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Clan Recruitment

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10/20/2015 3:00:50 PM

Now Recruiting for Cayde's Crusaders, and Xbox One Clan!

Hey guys! About 19 days ago, I had this crazy idea of starting an Xbox One clan for the first time. Now, when I posted about this idea here on /r/fireteams[1] , I never expected the turnout that I got! I was only originally expecting a small group of around 20-30 people, maybe 50 max. I was completely overwhelmed with excited people looking to be a part of what I wanted to create! In 2 days, I had over 150 interested people comment on the post, and I just couldn't keep up. Since then, over 350 people have joined the clan page on[2] . I have learned a lot about running a clan, and there has been a lot of trial and error for finding out what the best platform to run the clan on would be best. First, we tried using[3] . That worked well until we reached the 120 person limit built into that platform, with more people wanting to join! Then, we switched to just using the clan page as our hub to get around the population limit. However, we realized how hard it was to keep everything organized, plan events, have a decent chat interface, etc. Now, we have finally found a home and are looking to add new members! Welcome to Cayde's Crusaders! Our new home is on /r/CaydesCrusaders[4] here on reddit. We have an automated registration system set up with our subreddit's bot, /u/CaydeBot [5] . Thank /u/Angellus [6] (our web developer/moderator) for all of the things that /u/CaydeBot [7] does for our subreddit. Our Clan Values Have a sense of humor. If you get flustered very easily, or can't handle a bit of goofing off, then this might not be the right fit for you. Be able to handle criticism. Nobody is perfect right up front, so don't take suggestions as insults. On the contrast, don't be rudely critical over every little thing to people. Be kind. Be constructive. Be a good friend to your fellow gamers. Everyone just wants to have fun here. No discrimination. And by this, I don't mean you have to let a level 280 in on your kings fall raid. It is obvious that there is a certain gear requirement for certain activities to have a good chance at success. What I mean is this: don't be that guy. Just because someone may talk fast, or have an accent, or be a bit younger does not mean that they are inferior gamers, and deserve equal respect. Be mature. It is preferred to have some older gamers in this group, but I won't reject a younger, lonely soul that just wants to be a part of something bigger. Everyone deserves a sense of community. As long as you act mature, don't annoy people, and can hold your own, you are alright by my book. Don't expect ridiculous requirements when wanting to raid or do anything else. There is a certain level that should be common sense, but don't require someone be 300+ with a black spindle and touch of malice just to run a raid. That's too much, and excludes too many people. Be reasonable guys. It's only week 3. Everyone starts somewhere. Finally, just do your part. Be fairly active. Have a sense of community. Help those below you when you can. We are trying to be one big happy fireteam, so let's make that happen :) We are looking for people who want to come together to conquer every challenge destiny has to offer. Some of the things that we have in place and are planning for the clan to help boost our impact: Dedicated Chat Service! We are using hipchat for our dedicated chat service. There are dedicated chat rooms, private messages to other members, easy moderating, and you can easily have another chat room made in a heartbeat when needed. The best part? You don't even have to go through the sign-up process! When you go through our clan registration (just have to send a message to /u/Caydebot [8] and we check you off when you join the clan page on to get your clan tag), /u/Caydebot [9] will automatically enroll you with hipchat and give you your login and password (which you can change afterwards). The link to our chat service is right at the top of the subreddit/in the sidebar. Giveaways! We are working on a way to do some regular giveaways and competitions for our members to boost activity and in general make this a fun place to be :) We are currently giving away some focused light codes when you register in our clan, just as a welcome gift! Limited quantities available, first come first serve, not guaranteed to work 100% of the time (they are generated codes), not enough quantity for "refunds" :( We also plan to do some giveaways for some competitive activities and sherpa activities. For instance, we may do something in the future for raid sherpas: whenever raid sherpas complete a game with some clan members, they can rate the sherpa on how well they did and give feedback. Whichever sherpa is the most active and receives the best "ratings" will get something cool, such as a digital collector's edition upgrade, or some silver for emotes, or something along those lines. We will figure that all out as soon as we get a large enough active community to make this kind of thing worthwhile. This may be a crowdfunded thing from the clan to put these on more often, or we (the mods) may figure something else out to fund it. Competitive Group Formation We also plan to cater to our more competitive members by forming some competitive groups that can raid, run Iron Banner, do Trials of Osiris, etc on a regular basis. For people that want to be the first to run hard mode raids, or dominate to the lighthouse early on, etc. Events! The mods will try to do regular, planned events for the clan members to look forward to. I am going to leave this vague, because we are still looking to surprise with some of these things. Group Formation We are currently doing a standard "Make a Post" method for forming groups, similar to LFG, but we also have an LFG chatroom available to let people know you have a lobby made to join in on. Our web developer, /u/Angellus [10] , is working on a matchmaking system to make it so it won't be like another LFG site. The benefit to using our clan over an LFG site is having our clan values in place, values which we intend to uphold. If there is anyone that rages, or is a complete dick, can be reported to the mods and will be investigated to make sure our clan does not become toxic. We want this to be a happy, fun place to enjoy your time in-game :) We hope that in this way you will make friends that will be long-lasting. We hope you love the idea of our clan and want to be a part! The more people we get, the more active we can be and the more events we can plan! So feel free to sign up! Registration instructions are here:[11] . The sign-up is a two step process. The first step is for you to send the message to Caydebot as it describes in the above link (there is even a template link you can click with it already set up, you just have to fill in the two blanks and hit send). This will add you as a pending member on our roster. Then, you should go to our clan page at[12] and join the group, and set it as your clan. We will have to approve you on there, and once we have you approved, will check you off as "moderator approved". Then you will get an automated reply from /u/CaydeBot [13] with your focused light codes (if there are any left), your Hipchat login and password, and a small welcome message. We hope to see you all soon! Make sure to tell your friends! Note: This is an Xbox One only clan. Please do not send join requests to the clan page if you are PS3, PS4, or Xbox 360

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