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Edited by Cortana Five: 9/16/2014 11:45:21 PM

THE NEW IP Bungie Formula:Durandal, Cortana, Joyeuse?

***Long friggin' post alert!*** [u]THIS IS A REVISED VERSION![/u] [quote][u]PLEASE FAVORITE THIS THREAD FOR FURTHER UPDATES![/u][/quote] The vast majority of my edits are due to [url=]Ender's post here[/url] among others. I will cite him as much as possible in here. [quote]"My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal."[/quote] [b]Reader's Digest Version-ish[/b] This quote is the focus of my theory for a "formula" for Bungie trilogies. The quote above speaks of three famous swords that had once come together in battle. The three swords seem to correspond with two of the AIs from Marathon (Durandal) and Halo (Cortana). The third sword, Joyeuse, is the mystery AI and holder. If the first two swords can be proven to purposely correspond with the game characters, then perhaps Joyeuse and its holder (Charlemagne) is what the new IP's characters will be like. This theory also ties into several other theories. But in order to connect them while making sense, I must explain how and why the AIs and their swords correspond. As you read, keep [url=]Pfhorpedia[/url] handy if you're not in tune with the Marathon universe. While we're at it, [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] may come in handy. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THE MARATHON TRILOGY YOURSELF: Download the games through [url=]Aleph One[/url]. We'll be talking a lot of Marathon in here, my friends. So to set the mood: ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** Dear reader, This is going to be a huge post. A [i]good[/i] post, but a long one. I mean, this [i]will[/i] take several slots to cover. So, grab a nice cup of coffee and a pair of reading glasses or something that will keep you awake and in your chair. Until the coffee passes though. [b]I will also ask you to take this thing with a pinch of salt[/b]. I don't know if this is the truth in its entirety, and you probably don't either. Unless you're someone like Joe Staten or Jason Jones who's [i]really[/i] bored on a coffee break and stumbled upon this thing. Then, of course, you'd know if this is dumb speculation or not. Wishful thinking, right? [u]Please, please, please!!![/u] Give me feedback on this, tell me about anything you may dig up on this stuff, and if any of my facts/lore/spelling/[b]grammer[/b]/bad jokes/historical events are incorrect. ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY*** [quote]Durandal-Durendal (Endurance- True definition unknown)*[/quote] *The name probably comes from the French verb "durer", "to endure". [u]Sword Info:[/u] In The Song of Roland, the sword is said to contain within its golden hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Saint Basil, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the poem, *[i]Roland attempts to break Durendal by smiting it against a marble block ten times. This proves fruitless. The myth of him creating La Brèche is merely a folktale of the land. It is not stated as such in La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland).[/i] According to Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso it once belonged to Hector of Troy, and was given to Roland by Maugris. *[i]Orlando Furioso is a work created centuries after La Chanson do Roland. In La Chanson, it is made clear that Charlemagne was given instructions by the angel Gabriel to let Roland wield Durendal.[/i] By Ender. In [i]Marathon[/i], Durandal [u]told the player[/u] that he did not want to suffer the same fate as Leela, so he asked to be destroyed.* The player finds out that Durandal was not actually destroyed, just as Roland couldn't destroy the sword. (Note that the fate of Leela turned out to be completely different and that Durandal didn't actually want to be destroyed. He was loopy and rampant.) *[i]Please note that Durandal's request to be destroyed was part of a plot of his own, and not an honest request and that Leela was not actually destroyed either.[/i] [b]Holders:[/b] Hector of Troy and Count Roland Note: [i]MRN54 [url=]may or may not be you[/url].[/i] [u]Hector of Troy & Mjolnir Recon Number 54[/u] (Not the forum ninja) Hector was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter of Troy in the Trojan War and the son of Priam and Hecuba, a descendant of Dardanus (son of Zeus and Electra). Because Hector was a descendant of several gods, he would in theory be a hybrid of sorts. The parallel here is that MRN54 [i]is[/i] a cyborg and a fighter. From Marathon.Bungie.Org: [quote] There are those references to your physical ability: [i]You slam your fist in frustration onto the control panel[/i](Manual page 2) Whether this is of significance or not depends largely on what material the control panel is made of. We have no information on this. [i]It's funny, but you've always been the colony's trouble shooter. You're bigger and stronger, and a better shot. In games, you always scored the most points and looked the hero. (Manual page 2)[/i] [/quote]. [quote] Alas! the gods have lured me on to my destruction. ... death is now indeed exceedingly near at hand and there is no way out of it- for so Zeus and his son Apollo the far-darter have willed it, though heretofore they have been ever ready to protect me.} My doom has come upon me; let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter." -Spoken by Hector facing Achilles, after a missed spear-throw, The Iliad Book XXII Lines 299-305.[/quote] This quote could represent the AIs in the trilogy toying and luring the player towards his destruction or towards their will. The AIs had protected the player for their plans, and in a sense, the player was doomed to what they had in store for him. [u]Count Roland & MRN54:[/u] The tale of Roland's death is retold in the eleventh century poem [i]The Song of Roland[/i], where he is equipped with an unbreakable sword, enchanted by various Christian relics, named Durendal. As said earlier, Roland couldn't break the sword, just as MRN54 couldn't break Durandal throughout the trilogy. Orlando Furiouso (among other works) includes Roland's battle with a Saracen giant named Ferracutus who is only vulnerable at his navel. The W'rkncacnter; a being(s) seemingly indestructible may have been a reference to Ferractus. The Sacren's navel may have been represented by activating a Jjaro station to trap the W'rkncacnter. [quote] [i]To stop the Pfhor from their folly and our demise, you must activate the ancient station that Yrro used eons ago to trap the W'rkncacnter. If we can activate it in time, it will crush the Pfhor fleet before we're all destroyed.[/i] *You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna Die Big Time! (Terminal 1)*[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ender If we restrict our view to the first Marathon game, it is more likely that the Ferracutus analogy is to The Pfhor. They are larger in numbers, more technologically advanced, and ready to squash us. We, however, find that they rely heavily on the S'pht slaves they captured. Durandal instructs us to free them and we do so, allowing a rebellion to unfold, crushing the Pfhor attack.[/quote] At last, a confirmation (one of many) of the connection between Roland's sword and your well behaved AI (Yes, that was sarcasm): The first terminal on Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! relates the tale of Count Roland, who near death, attempts to break his sword to prevent it from being taken by the Saracens. [quote][i]Count Roland smites upon the marble stone; I cannot tell you how he hewed it and smote; Yet the blade breaks not nor splinters, though it groans; Upward to heaven it rebounds from the blow. When the count sees it never will be broke, Then to himself right softly he makes moan; 'Ah, Durandal, fair, hallowed, and devote, What store of relics lies in thy hilt of gold!' -From The Song of Roland (Translated by Dorothy Sayers, Viking Penguin, NY, NY, 1957)[/i] *Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! (Terminal 1)*[/quote] [u]Roland and Charlemagne references by Durandal:[/u] -[url=]Feel the noise[/url] -[url=]Roland[/url] By gathering this information, I can say with confidence that Durandal is [i]defiantly[/i] the spitting AI image of the sword Durendal, and that it's holders Roland and Hector are the inspiration for MRN54's situation involving the AIs in Marathon; specifically Durandal. ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY** [Edited on 02.12.2011 1:12 PM PST]

