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Edited by FoMan123: 3/20/2016 11:19:38 AM

Why the Fight For LGBT Rights Didn't End With Marriage Equality

I'm seeing a lot of severely misinformed people around here who think that because same-sex marriage was finally legalized, that suddenly all of the struggles of the LGBT community are suddenly over. You could not be more wrong. The five major points from the article: 1. [b]Discrimination[/b]. It is still legal in the majority of states to discriminate against gay and trans people with regards to employment. Obama made gay and trans discrimination illegal for government jobs, but most jobs are not government jobs. So yeah, we can get married now... and then we can go to work the next day and get fired by our homophobic boss. 2. [b]Adoption[/b]. Many politicians (Republicans) and a lot of the public are still against gay adoption, and while it is now legal in almost every state, Republican politicians nation-wide are actively trying to repeal those rights. 3. [b]Homelessness[/b]. Due to a combination of job discrimination and unaccepting, unloving parents, 40% of homeless youth are gay and trans. This affects trans youth even harder, and homeless trans youth are disproportionately sexually assaulted at homeless shelters. 4. [b]Trans rights[/b]. Discrimination, bullying, and hate crimes are even [i]worse[/i] against trans people than they are against gay people. 41% of trans people have attempted suicide, generally due to lack of acceptance, inability to afford (and lack of insurance coverage for) trans-related medical care, or due to homelessness caused by inability to find work because of discrimination. In addition, Republicans all over the country are continuing to attempt to roll out "bathroom bills" that would force trans people into unsafe spaces. 5. [b]HIV and AIDS[/b]. This doesn't so much have to do with equality, but it's still an important issue. HIV and AIDS disproportionally affect gay men, and this has been a major issue for the community since the 80s. Some points of my own I'd like to add: 6. [b]Panic defense[/b]. In 49 out of 50 states (California being the exception) it is still totally legal to use what's called the "gay/trans panic defense." This where the person who has committed a hate crime against a gay or trans person will claim "self defense" and "temporary insanity" in response to finding out their victim was gay or trans. This is 100% real and is used successfully to this day. 7. [b]Sex education[/b]. Sex ed is already lacking, even for straight people. "Abstinence only" sex ed has been proven to be completely ineffective, and yet it is still widely taught across the country. But even more unfortunate is that sex ed in schools is entirely heteronormative. If you're gay or trans and need to learn about the birds and the bees, heterosexual sex ed isn't going to be very useful. In order for all people, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, to be able to enjoy [i]safe[/i] sex, sex ed must account for everyone, not just straight people. 8. [b]Representation[/b]. Gay and trans people are egregiously underrepresented in TV and film, media outlets that almost everyone goes to for entertainment and escapism. If you are straight and cisgender, you will find loads of relatable characters on screen. If your'e gay or trans, it's very hard to find relatable characters. Furthermore, trans people especially are commonly the butt of disgustingly offensive jokes in movies, usually as a way of poking fun at a straight man's sexuality. This lack of representation and horrible caricaturization teaches gay and trans youth that they are less important than others because they don't see people like themselves on TV. 9. [b]Education and acceptance[/b]. Even if all of the things previously mentioned are fixed, that doesn't mean that everyone suddenly accepts us. Making workplace discrimination illegal doesn't stop prejudiced employers from coming up with other excuses to not hire us. Making punishments harsher for hate crime perpetrators doesn't stop hate crimes from happening. Equality in the eyes of the law doesn't end oppression. The only way for the LGBT community to truly have equal standing in society, to not be deemed "lesser," is by educating people. We have to teach people that we're born this way, we don't choose it. We have to teach people that gender and sexuality are fluid, and that falling anywhere on the spectrum is valid. We have to teach people that everyone deserves basic human decency and respect,. We have to teach people to celebrate our differences rather than using them to divide us. We have to undo this archaic, traditionalist heteronormativity and cisnormativity in our culture that perpetuate hatred and oppression. My gay and trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings are still dying for our cause. Every day I see a new article about a gay or trans person being attacked or killed, or committing suicide because their parents refuse to love them. [b][i]This fight is far from over.[/i][/b] Now please stop trying to convince me that my community has achieved equality. Your ignorance will be ignored.

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  • I came here because I saw Anomaly.

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  • Edited by Ti84 plus: 3/18/2016 8:27:27 PM
    Passing a law won't do anything, if people think trans people are weird, they think trans people are weird. You can't just change someone's mind lol

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    3 Replies
    • "Hate crime" isn't a "crime" that the America has the power to fight. It's called freedom of speech. Yes people can be awful with their words, but if the government decides to start restricting what we say, how do we expose the other assholes in government or massive businesses? Imagine if you didn't have the right to say what you just said above. That's what freedom of speech fights agains, of course, at a cost.

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    • Time to call in The Supremacy..

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      • No it's over go home, On a serious note though, at this point the only thing you can hope for is that people fully accept the law and move on. Society will eventually adapt to it. There is no need for affirmative action.

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      • Well time for a fag drag

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      • My wife left me

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      • Would you also like a satellite with a laser that can scratch your ass from space?

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        10 Replies
        • You are right. Did you know about statistics for homosexual black men? 1/2 have HIV. Abstinence in this case would be the obvious choice. The odds are way too high of catching it.

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        • 2
          Free country.

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        • Well you did choose to be gay, so it's your own fault.

