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Edited by kellygreen45: 10/28/2016 9:03:21 PM
How to you tell the difference between someone being bad....being unlucky....versus gaming the system? Otherwise you screw people out of rewards they have a right to. Last night I didn't get a boss drop from running the Abomination Heist strike on Heroic. Why? I didn't do any damage to the boss before he died, because I was too busy running around clearing out adds and rezzing the other two guys who kept dying because they were overly aggressive in their play. Result....I get screwed for being a team player. PVE play is simply too complicated and too fluid for that kind of system to work, and be fair. If you suspect someone is AFK....or deliberately trying to take advantage of you....LEAVE.!!!!

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  • It was obvious

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  • Why should someone be forced to leave and lose their streak modifier because some jerk off starts up a strike playlist only to go afk or keep killing themselves. What's the point of starting a strike playlist just to do nothing. When all 3 people participate you can burn through strikes in about 10 mins. When 1 jerk off wants to go run around and do nothing to participate, it could take an extra 10 to 15 mins to do the strike. All people participate, strike done faster and loot is earned faster. We should have a vote to kick option or bungie should come down on inactive players again like they did on y1.

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  • Do you want to be right, or enjoy yourself playing the game?

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  • Both. I don't don't leave if there's an afk, I just report them and continue on. I just don't get the point of people launching activities and then going away. Why play a game if your not going to participate in the activity you selected. Just don't start an activity if you have other things to do. They are making things take way longer by being lazy. Don't play a game if you don't want to do anything

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/29/2016 6:46:47 PM
    Rare are the times in life when you get to be both. ....and this clearly isn't one of them. People want the rewards but without having to put in the work. A story as old as humanity.

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  • Normally you do get both. Its the random times when theres a afk.

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  • But we were talking about the times when people come into conflict. Especially when that conflict is revolving around someone trying to take advantage of someone else, or of a situation. If you want to stand up for what is right...than that usually means stepping into the conflict, and having to accept the unhappiness that comes with trying to force change on someone who doesn't want it. if you want to be happy...then that usualy means accepting that (in most cases) you cannot force change on someone who doesn't wish to change....and acting to separate yourself from their bad behavior. Which is why the Serenity Prayer asks to be granted the Courage to change the things that I can, the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot...and the Wisdom to know the difference. Unless you have some form of power over other are generally not going be able to control what they do.

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  • Your getting a little to far in depth with your ideoligy. This is a game. Your original statement was saying to leave. Im not going to do that. I report the player for inactivity and being unhelpful. Then i carry on. Im not going to pray that the way people go about playing a game will change. I. An hope it will but thats all

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  • 1. No I not. Perhaps in trying to explain it....but not in terms of how I live it. 2. Then you've chosen being Right over being Happy. Which is your right. chosen to wind up being angry and frustrated at being taken advantage of, while the person you are reporting still gets what he wants out of the situation. 3. I, OTOH, simply choose being Happy over being Right. I can usually tell within a few minutes if someone is not carrying their weight...and I go to orbit to get away from them. Do I lose that few minutes of progress? Sure. But since I'm not focused on being "right", but only not getting EXPLOITED.... I'm usually back in the game within a few minutes and almost always with a group that "plays better with others". So giving up the need to be "Right" denies these people the ability to take advantage of me or to ruin my enjoyment of the game. While they keep on doing what they were going to do anyway. YMMV>

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  • Your whole point on believing im trying to be right in game is false. The only thing im talking about being right is the whole idea of my op. That is all. I am not angy, frustrated or un happy in any way whatsoever when someone does this. Like i said before i just think to myself "what a lazy dick" report him and carry on. I dont care if he feels he is winning. The only other thing i feel i should be right about is the report feature. It should do more than just be there for peace of mind for people. It should yield results when pressing the button. I think maybe after you report them, after the strike is over we get seperated because that seems to be the case when i report people and the strikes is over, they are not in the next strike. But again this is a game. Stop assuming you know my emotions based on my comment about playing a game and not actually doing anything. At the end of the day, im not going to leave because of 1 guy. Me and the other can handle ourselves.

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  • I think kellygreen is trying to get you to not think idealistically, since you can't control other people. The hard realist viewpoint has something to it, because it would be the most efficient way to not deal with inactive players. But I tend to agree more with your thinking; players doing what they are supposed to do shouldn't have to sacrifice any progress they've made or their strike streak modifier just because 1 player decides he/she doesn't want to do work but still get rewards. In that respect, the system should be better about identifying inactivity. Sure, a 30-60 second trip to the bathroom is forgivable if you've been playing earnestly before that. But there is an obvious difference between that and a player who sits in one place and looks around or fires their gun every once in awhile just to send input through the controller. Or a guy who spends more time dead than alive in the strike despite getting revived by teammates. Bungie is capable to tracking player movement through a level (we see them show heatmaps of deaths in Crucible, so they can track player behavior). They need to step up their report reviewing and deal out the kinds of punishment that deter inactivity and other such behavior.