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  • The spear of christ? Do you think its gonna be possible for some sort of connection of an AI and a Bloodline that dates all the way back to forerunners? The signifigence of the spear was the blood of christ, the Bloodline, same with the holy grail, and it could easily be seen that someone within the storyline has an ancient bloodline that ties back to the forerunners i hope someone can shed some light on these ideas, but i can totally see this all tying in with the future stories withen the game c:

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  • In my seacrh for informantion related to this topic I came across the wikipedia page of [url=]Wayland the smith[/url]. Listed on that page and under the heading "Swords described as having been forged by Wayland" are Durendal, Curtana, and Almace. Accordig to the [i]Karlamagnus Saga[/i] the third sword was Almace, not Joyeuse. Although, I definitely still believe Joyeuse to be the sword of Charlemagne. I could not however find any reference to who forged it. I also found some other info that claims Joyeuse was forged to contain the Lance of Longinus within its pommel. The Lance of Longinus is also known as the Holy Lance, Spear of Destiny, Holy Spear, Spear of Longinus, and Spear of Christ. This is a great thread and I hope this info can be of some help. [Edited on 11.25.2010 12:47 AM PST]

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  • Wow, the parallels are too obvious to deny. Thanks for the info.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Professor24 Is it possible for it to be an MMO and a FPS, or just one or the other?[/quote]Well, I'm not sure about the genre. This theory attempts to figure out the plot.

