I'm level 30 in Overwatch, have only earned one legendary drop from 30 loot boxes.
I've 700 gold coins, another 300 needed for another legendary skin. Mostly get spray's, duplicates, would never spend real cash on a loot box.
During the beta the drop percentages were a lot better, they should give more gold for a duplicate. How many legendarys have you guys earned?
Edit: I mixed up legendary with epic. Legendary are the yellow skins and epic are purple.
Edit 2: Interesting video here guys about the server tickrate in Overwatch. Competitive play next month will be 60 tick, but why is it not that way across the board?
Blizzard saving money on server costs by running quick play on 20 tickrate servers.
None but it's all about that carbon fiber genji skin
I have received the goth zarya skin and the junker D.Va skin
Only got one for Lucio, hockey one not awesome frog dj one. About 300 away from having enough to get another as well.
Legendary Skins I have aquired: Sharkbait (Roadhog) Ifrit (Zenyatta) The one that looks like Ifrit but different colors (still Zenyatta) Only Epic Skin I have aquired was Amber for Mercy.
Only one in the beta
Level 28, I have 7 or 8 legendary skins so far. Yes, my friends do hate me.
At level 32, I've gotten three legendary drops: a McCree skin, a Torbjorn skin, and a 500 coin drop. Looking to buy a Zenyatta skin when I hit 1K coins.
Lets see, I have, 8 Legendary Skins: Hanzo-Brown Wolf(Purchased), Junkrat-Scarecrow, Reinhardt-Blackhardt, Tracer-Racer, Winston-Explorer, Mei-Snowsuit, Roadhog-Shark, Symmetra-Buisness outfit. 2 Epic Skins: Pharah-White Jackal & Soilder:76-Gold Aswell as obviously all the pre-order & origins skins
One skin I really want is soldier 76's bone skin.
I have one now. Junkrat Jester I think.
I'm level 13 and I got a legendary. [spoiler] Lucio's hokey skin[/spoiler]
Lvl 23 have gotten 3 and 2 yellows
Roadhog toa Symmetra devi That's it
The desert looking Genji one and Chopper Torbjorn
1, and got exactly what I wanted for once. (It was the river boat skin for Mccree)
Just seen a story on IGN where somone has reached level 100 and had 5 legendary skins and 2 of those were bought with coins.
Edited by Oxide: 5/31/2016 11:09:43 AM26 and I got a double legendary drop in one box Jester junk rat Mako hog rider (shark) And a 500 legendary coin drop
Fing zero. But to be fair, i haven't bought it
I think some of the base skins are better than legendary ones
Probably about 7 or so from 80 boxes, with a couple of those 7 being coins.
RnG is on my side. I got 8 legendaries so far.
Gotten 3 legendary skins so far at lvl 21. Junebug for dva gambler for mcree and scarecrow for junkrat.
Raptorion for Parah (1st loot box ever) Hockey Lúcio Frogston The White Punk Tracer Skin The alternate nomad skin for Genji Origins skins Noire Skin Arctic skin for Zarya (bought with credits)