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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
9/16/2016 6:56:38 PM
[i]The public atrium was a hustle and bustle of workers and stowaways performing normal human duties. All was normal on the cursed ship. Suddenly the room darkened, shadows creeping in from all sides. Cries of shock and anger began to fill the room as people's daily routine was interrupted. All fell silent as a pinprick of light appeared in the air over the market. It danced aver so slightly back and forth and all inside were held captive by its appearance. It's movements began to become erratic, the orb itself growing unstable. Humans began to back away from it, extending farther out around it in fear. They were right to do so as the orb erupted out into a greenish black vortex glowing with a sickly light. The event roused screams from everyone around and a howling emitted from inside the vortex. People began to scatter as the vortex grew in size, stumbling over each other in acts of self preservation. With lighting speed, dagger like craft shot out of the portal in the atrium. Their sleek, oily black hulls covered in sharp angles and tools of torment. They began to swoop low, delivering their contents and destroying whatever came in their path with rows of automatic weapons. The crews landed amidst the population, immediately lashing out with blades and nets. They were tall, lithe, and in armor matching the menacing ships they landed in. Screams began to fill the atrium as the attackers began to slaughter and capture everything in their path. From the portal more horrors spewed forth. Hulking abominations of flesh began to rampage out, flanked by more figures, naked from the waist up save for masks. They were armed with horrific and wicked blades and guns intent on only causing tortuous pain. The screams of civilians echoed down every corridor of the ship as a full scale invasion of the Bloodwrath had begun. The Cabal of the Eclipsed sun and the Coven of the Hex had descended upon their prey. The Dark Eldar had come to claim their prisoners, and once they do, none will be left alive.[/i] [b]So begins my attempt at a ship wide event. There are only the alliances you can muster amongst yourselves, the Dark Eldar reason with no one and nothing will satiate their desire to cause pain and capture prisoners. There is no help from the outside, Chaos cares little for their mortal servants and the corruption on the ship means the Imperium would rather blast it from the void then rescue you from inside. Repel the invaders if you can, or survive till they have had their fill of hedonistic violence. The Raiding of the Bloodwrath has begun.[/b]

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