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2/5/2010 5:53:15 PM

Halo 2, Xbox LIVE and You

Microsoft announced today that Xbox LIVE support for original Xbox games will be discontinued on April 15, 2010. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=news&cid=24704] click for full story [/url]

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  • this is truly a black day for xbox.... theres is no way they could allow bungie to use private servers to continue support for halo2? like how EA games use there own servers?

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  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ='(

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  • And i dont even have h2! I had, a time ago, access to it for a full week. What a week! but now... No way of getting a copy and no online or dlc if i do get it. its so sad...

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  • Is there anyway to re-release Halo 2 on Xbox 360 with Achievements?

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  • In contuation of my last post: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JacobGRocks Looks like Micro$oft has come out with a fail faq here: [url][/url] Here are some big ones: [quote]Q: Isn't this really just to get customers to upgrade to an Xbox 360? A: Absolutely not, this is about providing the most benefit to the full Xbox LIVE community.[/quote] So to provide the most benifit, they need to cut off a lot of people from live. Also, look how much money could fly into bill gates's wallet if he made people upgrade. [quote] Q: Does this impact games that are running on an Xbox 360, or just the original Xbox? A: Xbox LIVE support will end for original Xbox 1 consoles and games, including Xbox 1 games playable on Xbox 360.[/quote] So its being killed for all original xbox games. Even those on xbox marketplace. [quote]Q: Don't you think this is a huge blow to the "Halo 2" community? A: "Halo 2" redefined the multiplayer gaming experience on a console, and we're incredibly grateful to the Halo community for their continued support of the franchise. We are committed to continued LIVE support of popular experiences such as "Halo 3," "Halo Wars," and "Halo 3: ODST" on Xbox 360. We're also moving quickly towards the future of the franchise with the "Halo: Reach" beta on Xbox LIVE just around the corner. [/quote] So to them, they would rather support failo 3 and lousy non bungie spinoffs then halo 2. They also claim they arent shutting down 360 live (which they might when the 720 comes out) and they also arent saying it is related to natal or the announced friends list cap. [/quote] A few more: [quote]Q: Does this mean you plan to shut down Xbox LIVE for Xbox 360 users as well? A: Absolutely not. Our focus now is continuing the evolution of Xbox LIVE with new features specifically for the Xbox 360 community.[/quote] In a few years, ms will want to "improve" the xbox 720 and will shut down 360 live, mw2, cod4, halo 3 and more. And you WILL lose your dlc. [quote]Q: Are you doing anything special for the people affected? A: Over the coming months we will contact the Xbox LIVE members directly impacted by this change. We view the community as a partner in this process.[/quote] Last time i checked on my xbox 1, there were no messages about the shutdown. Just the same "welcome to xbox live check here for upcoming news and events blah blah". I also didnt have any importiant messages from live either. [quote]Q: Why are you discontinuing Xbox LIVE service for the original Xbox? A: This change will allow us to continue the evolution of Xbox LIVE, delivering features and experiences that fully harness the power of Xbox 360 and the global Xbox LIVE community of more than 20 million members. The best is yet to come, and we look forward to sharing more details in the near future[/quote] So for a few well known people to have a trillion friends, they need to ditch a bunch of games people play. Also, [url=]here[/url] ms says they dont care about the xbox. [Edited on 02.07.2010 6:33 AM PST]

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  • I cannot believe it, I am deeply saddened of this news. I played halo 2 religously clocking over 10,000 games on half a dozen accounts. I have been trying for days now to try & redownload the dlc but to my disappointment the servers are gone. I just want to play online matchmaking, but with the servers for the dlc gone I have no way of playing. Can bungie please open a matchmaking playlist for those people with just the original maps? Yes I know like a lot of people the live infrastructure could not evolve until disolving the old but the question is why did microsoft cut the servers for the dlc so soon? Halo 2 RIP WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS

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  • I still can't believe this ... bungie I have faith ! you can save the world ... of halo 2 !