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        • What fight? The only fight I see is grown ups acting like children. Get a job pls and contribute to society/

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        • The gay agenda

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        • If this forum is full of quote, "teenage fūckboys", what do you think posting a novel of a thread is going to do to advance the LGBT community? When 90% of the users on this site haven't even graduated high school, how in the ever living -blam!- do you think this will accomplish something? And btw, [spoiler]Your post gave me cancer.[/spoiler]

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          3 Replies
          • 1
            I read the first 4 words of the title and knew it was anomaly

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          • Last time I checked, pretty much everywhere but America believed homosexuality was a sin and dealt extreme punishment to those that followed that sin. Be grateful for what you have and not for what you want.

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            23 Replies
            • Stop saying homophobes and homophobia, majority of people don't support homosexuals so if anyone is mentally messed up it homosexuals

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            • Edited by ROBOT JOSH: 3/18/2016 5:26:22 PM
              1. Discrimanation A. New Hamshire, New York, Wisconsin, and Delaware DO NOT protect gays from being discriminated against. In these states the employer can fire a person for simply being gay. (In Texas you can be fired for anything, the employer can simply fire you without having a reason. You smell funny. You talk to much. You can't speak Spanish. Whatever. Even being gay.) This is wrong. Even though I personally disagree with the LGBT group, you cannot fire a person for being gay. That is the equilvent of firing someone for having sex outside of marriage. Still wrong, but you can't fire someone for that. (Pretty sure a lot of people would be without jobs then.) B. Lack of pubic accomodation laws is different from discrimination, in that it can be a good thing when used correctly. For example you have a Muslim baker. A gay couple walks in wanting to order a wedding cake. Now lets say the Muslim baker doesn't feel comfortable baking a wedding cake for them. Not because he is a homophobic jerk, but because of... ...well lets just say the Q'ran has a, negative view on homosexuality. Lack of public accomodation allows the Muslim man to refuse service to the gay couple. This may inconvienece the couple, but it protects the Muslim man from having his conscience broken. I mean Christians and Muslims would both question if they did the right thing FOR WEEKS! Causing them to be depressed, unmotivated, and be annoying whiny people. TL;DR. Firing gay people for being gay=BAD Lack of public accomdation laws=GOOD 2. Adoption This honestly depends on the people letting you adopt the child. If you think about it, would the gay parents teach the kid right? Will they teach that being straight is okay? Or will they force the kid to be gay? Thats more than likely the questions that are going through the peopple involved in the adoption process head's. Is it stereotyping? YES! Is it wrong? Actually, if you think about it isn't. There is no telling how it will turn out, and there is a good possabillity that people just aren't willing to test it out on some kid. 3. Trans Rights Trans people are often bullied. They are considered gay. ( They are not gay. The person is whatever gender they switched to now). Bad things happen to them. It's stupid. The people bullying and the people that often go trans. The people bullying are ignorant JERKS! End of story. However trans people could save themselves gallons of suffering if they stayed their original gender. They are having to go have to work for what they want. If they want to be another gender they have to deal with people. They are more socially accepted (at least in Texas) then homosexuals. So if anything they shouldn't be whining as much. (Punk Ballet is a great example. Look at him. He's cool about everything. Be like Punk Ballet.)

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            • Why would gays be allowed to marry? Isn't marriage from religious stuff and most religious stuff does not allow gay people

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              1 Reply
              • LGBT Rights -> Homeless People -> Education What the f[b]u[/b]ck?!?!

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                • [quote]3. [b]Homelessness[/b]. Due to a combination of job discrimination and unaccepting, unloving parents, 40% of homeless youth are gay and trans. This affects trans youth even harder, and homeless trans youth are disproportionately sexually assaulted at homeless shelters.[/quote] Liberals will complain about disproportionate statistics matter whenever they are going against one of their sjw causes, but not when it comes to needing more black people in the oscars. But that's none of my business. [spoiler]Cus you know, I'm white and straight[/spoiler]

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by superkid3602: 3/18/2016 2:56:18 PM
                    [quote]8. [b]Representation[/b]. Gay and trans people are egregiously underrepresented in TV and film, media outlets that almost everyone goes to for entertainment and escapism. If you are straight and cisgender, you will find loads of relatable characters on screen. If your'e gay or trans, it's very hard to find relatable characters. Furthermore, trans people especially are commonly the butt of disgustingly offensive jokes in movies, usually as a way of poking fun at a straight man's sexuality. This lack of representation and horrible caricaturization teaches gay and trans youth that they are less important than others because they don't see people like themselves on TV.[/quote] How can they be represented like you want when they are a small portion of the population? It's like saying there's not enough blacks on TV, well of course there's more whites, blacks are only 13% of the population. For the sex Ed portion, what do you want them to teach? I mean they're teaching kids about what they're supposed to do to reproduce. You can't have kids by doing anal or rubbing vaginas. It's not what your asshole was meant for. Everybody knows It was meant for finger-popping.

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                    • Edited by Aldrich: 3/18/2016 2:04:19 PM
                      If enough people report... will it get bant? >topic for debate >shames everyone who doesn't agree >str8 b8

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                      • You+Me+box of wine+the back of my moms 2003 Toyota Highlander=magic

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                        • I like LizzyTheLezzy on Facebook. Does that mean I'm cool?

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                          5 Replies
                          • Join the club. White males are ostracized quite a bit in American society these days. But no one seems to give a shit about that. So why should I care about LGBT issues?

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