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  • You correct about my motives. Unfortunately, unless you are Bungie, you are not going to be able to control what other people do in the game. So the question here is not "How am I going to fix these people's bad behavior?." The better question is "How am I going to keep these people's bad behavior from ruining MY experience of playing the game.?" The simplest, most elegant solution is to simply leave. Yes, you lose progress in the strike...but you also prevent someone from taking advantage of you. Sometimes when you cannot defeat a wrong....the best way to handle it is to simply refuse to cooperate with it. ...and continuing to carry someone who is AFK while swearing under your breath about how unfair it still enabling that behavior. Because the little shit is still getting what he wants out of the situation...and your outrage just doesn't matter to him. Otherwise he wouldnt' be doing it in the first place.

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  • You seem to believe that i am letting these certain players ruin my day. They dont. When i see what they are doing i report them, think to myself " what a dick" and continue on. Its a game. I have bigger things in life to worry about rather than let a game make me upset. Im not the op, i dont send them messages.

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  • Well, if you don't have a problem being taken advantage of....then fine. The issue is not about what you do....but what you FEEL about what you do. That is drawning a sharp boundary between yourself and their shameless behavior. If you can draw that limit internally....and carry on without feeling that you're being mistreated....great. But the fact that you continue to talk about trying to FIX their behavior leads me to believe that your "internal boundary" isn't as effective as you would like for us to believe. I, for one, can't do that. So for me a PHYSICAL boundary.....putting distance between myself and them. Once I have that distance...I really dont' care what they do. Because it can't touch me at that point.

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  • Edited by theghost_bgrt: 10/31/2016 5:26:07 PM
    Never said anything about fixing their behavior. All i ever said is what is the point of playing a game to do nothing. Idk if your trying to be a therapist with the way you are talking, but there is no deep down problem dwelling within me. I think you been smoking too much green. Like i said numerous times, its just a game. I report them and carry on. I do not get offended. I do not take it personally. And i do not feel i am being taken advantage of. I play the game to have fun and escape reality. My only other point is that the report function should be monitored more closely and issue out restrictions like they did in y1. Again, at the end of the day its a game. But side note, do i have to pay for all these therapy sessions or are they free.

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  • [i]We should have a vote to kick option or bungie should come down on inactive players again like they did on y1.[/i] Sound familiar at all? That is what I'm referring to when I'm talking about wanting to be "right" vs. happy. When I go to orbit, I don't need for Bungie to do anything or for the people being AFK to do anything different. Keeping my "streak bonus" isn't worth losing my enjoyment of the game.

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  • Edited by theghost_bgrt: 10/31/2016 6:28:33 PM
    So you want to be selective in what you respond to. How about the many times where i said i just report them and carry on. My emotions dont change. And that statement says nothing about me fixing the persons behavior like you said. Im using an ingame tool to report the player like they have said many times over the years. Again, for the final time, my emotions dont change when someones afk. Im here to play a game and enjoy it. If someone wants to try and bring me down by being lazy, let them. Im just going to report them and carry on. Im not a child whos going to get upset and send messages to the afk guy. My enoyment isnt ruined. Mission take a few mins longer but thats all.

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  • Ever heard the quote from Shakespeare, "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks"? Sometimes someone can say things over and over again, but it fails to ring true because it doesn't jibe with all the other things they are saying and doing. If you genuinely put what they Afk'ers were doing "behind you". You wouldn't care whether Bungie did anything about them or not. Would it be nice if Bungie dealt with them? Sure. Do I care if they do or not? No. Because I found my own solution.

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  • I came across a post. Seen something i disagreed with and stated my opinion. I dont care what your hierarchy mind set leads you to believe.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/31/2016 8:11:38 PM
    Which is your choice. Just like its my choice to be skeptical of what you've had to say.

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  • The system really needs to be better. In y1 they utilized it and issued out restrictions to players who constantly did it. Haven't seen anything since about restrictions being issued to inactive players. Or add a vote to kick feature. If 2 of the 3 players both report the 3rd player for same reasons they should be removed.

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  • Vote to kick would be abused, so I can't get on board with that. But I agree that they should be more vigilant in report reviewing and issue out more restrictions.

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  • Vote to kick WAS abused in the Division. Think its infuriating to carry someone who is AFK through a fight? Try carrying two of them through a fight only to have them kick you after the fights over, and before you have a chance to get your drops. (In The Division there was no Postmaster, so if you got kicked, you just LOST whatever you didn't have a chance to pick up.)

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  • Perhaps a more stringent activity detection system that only activates when 2 players report that player for inactivity. So if they're not advancing with you and doing any damage, it boots them. That way, even if it is abused, you can't get kicked if you are participating. Not sure how one would make said system, bungie probably wouldn't want to use resources on that. They'd make more off microtransactions lol.

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  • Yea it would be. They should do something tho. And for all these post where i see people say they message the afk player and they get a nasty message back. They are going above and beyond the terms of laziness.

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