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Edited by J1V3Y: 10/8/2015 2:28:19 AM


[u]This is a list mainly for Bungie to have a easy and congregated place for all the Public's Suggestions. Without further adue here is the list I have gathered from other's posts.[/u] [b]-Add Loadouts (Proves to be very useful when playing Crucible, Strikes, then Crucible again.[/b] [b]-Add Max Light Button that equips all high light level (Helps so you don't have to search for it)[/b] [b]-Allow to delete items (So that you can play and get more engrams without pulling up your HUD)[/b] [b]-Have access to Collections (It would be helpful to grab something from collections so you don't have to go to the Tower)[/b] [b]-Add a choice to view all characters on a page[/b] [b]-Add an app version of Gear Manager (Not everybody can have a computer right next to them while playing Destiny)[/b] [b]-Add a Equip and a Inventory button for transferring (It would help because you don't always need the weapon right away)[/b] [b]-Add a remote transfer system for vendors ex: Xur, Gunsmith, ext... (Would be helpful if you can't play everyday and might miss an item that was sold but have access to a computer)[/b] [b]-Add an editing item feature that allows you to infuse, delete, or equip different perks (Would be helpful before you leave work so that you are ready to go when you get on)[/b] [b]- Add a Year 1 filter and Year 2 filter (Would help so you don't equip the wrong one ex: Invective)[/b] [b]-Make it so that the right panel stays open when selecting Everything Else (Kinda annoying currently having to open and shut finding all your weapons and armor.)[/b] [u]All following is ideas for the game itself[/u] [b]- Exotic Taken Shader that makes your Guardian look like a Taken version of your Guardian (Cool way to show your achievements)[/b] [b]-More features with the ship like flying it or even 3rd person inside the ship and make it into a mini tower in orbit. (It would look cool and it would be nice to have if possible "a vault in the cloud specific to your character")[/b] [b]-Be able to change the D-Pad into a quick way to consume an Ammo Synthesis. (The emotes are cool right now but is useless in the game)[/b] [b]-To be able to have normal gear and change it into factions gear. (It allows you to have all of the different types of weapons and armor in one faction)[/b] [b]- The Library: a Forge mode for simple story missions (Allows the community to show their creativity and enjoyment of the game)[/b] [b]-Make the Strike System more Reliable and have an INCREASING chance of getting legendary.[/b] [u]PUBLIC: Add more things you would like to change in comments and I will try to add it to the list within 24 hours.[/u]

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  • Character re customisation Armor reforge A clan vault All strikes back in the vanguard list Legendary marks as a reward for completing strikes/crucibles A full preview on an armor piece before you buy it at a vendor Rotating vendor stocks every week

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  • [quote][u]This is a list mainly for Bungie to have a easy and congregated place for all the Public's Suggestions. Without further adue here is the list I have gathered from other's posts.[/u] [b]-Add Loadouts (Proves to be very useful when playing Crucible, Strikes, then Crucible again.[/b] [b]-Add Max Light Button that equips all high light level (Helps so you don't have to search for it)[/b] [b]-Allow to delete items (So that you can play and get more engrams without pulling up your HUD)[/b] [b]-Have access to Collections (It would be helpful to grab something from collections so you don't have to go to the Tower)[/b] [b]-Add a choice to view all characters on a page[/b] [b]-Add an app version of Gear Manager (Not everybody can have a computer right next to them while playing Destiny)[/b] [b]-Add a Equip and a Inventory button for transferring (It would help because you don't always need the weapon right away)[/b] [b]-Add a remote transfer system for vendors ex: Xur, Gunsmith, ext... (Would be helpful if you can't play everyday and might miss an item that was sold but have access to a computer)[/b] [b]-Add an editing item feature that allows you to infuse, delete, or equip different perks (Would be helpful before you leave work so that you are ready to go when you get on)[/b] [b]- Add a Year 1 filter and Year 2 filter (Would help so you don't equip the wrong one ex: Invective)[/b] [b]-Make it so that the right panel stays open when selecting Everything Else (Kinda annoying currently having to open and shut finding all your weapons and armor.)[/b] [u]All following is ideas for the game itself[/u] [b]- Exotic Taken Shader that makes your Guardian look like a Taken version of your Guardian (Cool way to show your achievements)[/b] [b]-More features with the ship like flying it or even 3rd person inside the ship and make it into a mini tower in orbit. (It would look cool and it would be nice to have if possible "a vault in the cloud specific to your character")[/b] [b]-Be able to change the D-Pad into a quick way to consume an Ammo Synthesis. (The emotes are cool right now but is useless in the game)[/b] [b]-To be able to have normal gear and change it into factions gear. (It allows you to have all of the different types of weapons and armor in one faction)[/b] [b]- The Library: a Forge mode for simple story missions (Allows the community to show their creativity and enjoyment of the game)[/b] [b]-Make the Strike System more Reliable and have an INCREASING chance of getting legendary.[/b] [u]PUBLIC: Add more things you would like to change in comments and I will try to add it to the list within 24 hours.[/u][/quote] I'm having problems with error code: chimpanzee. I have read about it, but I don't have the full version.

