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7/24/2017 7:25:20 PM

Beta Feedback after playing for around 24 hours

I want to preface this by saying that I really loved the beta. I played the strike around 15 times and am still playing it and it is so much fun. I also have really enjoyed the new crucible and spent around 24 hours playing it throughout the week. Seeing as this is our first glimpse at the game I wanted to give feedback in hopes of improving the game by the time it launches. These are just my opinions so if you disagree that is 100% okay because something I might like you may not and the opposite. Overall I am loving Destiny 2 and the beta but most of the points are critiques based on the beta and some things I personally would like. PVE: • Mission was awesome and is an awesome first look into the campaign that hopefully reflects the rest of the story • The strike was a lot fun, much larger than other strikes from Destiny 1 and the boss fight was fun • Hopefully there are some more advanced mechanics in other strikes • There actually felt like you made meaningful progression in the strike and had a reason for killing the enemies to get to the boss PVE Balance: • Supers don’t feel powerful enough against high health enemies and don’t recharge fast enough • Weapons as a whole feel weak. The cabal have always taken more damage and maybe we are under level but it felt like it was taking forever to kill some red bar enemies • Power weapons are a joke, they don’t feel powerful at all. They need damage buffs across the board for pve to make them feel fun to use • I didn’t feel like the boss was a bullet sponge, I enjoyed the encounter and thought it was well designed PVP: • The SBMM in competitive is cool, but quick play needs to be CBMM. I have already experienced connections suffering due to sbmm and it is not fun. It also isn’t fun to have to play a specific loadout because you are always playing against people of your skill. So many weapons go unused because you are constantly playing people at your skill level. You will lose if you don’t use the meta and you don’t get to have fun playing with other weapons that aren’t as good in pvp but you think are fun. Connection should never be sacrificed in order for better competition. I would rather lose and get zero kills than play someone with a bad connection • Ranked is a must, if you are pushing for a competitive playlist then we need a reason to compete and progress • A lack of a way for solo players to not get matched up against fireteams hurts them severely in this game, especially with no free for all • I like the change to a primary, energy, and power weapons. The game feels so much more balanced • Power weapons need to feel powerful: -Fusion rifles feel amazing, a reduction in ammo is warranted to bring them in line with others, so four shots -shotguns feel good as well, I like how the different barrels give you different options in gameplay and have trade offs -grenade launchers are underwhelming, in my opinion the blast radius needs a slight increase as well as damage -rockets felt good except for only 1 shot, maybe 2 would be better -linear fusion rifles are the worst power ammo option imo. The flinch is unbearable, the damage is low and is outperformed by snipers -snipers have too much flinch, they are power weapons now and you shouldn’t be at a disadvantage with it. I found myself challenging snipers constantly because I knew if I got one shot on them I could flinch them and wouldn’t get killed. Primary Weapons: • Every once and awhile bullets seem to not connect, often with hand cannons. I really don’t like bloom. I should be able to fire every weapon at its rate of fire, if bungie wants to slow hand cannon shots they should lower the rates of fire not put bloom in so we “pace our shots” it just doesn’t feel good • Pulses were kings, autos, scouts, and hand cannons need some slight improvements to come up to their levels • Sub machine guns are awesome at the intended range but could maybe use a very slight stability increase • Side arms work sometimes but seem out of place, maybe increase the headshot multiplier to make it feel rewarding to use • I’m not a fan of the attunement system. I get that it’s easier to balance but the chance that people will only use one attunement because of a perk in the other is a bummer. It makes for a bland and impersonal experience. I don’t like the six shot golden gun, the slow nova bomb, or the shoot and glide warlock. They make me not want to play the entire attunement because of one perk. If I could customize them then I could just swap that perk for something else and not lose out on using three additional perks because I don’t like one of them • I’m not sold on the fixed roles for guns. It depends on how they make getting the same gun multiple times worthwhile but from getting the same guns with the same perks in the beta I was not excited to finish an activity and see what I got. • Supers are lackluster and have too long of cool downs. The titan subclasses are decent but dawnblade has too low of a blast radius and nova bomb is too slow. Golden gun doesn’t last long enough. Arcstrider is a huge disappointment. People can just run away and you have no way to catch them. Also the dodge is easy to track and isn’t that useful in closing in on enemies. The bonus damage from energy weapons also isn’t fun when in supers. You should feel super and if you come in with a super 1 on 1 with someone you should have an advantage. With 2 people team firing energy weapons you get killed too easily. • Super cooldowns also need adjusting, good players having a great game should be able to earn 2 supers a match with average at around half way so they can choose an impactful moment to use them and below average at around ¾ the way through so they get a chance to use it and have fun • Warlock and titan abilities far outclass the hunters dodge. The dodge needs a faster cooldown and some additional benefit such as team invisibility or something. It is so easy to trach a dodge and every other class gets a movement ability in addition to their class ability. Both titans have shoulder charge, warlock has the garrison movement and blink for voidlock. Once again I know these are a lot of criticisms but I wanted to try and offer useful feedback. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to get my hands on the full game!

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