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  • Is it possible for it to be an MMO and a FPS, or just one or the other?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Professor24 I have my own theory, yours makes mine look dinky and half assed but oh well here it is. well here is [url=]this[/url] . I personally think it is going to be another fps that has something to do with space because of this " per audacia ad astra" which means "boldly going into space" and at the end of Bungies letter to the community at the end of Reach it says "We'll see you starside" This is my best guess.[/quote]That's actually a great point to bring up. Although I do believe Aerospace's copyright page mentioned that it was a software distribution product, the "space" part is a great thing to take a good look at. I think that it's entirely plausible that the new IP concerns outer space or something of the sort. [/quote] Yeah, judging by the quote from the end of Reach, and the fact that Bungie registered the word Marathon, and the Marathon logo, I believe it's either going to be another Marathon game, or it will heavily reference Marathon. Dunno about FPS, probably MMO of some sort.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Professor24 I have my own theory, yours makes mine look dinky and half assed but oh well here it is. well here is [url=]this[/url] . I personally think it is going to be another fps that has something to do with space because of this " per audacia ad astra" which means "boldly going into space" and at the end of Bungies letter to the community at the end of Reach it says "We'll see you starside" This is my best guess.[/quote]That's actually a great point to bring up. Although I do believe Aerospace's copyright page mentioned that it was a software distribution product, the "space" part is a great thing to take a good look at. I think that it's entirely plausible that the new IP concerns outer space or something of the sort.

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  • I have my own theory, yours makes mine look dinky and half assed but oh well here it is. well here is [url=]this[/url] . I personally think it is going to be another fps that has something to do with space because of this " per audacia ad astra" which means "boldly going into space" and at the end of Bungies letter to the community at the end of Reach it says "We'll see you starside" This is my best guess.

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  • [i]The[/i] most epic thread on the internet. [Edited on 11.26.2010 1:26 PM PST]

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  • cOLD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] silversleek 117 TL;DR version plz.[/quote]The first person has a "reader's digest" version.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] silversleek 117 TL;DR version plz.[/quote] There is no real "short" version. If you are interested I suggest you at least read the OP.

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  • TL;DR version plz.

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  • Because this is on the subject of a new IP, please check out the Bungie webcams and follow [url=]the Webcam thread[/url] for updates and theories. I understand that the webcams pertain to Bungie Aerospace, but it wouldn't hurt to look into any connections.

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  • Don't you just love it how Bungie not only makes the best video games but the most intensified universe full of mystery and awesomness. I can't wait till they make their next trilogy.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 I would suggest researching on the characteristics of the lance, Morgan le Faye, the index, and MB. Remember not to go looking for parallels, but instead just find out the big picture for each subject. Then piece things together from there.[/quote] I thought you would say that. =S When I have more time, I shall look further into each subject. While I know the basic knowledge in regards to the Lance, the Index, Mendicant Bias and Morgan le Faye. I cannot help but still think there is something deeper involved. It might also just be my imgaination fooling me though. Yet still, I cannot help but have this feeling the Lance somehow plays a significant role. I will edit my post once I have further time to look into things. [b]Edit #1:[/b] [u]Mendicant Bias[/u] Mendicant Bias was a Countender-Class Forerunner AI that was in charge of organizing Forerunner defense against the Flood before he fell to the Gravemind and turned against his creators. At the time, Mendicant Bias was the most advanced Forerunner AI known. After Offensive Bias defeated Mendicant Bias, a compenant of Mendicant Bias' personality construct array somehow made it onto the Dreadnaught and was dscovered by the Convenant who looked upon MB as a Oracle. Upon meeting the Master Chief, MB, looks to use the new found Reclaimer as a form of redemption for his sins. To show his masters that he has changed. Using the Master Chief as his example. This tells us that somehow, Mendicant Bias has reclaimed his sanity - and suggests that some AIs that are sophisticated enough can come back from Rampancy such as Mendicant Bias himself and Cortana. [u]Morgan le Faye[/u] Morgan le Faye becomes an antagonist to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in such works as the Lancelot-Grail and the Post-Vulgate Cycle. Though in later stories she becomes an adversary of the Round Table serving as one of the four enchantresses who carry the king to Avalon. -It seems just as Morgan le Faye resumes her role to assist the King. Mendicant Bias resumes his role once again to prove he is worthy to his masters. *Edit 2 coming shortly* [Edited on 10.29.2010 12:01 AM PDT]

