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5/21/2005 12:03:52 AM

Weekly What's Update

More of your questions answered, dodged, or put to rest forever. If there's one thing I love, it's evasive answers! And yelling at cheats. Get all that and more, inside.

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  • Will Halo 3 be able to be played on XBox?? And uhhh when are we going to see some pics of terminal?

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  • ? [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • you can set the starting weapons to all hands [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • Bungie is ridiculously talented and all its members are sexy. There you have it; now I may criticize your game freely without guilt. :) I'm extremely impressed with Halo 2, but I have managed to come across two main complaints thus far. Figured I'd voice my opinion in the small chance you might actually listen. First and foremost, I must say that the decision to take radar off of *all* head-to-head gametypes simply doesn't make sense to me. I generally don't have any problem with any particular game variation (including no radar), but this one just stands out like a sore thumb. One of the most intense and depth-producing aspects of a one-on-one battle is the motion-detector, move/countermove, attack/counterattack sort of dance between the two players. A move is made, seen on the radar, countered, and that move is countered, so on and so on... where it really becomes an insanely deep, tactical, strategic battle of wits between the two players to attempt to find the best point of attack. That kind of gameplay really hooked me on head-to-head matchmaking. But now it's gone. Not just in *some* gametypes... but in ALL. Completely wiped clean. No balance, no variation, nothing. As I played head to head matches without it, I realized that now it's more of a luck-based, hit-and-miss style of gameplay... where you just better hope you're facing the right direction at the right time. You're constantly at risk without any chance of defending yourself if the opponent just so happens to spawn or unintentionally run behind you at the right time. The only real way around that kind of danger is to get the first kill and hide in the corner, which is a completely lame way to play the game, obviously. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt too much to remove radar from such games like oddball, king, and bigger sized head to head maps like Ascension. But I strongly suggest you consider adding it back to some of the appropriate gametypes... it would bring head to head back to its former glory. My second complaint - the needler. I noticed in an old 2004 E3 video that its rate of fire was dramatically increased in order to revive it as a formidable weapon to wield. However, that move was clearly trashed. Why? The needler seems to have a laundry list full of drawbacks without any real benefit other than a weak lock-on feature. Not only does it have a damage delay (the time it takes for the needles to explode) giving the opponent that much more time to lay into you, its rate of fire is STILL extremely slow. So you fire your needles, some follow and some don't, then they take a while to reach your target, and once they do, they take ANOTHER while to actually do damage. In that span of time, you've probably been flattened by the other guns that DON'T have a damage delay and DON'T have a slow rate of fire. See my point? It just seems a bit too restrained to be a consistently effective weapon. And there are the complaints. The other 99% of the game is brilliant. You have my approval, as I'm sure you've been desperately waiting for it. :) Thanks for your time.

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  • Is there any way to remove all weapons in an arranged game? If so could that be made an option for an update for hosting your own games either online or with linked systems? Last question in one of the Xbox Mags there was a website where you could subit game types would you happen to know what that site was? Thank you for your time.

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  • [quote][b]Weekly Update[/b] Swimmer61 asks, [i]Assuming Xbox 360 has backward compatibility (I realize this is definitely not confirmed yet), would I be able to play the Halo 2 campaign without the renders popping? I loved the campaign, especially the portion where MC was on Earth, but seeing the cutscenes load while I watched them kinda ruined the story for me, because rather than being immersed in the story (Bungie's goal, I believe) I was distracted. I work at a game store, and many customers I've spoken with share this opinion about single-player Halo 2.[/i] That's an interesting question. It looks (according to our muckety-mucks) like the 360 will in fact be backward compatible and if it is, folks will definitely be playing Halo 2 on it. Thing is, we're almost certainly not going to revisit the 360 code. [b]We're already too busy working on our next project.[/b] The pop-up was one of those compromises we had to make to ensure the nearly-zero loading times for the game. The alternative – no popping and lots of loading, was actually much less palatable. To change or fix that,[b] would take significant resources away from our new stuff[/b], and I very much doubt we'd do that. And from what I understand, contrary to internet swirling, you would simply put your Halo 2 disc in a 360 and then play it. You wouldn't have to re-purchase some kind of 360 special edition version.[/quote] Hmmmmm..........

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  • actually, they said that his teamates coudn't get him BANNED. They can leave all the feedback at once, but they said they would get him banned from that game alone..... to that he said "nope" good uptate, and Halo 3 will be cool...... OOPS!!!!! I.... uh.... well.......I mean..... "project". and the new "project" will be cool ;) more maps = more fun = more playing halo = happier life...