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  • Edited by Senor Crouch: 10/7/2015 6:43:54 AM
    Here are a few of my suggestions: [b]- Exotic Taken Shader that makes your Guardian look like a Taken version of your Guardian[/b] [b]- Class Item Kiosk[/b] [b]- Strike Streak Upgrade: 1 consecutive win = 1 Legendary Mark; 2 consecutive wins = 2 Legendary Marks; 3+ consecutive wins = 3 Legendary Marks[/b] [b]- Crucible Streak Implementation: participation reward = 2 Legendary Marks; 1 consecutive win = participation reward + 2 Legendary Marks; 2+ consecutive wins = participation reward + 4 Legendary Marks;[/b] This last one is an extremely profound suggestion, proceed with caution. [b]- The Library: a Forge mode for simple story missions.[/b] [i]"I could tell you of the Darkness, our ancient enemy...I could tell you of the..."[/i] [i]"Oh shove it Speaker! Guardian, let me tell you about the tales of the Golden Age."[/i] Bungie uses the same assets, enemies, and maps over and over and over again so clearly it is a bit of a cut and paste job already. Why not open those cut and paste tools to the Community at large? Can you imagine the types of tales the Community could weave with such a sandbox filled with Destiny assets available to them? Two names, just putting this out there: Xylar and Randal. For objective building, simply take the programming foundations of the Patrol Missions to design simplified Win-Condition nodes. To help boost the dynamics of Community driven stories, include other nodes such as sound effect nodes, if/else nodes, Ultra-Boss nodes (defines an enemy asset as a yellow health, skull and crossbones Ultra, complete with custom name slot), player-effect nodes (i.e. trapped in a cage, covered in bile, someone's presence stops health regen, filled with Light), and message nodes (since the Community wouldn't have access to Voice Actors). What was that thing Bungie wanted Destiny to be?......oh right a "Living World" that is "constantly evolving." No better way to do that than to empower and foster Community creativity.

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    • Edited by KrazyM82: 10/7/2015 9:01:30 AM
      Where's the dedicated servers? Where's the optional matchmaking? Where's the better rng? Where's the taken content? Where's the point of doing Crota, VOG or HOW gone? Where's the raid for HOW? Where's all the power in my legendary and exotic guns gone that took me forever to aquire? Where's the story...still? Where's the currencies I grinded to get? Where's the big open world we were supposed to have access to? Where's the ban on cheaters in crucible? (and not just the few that did get banned) Where's Joe Staten gone? (You know, the one that would have made this game last 10 years and made EVERYONE, really throw crazy amounts of money at the screen) Where's your ethical business practice gone bungie? Where has the old bungie gone? (You know, the ones that made Halo and Halo 2) Where has your innovation gone bungie? (and I'm not talking about shiny enemies or enemies that have cloak shields like the old elites) Where's all the good ideas from SO MANY guardians gone? (Like Lost Sols or Malphisto or countless others) Where has your ability to make a quality game gone without charging $100 to $160 for an obvious beta that needs the customers input to complete? (Even though you've had 10 years to make it) Oh, wait...I know... Bungie is not what they used to be without Joe Staten and the MANY designers that were there during the halo days. There is no trust because they(bungie) have demonstrated THEY can NOT be trusted time and time again. Bungie has shown that they, on MANY occasions, they either ignore A LOT of good ideas from many people like Malphisto, a whole bunch of others and even Lost Sols, whom have had outstanding ideas...or that they are either incompetent or just unable to implement those ideas. Innovative rather than planned obsolescence or extortion/ponzi scheme/pay wall tactics Right!? But yet they can make purple balls glow at the tower and patch loot caves and fix "issues" with posts going missing REAL quick, sometimes within the same day! But yet the BIG issues go unnoticed or not even acknowledged! Issues like dedicated servers and fixing obvious lag with pvp and even pve. Optional matchmaking...don't get me started...upgradeable year 1 gear. Vault space. The loot system. REMOVAL of content for non ttk buyers. Many more issues still. But I just listed the big ones. And through all of this, what has been bungies approach to the issues they have fixed? 1 step forward and 2 steps back. And I'm not talking about Paula Abduls song neither. For every fix they create more issues, like with the increase in vault space. It was nice and should have been implemented since launch...but was instantly nullified with all the gear they made obsolete with ttk. Then again what do they care when they got our money? Previous currencies nullified with the next dlc. What do they care when they got our money? An obvious beta game for $60 to $100 was sold to us but yet they talk of potential with ttk, when it is WAY PAST the potential part. Day 1 should have been the proof! But what do they care when they have our money? HOW was bought by many just before ttk. And now all of HOW, Crota and VOG is pointless. Almost all the exotics we have now...some of them just recently found...less powerful than any green or blue weapon in ttk! But what do they care, they have our money? We ask for optional matchmaking and their response? Remove some matchmaking! Cause they already have our money! Bungie has shown to us that as long as we continue to give them money, they can make any changes they want regardless if we asked for it or not, why? Because we agreed to their terms when we gave them more money.'s fairly obvious that no matter how many great ideas are presented to matter how many fixes are brought to their attention...they simply don't care because they know that a lot of people are going to throw money at the screen. They have shown their intentions through their actions and in most cases, inaction! The [b][i]ONLY[/i][/b] thing that [b][i]WILL[/i][/b] motivate bungie and activision to change for the better and learn how to treat their customers is a [b][i]BOYCOTT.[/i][/b] I simply refuse to pay $100 for a beta game and then tell them how to make said game better. I refuse to pay them to do THEIR job! Why should we have to pay to help make a game that SHOULD have been made ALREADY? We didn't have to pay to help make Halo or Halo 2 did we? And why should we pay to only have the rug pulled from under our feet with every "update" or dlc? So...until bungie and activision learn how to treat their customers and fix the big issues with the game I will certainly not give them more money...I will instead... [b][i]BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION[/i][/b]

