the balance issue while still providing a grind for the hardcore. This would also create an additional value stream for rewards so that everything isn't so dependent on guns and gear. Now, endgame PvP should not disable the mods but any balance issues can still be addressed within the mod structure. Weapon balance would still be addressed on a type basis which keeps all parties happy.

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        • I thought that is what Mods were for. I'm still grinding for the perfect armour and weapon mods for different setups. The game has been out less than a month and I haven't experienced every weapon yet so there could be some god roll weapon for a specific instance.

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        • Edited by standto2004: 9/27/2017 11:55:28 PM
          I think random rolls would be ok if they enable you to change perks and sights/scopes at the gunsmith. I never got a god roll I was looking for in all of destiny.

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        • I kind of never liked the random perks thing in D1 and I'm glad it's gone on D2. But I also think there needs to be something to replace it to keep the grinders happy. I think there needs to be certain guns that are better than others (what would of been considered "God roll" guns in D1), and these guns should just have a really low chance of dropping. That way you'll always be chasing that one gun that's super rare and hard to get (for people who love the grind). And you don't have the whole "I finally got gun XYZ but it's the crappy version" that a lot of people hated in D1. Another issue is that, at the moment, every good gun in the game is thrown at you all the time. For example, you shouldn't be able to get every exotic in the game by week three. in fact you shouldn't be able to get almost every gun in the game by week three.

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        • Static gun rolls killed PvPons crying about perks that need nerfing.

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        • Negative. It’s far better to grind to get a weapon, than the double or triple RNG it used to be. It was no fun grinding to get the weapon, then grind more to get it with the “perfect” roll. I enjoy getting it then run around enjoying it.

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        • Edited by HighImEXO: 9/27/2017 11:13:30 PM

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        • Heres an idea, random rolls on weapons that are pre-upgraded like set rolls. MIND BLOWN

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        • Yep only major problem with the game currently in my opinion

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        • I agree with the fact that static gun rolls aren't replayed playability. They need to either a) make the same gun HAVE 2 or 3 different rolls b) improve the mod system or c) go with random rolls. IMO, I like not having to level a gun. By the end of D1, I had enough motes that I would just buy a telemetry and burn through some motes. By not having to level guns, it just takes away those extra steps.

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        • Actually, I believe static weapon stats are for the best. It is a relief and a comfort knowing that the weapon I want will be exactly that. Not something with exhumed and battle runner. I remember trying to farm for the perfect Imago Loop and Eyasluna. That was a nightmare. Always getting one perk off from what I wanted and rendering the weapon effectively shards. If Imago Loop had simply been a non-elemental Fatebringer I would have been happy. Keep static rolls. More weapons will be added as time goes on. More weapons with static rolls > A few weapons with RNG rolls.

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        • "The Science Behind RNG: it's gambling RNG and luck in games is essentially gambling, and it is very addictive. For every low there is a high, a big epic moment, and that is what players want. From getting that impossible winning draw to getting a perfect run, players keep playing in order to get that rush. The thought of getting that rush, that one win, is what keeps people playing and it's what causes gambling addictions. Gambling is very similar to addictive drugs when it comes to what it does to our brains. A human has a reward system in their brain that releases a chemical called dopamine. source:

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          6 Replies
          • That was a big draw for me in D1. I do like not having to level up weapons in D2 that was a pain in D1.

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          • static gun rolls didn't kill game play, PvP crybabies killed it.

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          • Edited by Guardian0605: 9/27/2017 2:29:04 PM
            I was on the fence initially when it came to static perks, but the more I play the more I like static perks. It means that when I get a gun I know if I will like it or not. It no longer depends on getting it with exactly the right rolls that I like or fit my play style. While for many players this may take out some of the grind that people liked and added replay ability for them, I personally was never a fan of it in D1. Trying to get a Grasp of Malok to drop from Omnigul was a pain for me in D1, and the two or three that I did manage to get all had awful perks. This added frustration for me as I got the gun I wanted but it's perks made them useless to me. Now with D2 I know longer have that frustration, once I get the gun I want I have it, and it is usable. This also means that once I get the gun I can use it and enjoy it and I don't have to worry about grinding for it before it disappears from the loot table when the next DLC comes out or it gets nerfed by Bungie, and we all know what happens when they nerf a weapon. While this wasn't the case for the Grasp of Malok I never got to experience the Hopscotch Pilgrim when it was a "must have" weapon. So for me, I personally prefer the static perks. I understand and respect others that don't like it but I hope others can respect why I see it as a good thing.

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          • Static is fine. This is not d1

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