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4/22/2017 2:46:02 AM

Thor: Ragnarok, Planet Hulk, and GOTG

In the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Ronan's army is mostly composed of Sakaarans, which they mention several times. We know that in Thor: Ragnarok, they will borrow some elements of Planet Hulk and show Thor stranded on Sakaar and forced to fight as a gladiator.* From what I see in the trailer, so far there's nothing that looks like the Sakaarans from Guardians of the Galaxy. It's such an easy thing to include for continuity. Even if they just have a bunch of them walking around in the background. They don't even have to explain them. But it'll be a little weird if they [i]aren't[/i] there at all. Marvel has been pretty smart so far tying all this stuff together. Will they be smart enough to make this one minor inclusion that will help tie GOTG to Avengers as Thor: Ragnarok makes the Avengers team more "cosmic" on the way to Infinity War? *Also, coincidence or not, props for including Planet Hulk elements in Thor: Ragnarok, since Thor and Hulk weren't in Civil War (comic or movie), and Hulk [i]specifically[/i] because of the events of Planet Hulk.

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