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      • Edited by Bungolickstaints: 10/7/2015 1:10:44 PM
        Oh look! More ideas for Bungie to ignore. Sorry guys they are busy making your character do the moonwalk. No social tools/in-game lfg/hot-buttons or anything else you've asked for, for the past year. Really pathetic on Bungies part honestly. I quit because they don't listen to feedback like this. Maybe one day I'll support Bungie and buy their DLC and Destiny...but not until I see them implementing the things we've asked for...

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      • Allow us to access Guardian outfitters via the site, some of us cannot access the game every week

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      • P2P Trading Sparrow races Selling planet materials

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      • tabs for the different categories under "everything else" section... weapon tab, armor tab, a tab for ghosts/ships/sparrows, and a tab for misc/consumables/materials or at least organize the "everything else" page better so i'm not going up and down the screen all the time trying to find ghosts should be up with your gear not have weapons then gear then materials then ghosts, that was a bit annoying. its currently easy to trade items from character to characther, vault to character, character to vault, etc, but rather difficult to equip things, i kept trying to find an equip button or something but couldnt we still have to inspect the itme to equip it. when inspecting an item we still can't really get a good look at perks the tool tip/hover doesnt show us what effect the perk has on moving the weapon's stats up or down like it does in-game. actual organized load outs would be really nice, so i could create one loadout for all around, one for quickly killing vex, one for fallen, etc so that i can quickly equip the right armor or right set of weapons for the type of encounter i plan to be going into. as the original poster says, it would be nice to have a max light button to just hit that and all your max light gear gets equipped so you dont have to waste time looking for your max light stuff b4 decrypting engrams at rahool. also as the original poster says, it would be nice to someday have access to collections in the manager. i would also like to be able someday to pick up bounties from petra while i'm still at work via the manager so when i get home i can just jump right in and start tackling them right away. visually it would be nice to be able to pick a theme like say make everything purple/blue and have one of the preview images of the queen's bay as the background or something and have that as a theme for it. also when the manager first opens up could all the list items on the left start collapsed instead of open to make it easier to find what i want? also, could the 3 kinds of weapons and and the different armor drop down lists there on the left under the character be grouped under a "weapons" and "armor" super menu/category so that its easier to get down the list if you were wanting to do something with one of the other categories? i had some other ideas the other day but i cant remember them now off top of my head, and the original poster seems ot have covered everything i originally thought of and then lots of things i didnt, so if i think of anything later ill post again and just end here for now

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      • I would love to be able to use vendors to get stuff even when offline (specially from Xür, you know). Sometimes I want something so simple as to change my emblem for one I have to go to the new panel to get and have to wait to go in-game. At least Postmaster, Emblems and Shaders should be useable like this because there is no resources involved. Other vendors will consume resources and can be accessed from a computer I left my account open and could result in people complaining to Bungie they didn't do that. That's why I believe we won't be able to infuse/buy/destroy items through this interface ever. And characters side-by-side on the same screen is a must.

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        • 1. i want to be able to infuse any gear into faction gear. Example, i really like the vanguard side arm, i want to be able to make it a FWC sidearm since the FWC doesn't have one. The FWC doesn't have a scout rifle nor a good hand cannon (they have one, i just don't like it). 2. Make my ship my "home"... similar to skyrim. i want to have walls that rotate and all my weapons are on the wall instead of taking up space in a vault. i want to be able to go all 3rd person and walk in my ship.

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          • Add heavy ammo synthesis to the D-Pad. This dancing crap is useless. Make the d-pad more usable.

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          • I guess you missed the community wishlist at the top of this forum......

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          • [u][b]Please comment here to add to list I will TRY to add it to the list withing 24 hours.[/b][/u]

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