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  • Im highly disappointed of this but with DLC problems Im glad I kept my Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack disk. Although if my maps get damaged I will have no way of getting Tombstone or Desolation.

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  • So if you don't have the maps packs you better get them now so they're on your hardrive forever. I'm Still a pround owner of a Halo 2 Disk.

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  • bungie, you have to do something, couldn't you like devote some of your team to remaking Halo 2 as an Arcade Classic???

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  • i want the dlc back >_< no idea how it was wiped from my hdd :(

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  • omg .... im seriously -blam!- sad.. halo 2 is what started everything... im sitting down right here playing halo 2 right now cus of this and all i remember is all the good times and how i used to sit down and play halo 2 as a little kid. and how i met every 1. this is a sad moment. -blam!- YOU MICROSOFT

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  • OMG Bungie please help us with the damaged DLC issue. Can you guys find a way to let us play online with missing or damaged DLC . This game was so important to so many and it would be a shame if the DLC kept us from having our last Horrah together.

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  • Bungie you better re-master the game , the EXACT way it was, bxb's bxr's, double shots, wall glitches, super bounces, sword canceling, and everything else that made this game ten times better that failo 3 , I'm serious, I hope the people who made this decisions realize how -blam!- they are and give the community that made them some respect. -blam!- Microsoft !

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  • Screw microsoft seriously, I pay for 6 years of xbl live, give them hundreds and hundreds of my dollars so I can play halo 2 , and they turn around and -blam!- me in the ass, that's awesome thanks microsoft you greedy corporate bastards, what a bunch of -blam!- bubbling , -blam!- licking , quiff sniffing , -blam!- sucking , ass -blam!- , kikes , I am so mad about this, I just got screwed !! [Edited on 02.06.2010 11:09 PM PST]

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  • =[ Back to Xbc on April 15th

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brother Bacon Halo 2 has left me far too many good memories. It is a sad day to see it come to an end in multiplayer. Screw Microsoft and Love Bungie. :)[/quote] I agree. it is a very sad thing indeed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ender Illes I feel like grandpa is being pushed out to sea on a lonely iceberg. Its just not right. [/quote] I like your analogy. +1 to you. It is sad that they are doing this but at least she went out on top.

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  • i really hate to say this but fawk u microsoft!!,there shuting down xbl on the original xbox wtf thats how it got start halo 2 thats right halo 2 MADE! xbox live so coming this april ill be canceling my account and yes i have a 360 but yall gota reconize the potintial that halo 2 gave us microsoft u can have a Sticky grenade shoved up ur your ass! [Edited on 02.06.2010 9:14 PM PST]

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  • I can't believe they have taken down all the DLC already, 2 months before the April 15 deadline. How are people who haven't played the game for years, and didn't download the 2 online only maps supposed to join matchmaking, if they don't have all the maps. Why did Microsoft take down all the DLC now? Not just for Halo 2, it seems all games can't access their DLC any more. Bungie, get on the phone to Microsoft and reverse this horrible wrong. Turning off the online servers after 5 years, I can live with. But taking away the DLC before the servers are turned off is just crazy.

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  • Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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  • It is a sad revelation...MS just don't give a F about it's loyal customers.

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  • I didn't think I'd care much, but it actually makes me kinda sad. The game that took Bungie, Xbox Live, and the Halo series to the top of gaming is now gone. So as tribute to this awesome game, play Halo 2 Live you can no more! Stick it to 'em!

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  • it was bound to happen some time....ya know.

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  • Well this is just a preview of what to expect. Eventually you won't be able to play halo 3 anymore. But it is really a preview of the much bigger picture. That is you won't be able to play any old games any more at some point. In 10 years (if that long) your halo 3 disc might still work, your 360 too (doubtful), but what about your downloaded maps? title updates? I don't doubt we will see a Halo2 port to xbox live arcade, but is that really what we want? I see a vision and the vision is microsoft (or game companies really) trying to do what the music and movie publishers have done for so long, namely, getting consumers to buy the same content over and over and over again. There are actually already doing it now.

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