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Edited by Kick: 11/5/2015 5:59:51 PM

More diversity. Bring back Y1 vendor gear.

[b]TL;DR at the bottom.[/b] Greetings, Guardians. Let's get right into it; Diversity has been a problem since day one. By the time the majority reaches max level everyone is wearing the same armor set and using the same weapons. Things are a little more diverse now with the infusion system (which I love) but it's still a problem. Why is this a problem? Well, quite frankly, it's because with each new DLC all of our armor, and now weapons, are rendered obsolete and the armor/weapon sets we love are left behind. They're then replaced with a handful of new sets. Adding new things, but never growing in size. This system is flawed, but I have an idea. [b]Bring back old weapons and armor.[/b] Before you think this is just another one of "those" posts, I simply mean re-introduce old weapon/armor sets. Put them back into the legendary engrams loot tables at the current 280 attack and defense. For example: If I'm on my Hunter and I pick up a legendary class item engram I know it's going to be one of five cloaks currently available to drop. If all of the old armor was to be brought back into the mix then that number would jump from 5 to around 21. (I may have miscounted and didn't check the armory to get an exact number so don't quote me on that.) Another thing I've seen asked for is rotating vendor stocks, this could also apply to that. Have the vendors rotate their stocks, either weekly or biweekly, with all of the current/old weapons and armor. This way the vendors will always have something different and "new" that you can aim to buy. This kills quite a few birds with one little update; More diversity amongst Guardians armor sets. More weapons to choose from. Vendors have rotating stocks. Bringing back Y1 items, which is highly requested. And we'll always have something new to look forward to. All these are a huge plus for players. However, it's also a plus for you, Bungie. This will increase our play time. We'll grind harder than ever to get the perfect set of items that fit our individual needs. We'll constantly log in to see what new items all the vendors have for sell. Everyone could be happy in this situation. So that's it. That's how I believe we could fix the problem of diversity. If anyone has ideas that could improve upon this please comment and I'll add it to the post if it is indeed a good idea. Thanks for reading. [b][u]TL;DR[/u][/b] Re-introduce Y1 vendor weapon and armor sets back into the loot table.

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