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  • There is a very easy way to stop people from leaving. Make it so you can only have so many quits per time period; such as 10 per month or whatever. I can understand having to leave a game every once and a while, but having more than 10 quits per month is absurd. I've played over 1,400 games, and I've quit only a handful (MAYBE 5). There are those people that will say "that's so unfair! It's my right to quit any game I want!" and to those people I say bull-blam!-. If you can't finish a game you've started, don't start playing it! Play a team training or custom game if you're unsure about being able to finish. There is nothing more frustrating to me than some idiot who says "I hate this map, I'm quitting." Then we spend a minute reconnecting to the game, and it completely ruins the flow and fairness. If you don't like the maps, tough. Nobody controls the maps they play in ranked matchmaking. If people can't play by the same rules as everyone else, they shouldn't be allowed to play. Period. The bottom line is, quitters ruin the game just as much as cheaters did.

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  • -blam!- YOU FRANKIE you little sack a -blam!-. Your a damn -blam!- for speakin to that cheater kid that way. -blam!- YOU DUMBASS -blam!-!!!

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  • I thought of an idea to stop quitting (or at least slow it down). You could make each time someone quits, they loose points. They can leave a game up to 3 times a month, so if the person uses the 3 chances when un-needed, and they NEED to use one, they got themselves in trouble. After 5 quits, a warning message would be sent via live. After 6 quits, suspension. Each suspension gets greater as the amount of quitting of a gamertag occurs more. After the month, the quit stats are reset, but suspensiions will keep going until they're complete. This is just an idea. If you want to ask anything else about my idea, pm me. Im on at least once a day.

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  • what the bleep is wrong with you people. no one cares if your the first or second or thrid or whatever number post you are. congratulations for wasting your time and waiting to be the first post in the forum.Because, i mean, i know after i read the update the first thing i say is, "hey did you see masterchief1243? Yeah he had the first post!" [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • what? you mean frankie dodged a halo3 question? where? he answered plainly that bill gates was not a jerk. anyway, wouldn't it be funny if bungie did release a different project besides halo? i mean everyone is getting hyped about halo 3 and they haven't even confirmed it yet. watch the next bungie game actually be "pimps at sea". everyone would be sooo happy.

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  • Regarding my previous post: Durka durka, muhammad jihad. [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • First Page!!!!!!!! do you want to join my group, [b] Bungie Flamers [/b]? If yes, there is a link below... [url=] Here is the link!!! [/url] [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • That is the most masterful issue dodging since the Presidential Election. Way to go Frankie! [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • Sweet..and thanks..always DeSalle 55

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  • yeah, i agree, more pics!

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  • I was just wondering if peoples stats will be able to be put on the menu, because some of us might not have an internet avaiable to us at the time and for all those who might not be able to check.

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  • That was pretty cute how u didn't answer the H3 question. But it's pretty obvious ur gunna make another H3 instead of another "project" cause wtf else do u have going for u? Oni? GG. Anyways, stop pretending u guys can make something that even comes close to Halo. So show us screen's and stop crying about Bill Gates' pool. No one needs to hear another love story about u and bill making-out to a Ricky Martin CD underwater. Thanks.

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  • not sure if this is where you post questions to be answered, but ive been falsely accused of standbying a lot because the blue screen comes up, and then once we get back to the game, they say we cheated because they got killed. i mean, when you go to the blue screen, you end up in a different spot sometimes. its not my fault that they ended up near me. and they died when the game was going, not during the blue screen. i dont wanna get banned wrongfully

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  • Do you get more points by winng by say 25 points then u would by 7. or if u lose by more. because one of my friends told me if u win will keeping your opponet under 25 points you get more points

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  • WHAAAAT!!! You completely dodged the Halo 3 question... Aw well. We all know its coming.

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  • Beautiful dodge of that final question in the last part there. But seriously, I hope we get some pics of the new maps soon. Other than that, nice update, can't wait for next weeks as usual.

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  • What day exactly are the 5 new maps going to be available for downloading? [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • Nice update. Kinda mad at the fact there weren't any pictures of the new maps. But hey, I saw enough at E3 to be pleased. I'm seriously looking forward to Relic now. Looks kinda like a cross between an urban combat map and all out beach assault. lol. I can't wait! And, I'm a little behind on the actual release dates now. When exactly will the additional 5 maps be released for xbox live users?

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