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  • I would suggest researching on the characteristics of the lance, Morgan le Faye, the index, and MB. Remember not to go looking for parallels, but instead just find out the big picture for each subject. Then piece things together from there. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] King Nis085 Feedback Cortana?[/quote]

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  • Could there be any significance with the [i]Lance of Longinus[/i]? Or is it just my mind wandering? [quote]To your point about Morgue le Faye, [url=]Bernard Strauss[/url] was in stasis for 300 years, and awoke 220 years after 2552. But I think that the dates are mere coincidence.[/quote] I must have passed that piece up. Thank you for pointing that out Cortana. To further explain my theory with Morgan Le Faye could actually Mendicate Bias in Halo's Universe? When the Slipspace closed on the Master Chief's half of the UNSC ship it could have very well created an explosion that carried him to another dimension / universe. (The one we see at the Legendary ending of Halo 3.) In this universe he then finds out he was the Master Chief - (After being asleep for 200+ years) - and has to fight off a new evil force whilist seeking a way back into his own Universe. Where he did have a more romantic relationship with the AI Cortana. Now, in the 1961 novel [url=]Three Heats and Three Lions[/url], a man who discovers he was Ogier the Dane lands in another universe, sent there by Morgan Le Faye, in order to fight against the evil (-blam!-s) and find a way back into his own universe. ~There is a clear parrellelism between Ogire the Dane and the Master Chief. There is no doubt about that to me now. Now, Mendicate Bais possibly = Morgan le Faye brings more speculation and research upon myself that I must do. Also, I still cannot help but wonder if the [i]Lance of Longinus[/i] having any part in this? Maybe the Index used in the Installation's? I just can't put my thumb on it yet, but the answers will unfold before us with due time. [b]Edit #2:[/b] As far as Mendicate Bais' parrellelism to Morgan le Faye... I will have to further look into this when I have more time. Feedback Cortana? [Edited on 10.26.2010 11:41 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cpv18 I'm sorry if this has been covered in the past couple hundred posts: Also, some of this is very much based on my own opinion. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Perhaps there will be several series like Oni and Myth between the AI trilogies? AI can also simply take the place of "sidekick" or secondary character. Cortana and Durandal count as such.[/quote] Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach are two games that could perhaps be the parallels of Oni and Myth: *Two seperate characters with very little relationship to the characters of the original Halo Trilogy. *Less memorable games with a less developed character story and history. *Reach and ODST both have the disconnected feel from the Halo Universe as far as AI's and the level of visible relationships are concerned. These two most recent games may have only been made to provide financial support to developing their next groundbreaking game in which we will see the parallels that you have mentioned. We won't know for a couple of years at least either way. [/quote]I feel that the problem with this comparison is that nobody sat down to say: "Let's make an unmemorable game with the goal to specifically make underdeveloped characters." Oni and Myth are quite memorable in their own rite, but it really depends on where you're coming from if you see it that way or not. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] King Nis085 [b]Edit #3:[/b] Cortana V, you have me staying up later then intended because of research. Sleepy, though very enjoyable. Again, this might not exactly pretain to the OP or your request stated above, but once again I came across something that I have seen before is the phrase - [i]The King Under The Mountain[/i]. [quote]A real-life use of the phrase, or a similar one, is King In The Mountain, a common european folklore belief that a legendary or mythical hero lies asleep beneath a mountain awaiting the day they shall reawaken and return to lead their people, notable King Arthur and Merlin of British Arthurian legend, [b][i]Emperor Charlemagne of France[/b][/i], Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, and the Aztec hero-god Montezuma. In this second interpretation, the crystal would symbolise a relic intentionally left there to be recovered eons later for an important use.[/quote] -Now, in relation to the Halo story - this KUTM (Abv for King Under The Mountain) was a file contained in Colonel James Ackerson's computer within CASTLE Base. This contained files related to Onyx, and other material related to the Forerunners. Most specifically, the Forerunner Crystal. [url=]King Under The Mountain[/url] -Now, in relation to European History. In Danish legend, Ogier becomes the "King Under the Mountain" to sleep until Denmark is in mortal danger in which he will then rise and deliver his nation. -There is a second interpretation where Morgue le Faye (Morgan le Fay) takes him to Avalon, from where he returns after two hundred years to save France.[/quote]That does actually pertain to my OP. I mentioned Ogier the Dane "sleeping" under a mountain until his people/kingdom needed him again. Assuming Ogier is the Master Chief's parallel, the ending of Halo 3 connects him to Ogier, as he goes to sleep stating, "Wake me when you need me." To your point about Morgue le Faye, [url=]Bernard Strauss[/url] was in stasis for 300 years, and awoke 220 years after 2552. But I think that the dates are mere coincidence. [Edited on 10.25.2010 3:53 PM PDT]

