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8/28/2016 8:45:34 AM

So how are server assignments, etc., for logging in done?

So I am in Central Ohio. When I log in, I can tell. A LOT of people seem to be from Ohio or a nearby bordering state on the spot occasion. I see names relating to Ohio State, or 614 (Columbus area code) or 740 (area code for Central that isn't Columbus as well as E/SE Ohio), and things like that. People wouldn't randomly have these names over and over and over again, and I rarely see the same person twice. In other games, I could log on and see people from anywhere. I'm convinced that based on where you live is where you log onto and since I have been up and down all day due to illness, I am awake for meds and playing and nobody is on. At all. I haven't tried crucible, but i did Prison of Elders level 41 and waited 10m (I walked away to get meds, drink, etc.) and never did get a match. But someone on my friend's list who is far away is playing. If it weren't for the fact my voice didn't suck right now I'd party chat and fire team. Anyway, how is server assignment done? If it isn't regional, I am convinced something is up because at 4 am SOMEONE somewhere is playing. Why do I have worlds to myself? It just seems strange and I've never seen an explanation easily found. (Side example that may also help explain: Final Fantasy XI was divided by servers named for the different aeons, like Shiva, Sylph, etc. So when you logged on to your assigned server, people were always on that server every time. Not region based but server based. And I think Destiny is region based. Most people in Ohio are rightfully asleep unless they're sick like me, and seeing no one on, not even the 1am Pacific Coasters seems odd.)

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