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originally posted in: LASO Glitch
2/1/2011 4:41:45 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Anti Troller [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XXXELITE3FLIGHT [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chevronsam [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XXXELITE3FLIGHT Unit 1, get the Falcons in the air ASAP. Units 2, 3, and 4 move in on the ground. We've already lost 500, we need to fight back. Many of you will die today, in fact, probably ALL of you will die today. Now ready your weapons, citazan evac has already begun all around the globe.[/quote] Where are you? I might be able to assist you[/quote] Moving outr of Onyx, we lost to many men in there. We're pinned down in a Bunker, we need support.[/quote] [i]At the very last moment, seemingly out of nowhere the Anti-troller comes crashing through the wall on a T-rex. Sending debris flying everywhere. "Its all over, foo." He stated as his T-rex eats the last man standing.[/i] Or else... -points finger-[/quote] Unit Alpha get out of there!!! We need backup, anybody, please respond! We can't AHHHH!!! *static*

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