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  • Just a small note while I'm at work. I wonder if there is any connection with the [b][i]Lance of Longinus[/i][/b]. The [i]Lance of Longinus[/i] or better known as the [i]Holy Lance[/i] or [i]Spear of Destiny[/i] was the lance used to pierce Jesus as he hung on 7he cross in John's account of the Crucifixion. [url=]Lance of Longinus[/url] [b]Edit #1:[/b] Another thing I came across that peeks my interest is a passage from the Bible (King James' Version) [quote]For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.[/quote] Chapter 3. Verse 16 of the Gospel of John - Christian Bible. The campaign slogan for Halo 3 was "Believe" and the Master Chief's name is "John". I know this might irrelevant, but we can look further into this at some other point in time. [Edited on 10.22.2010 1:17 PM PDT]

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  • I'm sorry if this has been covered in the past couple hundred posts: Also, some of this is very much based on my own opinion. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Perhaps there will be several series like Oni and Myth between the AI trilogies? AI can also simply take the place of "sidekick" or secondary character. Cortana and Durandal count as such.[/quote] Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach are two games that could perhaps be the parallels of Oni and Myth: *Two seperate characters with very little relationship to the characters of the original Halo Trilogy. *Less memorable games with a less developed character story and history. *Reach and ODST both have the disconnected feel from the Halo Universe as far as AI's and the level of visible relationships are concerned. These two most recent games may have only been made to provide financial support to developing their next groundbreaking game in which we will see the parallels that you have mentioned. We won't know for a couple of years at least either way.

