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12/16/2015 3:25:58 AM

Squirrels in Destiny?

I am starting to get incredibly frustrated with the younger part of this community (9-13 years of age). The very first time I attempted hard mode, I was 309, and I remember this like 11 year old was 315. He said before the game that I would hold the team back because I was such a low level. Then when we got to Totems, he would always be the first one to screw it up. In general, every little kid I play with always forgets about boomers at Totems when they're a higher level than me, and what aggravates me the most is when the kids CONSTANTLY TALK OVER SOMEONE WHO IS TRYING TO EXPLAIN A MECHANIC. On LFG sites (where I find all my groups) they should make, IMO, a separate search bar that says "Do you want to be paired up with other little kids who have the mental capacity of a squirrel?"

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