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2/5/2010 5:53:15 PM

Halo 2, Xbox LIVE and You

Microsoft announced today that Xbox LIVE support for original Xbox games will be discontinued on April 15, 2010. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=news&cid=24704] click for full story [/url]

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  • Well this is just a preview of what to expect. Eventually you won't be able to play halo 3 anymore. But it is really a preview of the much bigger picture. That is you won't be able to play any old games any more at some point. In 10 years (if that long) your halo 3 disc might still work, your 360 too (doubtful), but what about your downloaded maps? title updates? I don't doubt we will see a Halo2 port to xbox live arcade, but is that really what we want? I see a vision and the vision is microsoft (or game companies really) trying to do what the music and movie publishers have done for so long, namely, getting consumers to buy the same content over and over and over again. There are actually already doing it now.

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  • I say Shishka removes the DLC requirement for all playlists to let people who have lost it to play.

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  • [url][/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JacobGRocks Looks like Micro$oft has come out with a fail faq here: [url][/url] Here are some big ones: [quote]Q: Isn't this really just to get customers to upgrade to an Xbox 360? A: Absolutely not, this is about providing the most benefit to the full Xbox LIVE community.[/quote] So to provide the most benifit, they need to cut off a lot of people from live. Also, look how much money could fly into bill gates's wallet if he made people upgrade. [quote] Q: Does this impact games that are running on an Xbox 360, or just the original Xbox? A: Xbox LIVE support will end for original Xbox 1 consoles and games, including Xbox 1 games playable on Xbox 360.[/quote] So its being killed for all original xbox games. Even those on xbox marketplace. [quote]Q: Don't you think this is a huge blow to the "Halo 2" community? A: "Halo 2" redefined the multiplayer gaming experience on a console, and we're incredibly grateful to the Halo community for their continued support of the franchise. We are committed to continued LIVE support of popular experiences such as "Halo 3," "Halo Wars," and "Halo 3: ODST" on Xbox 360. We're also moving quickly towards the future of the franchise with the "Halo: Reach" beta on Xbox LIVE just around the corner. [/quote] So to them, they would rather support failo 3 and lousy non bungie spinoffs then halo 2. They also claim they arent shutting down 360 live (which they might when the 720 comes out) and they also arent saying it is related to natal or the announced friends list cap. [/quote] Fail M$ is Fail. If this were a forum I could +Rep you on I would.

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  • Looks like Micro$oft has come out with a fail faq here: [url][/url] Here are some big ones: [quote]Q: Isn't this really just to get customers to upgrade to an Xbox 360? A: Absolutely not, this is about providing the most benefit to the full Xbox LIVE community.[/quote] So to provide the most benifit, they need to cut off a lot of people from live. Also, look how much money could fly into bill gates's wallet if he made people upgrade. [quote] Q: Does this impact games that are running on an Xbox 360, or just the original Xbox? A: Xbox LIVE support will end for original Xbox 1 consoles and games, including Xbox 1 games playable on Xbox 360.[/quote] So its being killed for all original xbox games. Even those on xbox marketplace. [quote]Q: Don't you think this is a huge blow to the "Halo 2" community? A: "Halo 2" redefined the multiplayer gaming experience on a console, and we're incredibly grateful to the Halo community for their continued support of the franchise. We are committed to continued LIVE support of popular experiences such as "Halo 3," "Halo Wars," and "Halo 3: ODST" on Xbox 360. We're also moving quickly towards the future of the franchise with the "Halo: Reach" beta on Xbox LIVE just around the corner. [/quote] So to them, they would rather support failo 3 and lousy non bungie spinoffs then halo 2. They also claim they arent shutting down 360 live (which they might when the 720 comes out) and they also arent saying it is related to natal or the announced friends list cap.

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  • noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to miss playing blood gultch with all my Xbox live friends i mean, why why would they do this halo 2 means so much to me halo 2 was my first halo game and after that i played halo, halo3, halo wars, halo odst, and in the future halo reach ( they are only doing this because of natal and that is just a no controller needed wii "BLAM" natal) [Edited on 02.06.2010 5:42 PM PST]

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  • I've been banned from halo 2 for years, and I never modded. I was only banned for having action replay and being lucky I guess. If it's with in anyone's power that reads this please unban the gamertag Teerack. I'd love to get on and join in, because halo 2 was honestly the funnest game ive ever played. Thank you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Paradux 6287 total games of Halo 2 online... My old life is going to be deleted... (sobs)[/quote] Over 15000 for me, it was my 5th-Middle School weekends ***cries at the fact that it is finally gone and that the fact this is true*** I still play it, I hope to see a rise in Population so maybe it won't take me 5 or so minutes to find a game. Also Halo Reach better gRAPE sh** because I can't last on Halo 3 for much longer without my BxRs and Double shots to go back to, and I might have to *gulp* play Call of Duty.....

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  • T_T NOOOOOOOOO ... time to start playing halo 2 again..

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  • Ok, i found the cause for "damaged maps". If you are on a 360, and it red rings, and it gets serviced and you plug in the HDD, your dlc and saves for original xbox get messed up as they arent on the same xbox console. Its called DRM and you are getting burned by it. Also, you can play custom games without the DLC, and when the shutdown happens you can get [url=]xlink kai (better then xbc)[/url] or [url=]XBConnect[/url] or H2V.

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  • This is just stupid. Why, Micro$oft, why do you -blam!- me off so?

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  • xbox live needs to check what they are doing. can i get my money back for halo 2 since i cant play it online any more. dont think so. horrible decision xbox live and microsoft!!!

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  • 6287 total games of Halo 2 online... My old life is going to be deleted... (sobs)

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  • My first game of Halo 2 (had three head-to-heads before that I'm not counting because my friend was playing those) /salute Hopefully Halo 1 and 2's multiplayer portions can one day be brought to the Arcade.

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  • This day was bound to come, although I have to say I expected it to be later than this. Looking forward, I expect that we'll see some new features on XBL (Friends list of more than 100, anybody?), so that's exciting. Looking forward to giving H2 one last hurrah. :)

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  • i had made this video for the memory of halo 2.. sorry for the quality....there are a gameplay of a part of the best maps if you want to see this video look this link [url]!-y25oI[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Anti Gov420 I think I'm going to cry.[/quote]

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  • I can't seem to access my previously downloaded content so I can't do matchmaking. Anybody else having problems?

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  • I'm going to play right now. <3 Halo 2

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  • Well at least I can still play it on GFWL.

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  • I agree, I really hope that Bungie will remaster this game and make it available on 360. This was the game that really brought Halo to the main stream BECAUSE of XBL. Halo 1 is a great game and there are many that feel the H1 multiplayer is still the only true MP format for halo. Personally, I love H2 more than the others. The pace of play is way more intense for me than H3 and H1. I've logged hundreds and hundreds of games and have so many fond and terribly frustrating memories. I love this game and am sad to know that I will only be able to play it on lan. Please Bungie....don't let this one die.

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  • This is the worst news I Have ever heard. Seriously, so many great memories, and I will never be able to do it again, it's pretty depressing. :(

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  • I started live on halo 2 when I was 7. Like a year or less after Xbox Live came out. I can't believe it will be gone. I'll def. be on to remember the past 6 years I've played H2 on live.

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  • Woah, this announcement certainly caught me by surprise. Admittedly, I'm pretty saddened to hear this, considering the three years worth of awesome memories I have from that game. Like many here, the majority of my Xbox Live friends list consists of people I met on Halo 2. With that being said, I'll be sure to give my last farewells to Halo 2 LIVE come April 14th.

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  • God speed Halo 2. God speed. Time to get Halo 2 Vista.

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