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  • My apologizes for the late reply. But, as far as the Halo Universe storyline goes, Cortana V, the Master Chief and Cortana actually met just prior to the events on Reach. When asked by Dr.Halsey to choose a "carrier" Cortana chose the Master Chief. Together, they went through a test that was actually sabatoged by Colonel James Ackerson. Cortana was orginally supposed to be a temporary AI for the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i], but ultimatly took responsiblity and action once the events on Reach began. Not much has yet been said more in detail if anything else happened besides what we know. -I am reserving my "Edit" for when I look into this a bit further to see if there is any connections. I can't seem to remember reading/seeing anything in resemblence to this. [b]Edit #1:[/b] I seem to have left out some more information on Dr.Halsey. My apologizes once again. It is rather late for me. One thing that was not mentioned in Halo:Reach was Dr.Halsey's subordinate, Laszlo Sorvad. Not much is told about Sorvad other than that he worked for ONI as a Xenoarchaeologist. [quote]Xenoarchaeologist - Xenoarchaeology is a hypothetical form of archaeology concerned with the physical remains of past (but not necessarily extinct) alien cultures.[/quote] Because of Kat-B320 always trying to gain access to ONI's restricted/classifyed intel Dr.Halsey was able to discover that Sorvad's "Latchkey" discovery - way to decipher data found in an underground Forerunner facility beneath Sword Base. She immediatly began the decryption process of the "Latchkey" data in the Forerunner complex. The complex itself is known as the Babd Catha Forerunner Complex. Dr.Halsey then loaded the information of the Forerunner complex into a fragment of Cortana and then had Noble 6 deliver it to the [i]Pillar of Autumn[/i]. I know other AI's were mentioned and the only one I've been able to scrounge up was the AI Kalmiya, Cortana's "older sister" and also , Déjà. Again, not much is said about the AIs Kalmiya and Déjà. ~As to what exactly Dr.Halsey found still remains a mystery. I hope this helps somewhat, Cortana V; As I said earlier, I still must do some further research to see if there is any parrallelism to European History. [b]Edit #2:[/b] This might totally irrelavent to what was asked, however, I found this little bit of information about AI Rampancy that I don't think I've seen anyone comment on. [quote]There are three chapters of Infinity called Despair, Rage, and Envy which is parallel to the three documented stages of Rampancy - Melancholy, Anger and Jealousy[/quote] [b]Edit #3:[/b] Cortana V, you have me staying up later then intended because of research. Sleepy, though very enjoyable. Again, this might not exactly pretain to the OP or your request stated above, but once again I came across something that I have seen before is the phrase - [i]The King Under The Mountain[/i]. [quote]A real-life use of the phrase, or a similar one, is King In The Mountain, a common european folklore belief that a legendary or mythical hero lies asleep beneath a mountain awaiting the day they shall reawaken and return to lead their people, notable King Arthur and Merlin of British Arthurian legend, [b][i]Emperor Charlemagne of France[/b][/i], Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, and the Aztec hero-god Montezuma. In this second interpretation, the crystal would symbolise a relic intentionally left there to be recovered eons later for an important use.[/quote] -Now, in relation to the Halo story - this KUTM (Abv for King Under The Mountain) was a file contained in Colonel James Ackerson's computer within CASTLE Base. This contained files related to Onyx, and other material related to the Forerunners. Most specifically, the Forerunner Crystal. [url=]King Under The Mountain[/url] -Now, in relation to European History. In Danish legend, Ogier becomes the "King Under the Mountain" to sleep until Denmark is in mortal danger in which he will then rise and deliver his nation. -There is a second interpretation where Morgue le Faye (Morgan le Fay) takes him to Avalon, from where he returns after two hundred years to save France. ------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Edit #4:[/b] This definatly does not relate, but this is yet one last thing I have found in my research tonight. In the fantasy novel [i]Three Hearts and Three Lions[/i] relates to these legends in European History yet also alters them. Where as, the protaganist, is transported to a fantasy alternate history where the [url=]Matter of France[/url] is historical. He eventually learns that he is Ogier the Dane, sent to our universe to remove him from the conflict between humans and Faerie in that one. Now, I am retiring for the night. [Edited on 10.22.2010 12:16 AM PDT]

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  • Some encouraging words from Joe Staten were posted on IGN: [url=]click[/url]. The section I linked pertains to the Cortana Letters, but it nevertheless brought me a smile. Sorry for the late reply! I sent you a PM, but for others reading this: I'm looking for more parallelism between the European history mentioned in the OP and the storyline in Reach. Cortana and Halsey's characters are likely to be the ones with the links between the real history and the lore. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] King Nis085 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [u]Some Housekeeping:[/u] I would highly appreciate some updating on Cortana and the Master Chief with Halo: Reach information.[/quote] You are not on your own, Cortana. While on my down time at work I was able to finally read through this entire thread and I honestly do not know where to begin at this current moment. I am, though, speechless. Your research is commendable. Well done if I might say. However, since I am at work I do not have the time needed for an elaborate post in regards to your request of more information about the Master Chief and Cortana with Halo:Reach. But, if you can provide - what information are you looking for in detail? I will edit, my post as soon as I can or respond in a new post when time permits me to later this evening. Oly Oly Oxen Free... [/quote] [Edited on 10.21.2010 9:52 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [u]Some Housekeeping:[/u] I would highly appreciate some updating on Cortana and the Master Chief with Halo: Reach information.[/quote] You are not on your own, Cortana. While on my down time at work I was able to finally read through this entire thread and I honestly do not know where to begin at this current moment. I am, though, speechless. Your research is commendable. Well done if I might say. However, since I am at work I do not have the time needed for an elaborate post in regards to your request of more information about the Master Chief and Cortana with Halo:Reach. But, if you can provide - what information are you looking for in detail? I will edit, my post as soon as I can or respond in a new post when time permits me to later this evening. Oly Oly Oxen Free...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vadam930 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 Ayee! I wish I had known. Do you have a specific resource for me to find about more about Durandal's existance? (Google doesn't count) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reptilian Rob [i]Lots of quotes and text here.[/i][/quote][/quote] Looks like he forgot about this thread.[/quote]Apparently. Looks like I'm on my own.

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  • Fantastic theory.

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