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Edited by McCringlebeary: 9/23/2015 11:13:09 AM

Price isn't the sole problem.

I was going to reply to this comment but decided to make it a thread since I'm sure enough people don't realize this. [quote]So in your mind you should just keep being able to play Destiny without sinking another cent into it?[/quote] Ummm yeah. Just like every other game people own. Gamers can go back and play even if they didn't "sink another cent into it" by buying any expansions or DLC. Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series, Borderlands series, Call of Duty series, Dragon Age series, Battlefield series, and the list could go on and on. "But Destiny isn't like those games!" That's great to point out, Bungie/Activision DECIDED not to make Destiny that way and now that's creating problems with the playerbase. This video by Lost Sols is fantastic. The intro is kinda long, but the talking starts at 2:60 though for those who are interested. Edit: If gamers want to purchase TTK there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. That's their choice, just like it's anybody's choice to not purchase it. No one is a sheep or an idiot for buying or not buying a game. The problem is people knocking on others for "being broke" or "too cheap", which is not necessarily what it comes down. It's also frustrating when "if you didn't buy TTK, then get off the forms" is even an argument (or whatever you want to call it). People that don't buy DLC still deserve to play the game and express their concerns to the community. If Bungie didn't want us to contiune adding feedback they should have locked the companion app in with TTK too! (<---that's a joke) Edit 2: I absolutely LOVE the argument "just buy TTK, it's totally worth it. Trust me." For starters, if you just started playing Destiny on September 15 2015 then obviously it is worth it. Base game+3 DLC for $60? Yes, clearly a good deal. Now on to "Year 1" players saying it's worth it. Again, OBVIOUSLY it's worth it because they omitted tons of content/features for anyone who did not purchase TTK. Your argument about TTK being "worth it" only helps prove that not purchasing TTK is a problem. "Just buy TTK" The point here is gamers shouldn't have to buy it. It's the principle of the matter, which is more important to some than others.

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  • Bump agree 100%

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    • I agree people should still be able to play the game if they don't buy the latest expansion. My problem lies in the fact that the people who aren't going to buy it complaining about being locked out of content. When CoD releases a dlc you don't hear people complaining about not being able to play on new maps, and the same goes for those games like Dragon Age. If you don't buy the content you shouldn't be allowed to play the content. Something to keep in mind is that Destiny isn't like Dragon age or even CoD. It is more of a hybrid between a FPS and a MMORPG. Just like WoW if you don't by the expansion you don't get to the new level cap and you can't get the new gear. I do think you should be able to play old content, but I don't see people being locked out of the old content. Heroic Strikes are revamped and now offer mostly year 2 rewards and the same with the nightfall. I completely understand how you feel, but if you don't purchase the new content you don't get to complain about it.

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      • Bump!

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      • bump

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      • I agree Bungie created this mess themselves but they don't care as with each DLC the wallet gets thicker

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      • Bump

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      • Just made another update about a popular statement that's being thrown around a lot. Check it out! Also, I appreciate all of the comments and feedback! It's good see others perspectives, it helps create a foundation to form an objective standpoint so we can understand each other's point of view. Thanks!

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      • Edited by Hecate: 9/23/2015 12:24:37 AM
        I want to know what kind of vicious punk sneers at someone for not being able to afford things. It takes a horrible, nasty, bratty little snot to act like that. I've even seen them posting nonsense like "If you could afford the console and the original game, you can afford the expansion!" Well, guess what? It doesn't always work that way. An adult should understand that a person's financial situation can change dramatically and rapidly and without warning. Besides, some people got their consoles as gifts. I can only hope no one over the age of twelve is posting this vile stuff. And if you're twelve or under, I hope you grow out of it. Fast.

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      • Edited by Hettar393899: 9/21/2015 2:45:52 PM
        My issue isn't the cost of the new DLC, though I feel it's too high personally. My issue is how they're treating people that can't/haven't yet/don't want to get the dlc as relates to the hundred or better bucks already dropped. That's crap, and it's fraud.

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      • they told us its not a subscription game cause subcription games dont sell but..... if we don't keep throwing money at the screen we cant keep playing

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      • You know... Something I've noticed... Other games that go with the expansions route? You know... MMOs... They seem to have a habit of adding new endgame content to run concurrently with existing endgame content (such as what Destiny does with Raids) and not continually shift the bar for endgame content to make it inaccessible to unupgraded players (like what Destiny is doing with nightfall and heroics.) I don't see what's wrong with leaving previous configurations for nightfall and heroics in place for older expansions with their previous reward options. Archive and leave accessible while adding a new tier for the new expansion, don't wholesale replace.

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        • Bump. Apparently, Bungie have come out and said that Destiny is not in fact a set ten year project. Sounds like they're going to be milking this one for decades.

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          • Bump

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          • bump

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          • Well said.

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          • Bump!

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          • Bump

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          • 100 % Agreed

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          • Pretty sound analysis by Lost Sols, especially considering that Bungie seemed to want to support year 1 players for helping them make Destiny better. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

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          • Sounds about right I'm really in disbelief people are defending bungie for this

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            • You're right and thanks for posting that vid by Lost Sols. The typical counter argument is always 'lolol ur just mad ucant afford TTK' and it grinds my rusting gears. We as a gaming community should be banding together like this to spread the message that negative business practices are creating sub-par experiences for the sake of a few extra dollars. If this becomes the status quo far more games will suffer the same fate.

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              • *claps*

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                • Edited by OutlawOfTorn656: 9/21/2015 4:05:06 AM
                  It's just a step to far to deny content that's been paid for or that was available previously. I've been playing well before games even had dlc's when games were sold with full content shock horror, I begrudged having to pay for extra content when that happened but it wasn't forced and my original content wasn't impeded or buggered up if I chose not to. It's a matter of principle and while you have people that wont or can't hold out on them when they cross the line it will head in a direction where it is all about milking and we will only have substandard games. They get away with this because they know they are dealing with children as the majority of consumers. I think if you've just begun Destiny and bought the new game it's great, but if a stand isn't made over this now and they get away with it you will be the next to be stitched up and be prepared to be stitched up with other games because this sets a precedence for a new milking technique

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                  • [quote]Ummm yeah. Just like every other game I own. I can go back and play even if I didn't "sink another cent into it" by buying any expansions or DLC.[/quote] Thank you. The majority of Bungie supporters appear to have amnesia.

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                    • So many with the sheep mentality. These are the people Luke Smith was talking about when he said "throw money at screen."

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                      • I agree with this so much! You make a very good point, no other game I return to has ever changed so much in the time that I have owned it! DLC should be a player's choice to purchase, not a necessity to continue playing, and in no other game I have ever played has previously open content been removed until you pay for it again via DLC. I’m fed up of hearing, ‘so you expect free updates’ or ‘you haven’t paid for the end game content so you can't expect to play anymore’. The point is I don’t want the new level cap/shaders/armour or the campaign/raids/re-skinned enemies Bungie are pretending are new. If I wanted that content I would have bought it, but that isn't the problem. What I want is the content I’ve been playing until TTK as it should never have been removed or locked away behind a paywall. Bungie/Activision are basically holding hostage content we've already paid for to force us to buy DLC.

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