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5/6/2005 11:36:53 PM

Weekly What's Update

Here we are at the end of another fun-filled week. New matchmaking playlists, new maps, it was crazy, that's for sure. This week, a wee bit of news about the new maps. Including screens. Because we love you.

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  • i never had much problem online since the last playlist change but a couple of days ago it was so bad that i had to shoot a guy with the same color as me but a gamertag from the opposing team. now thats a complaint, but it came and went and i havent experienced it again. i only have 4 complaints 1: where's the covenant green rocket thingy? 2: where's the atv? the ghost needs some compitition! 3: dual wielding grenades? 16 pinecones would be fun! 4: old levels in preview makes no sence to me. ****ONLY NOOBS CANT AIM**** you have to be able to use all weapons, not just one. the game is sick. if your tired of getting killed right after spawn, learn to use cover. i cant be the only one who uses cover can i?

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  • NO!! I think Relic looks cool. It's Delta Halo. I'm going to pay for all the maps soon. And then me and my friends will link ev'ry day,, well almost. Take that,, In your face WOHO!!! Gamertag: The Jasiu

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fsq04_ OKay, all u total n00bs complaining about "too many BATTLE RIFLES" can eat a weenier. Just cause ur liek a total n00b and used to go around duel wielding 24/7 are now get pwned cause u can't use 2 bullet hoses can put H2 down and pick up some warcraft cause ur all liek the -blam!- and stuff. rofl lol. The game just requires more skill and u cry babies enjoyed owning wif bullet hoses are now getting pwnzored. rofl lol Oh, and stop whining about rocket glitch. Get a life, who the -blam!- cares wht the top of a level looks like. wtf do u kids do on a friday night?? "OMFG GUYS, GET ON HALO 2, WERE GUNNA FIND PLACES THE PROGRAMMERS HOPED WE'D NEVER SEE!!" Goodcall. [/quote] Great spelling and use of abbreviations, you even misspelled those. Glitching is something bungie at least I believe intended, they purposly leave easter eggs for people to find on the maps, they only fixed rocket glitching because it was being abused. And im sad they had to fix it, but at least there are still ways to get up there (Seriously who doesnt like glitching?). Anyway stop the flaming and complaining, you dont have to overreact like some kid do you? All these posts do is make things worse [Edited on 5/10/2005]

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  • The new patch sucks!!! You know i come from switzerland andyou guys in amerika are faster than me cause you got the server in amerika i have no chanche vs the Sword hes alllways faster nad i think its stupid, and i shoot aaa granate he walks over the granate and he dont dye i shoot of him and killd meh and we loose that sucks please make what with the -blam!- Server you know we got no chanche vs good amrikan players cause they are faster and i thing its stupid and the game is so legging and it sucks with the new patch he wlaks over my grenade and dont dye ey man whats up and we had in team training a -blam!- standby Guy how is that possiple!! Please Bungie makewhat with the server Prolem i hatte that. i know sorry my english is bad

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duke master Bungie u should really consider a downloadable map maker that we could use to make are own maps and send them on xbox live to bungie studios and you can u will pick the top 3 and then make that as downloadable content for everybody! Awesome maps yo relic is Sick[/quote]

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  • map maker??? i have seen games, with that on them, and all people will do is make a flat map, with just rockets everywhere. NO MAPMAKER, THEY SUCK, LIKE U!

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  • a question from the hearts of all those who are loyal fans of halo and bungie..... Where are all the extra characters?? Grunts, Elite(religous), Hunters, Brutes, and how about those prophets?? You have their A.I. coding, now how about giving us die-hard's a playable animation or two?? You could just charge us a arm and a leg when the next gen console comes out to help with the halo2 support!! AND WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE COVENANT ROCKET LAUNCHER??? ( you know the big green tube that shoots giant plasma balls)

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  • wow this is 2 everyone who asks the same question the maps are supposed to come out june 28th for free. and team preview is not going to stay it is just there until the maps come out for free then its gone jeesh.

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  • Matchmaking is -blam!-!!

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  • gg n00b. Have u even played Team Slayer on Burial Mounds.. or team slayer period??? saying the BR games are repetitive is like saying SMG's were repetitive before. Basically Halo 2 was before weapon Control, now it's skill. Even beaver creek. I spawn close to a guy duel weilding anything and i'm stuck with one SMG. GG right thurr. Now i can pwn him with a brif cause he's a total n00b. So basically stfu n00bs cause u all basically suck with Brif and wanna make the game all about weapon control again. GG

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Liquid_07 I totaly agree with everyone that likes the BR and thinks its a skilled weapon. Because it IS! You damn little kids just havn't developed your hand-eye coordination yet (and your balls havnt dropped yet), so quit -blam!-in and practice on you aiming. Thats what the BR is all about right? have you ever shot a REAL gun? You have to aim and be a good shot.. not just sprey at someone till the clip is empty. BR is 4 to 5 bursts becaus its a RIFLE.. not a BB gun, its supposed to be powerful and a quicker kill that the SMG and Plasma crappy guns. Keep it up bungie because the skilled players I know what your trying to do, Ween out the newbies that cant win without their Dual weilding and Newbie combo's![/quote] You dumbass, I was giving the BR props. All i said was there are too many matches with the BR in them and that adds to repetitivity and less focus on the other aspects of the game! plus the BR gets really boring after you have to use it almost every match! HEY BUNGIE, LESS BATTLE RIFLE PLEASE! IM BEGGINING TO FORGET WHAT THE OTHER WEAPONS LOOK LIKE!

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  • uh wtf, i disagree cause i used to get so pissed cause anyoen duel weilding on a map say Beaver Creek would pwn me if i spawned near them. Now that i have an equal chance at taking them down i like it better. Plus i won't complain about the brifle cause i own with it so i like getting it every game. And u enjoyed playing Slayer on Burial mounds better without BR. Cause i would sometimes get owned by n00bs since they controlled the snipers and BR's. But not ne more since i get a brif i can take them down. Basically Halo 2 is now more like Halo CE and i have no idea wtf ur complaing unless u liked theless skilled game it was before

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fsq04_ OKay, all u total n00bs complaining about "too many BATTLE RIFLES" can eat a weenier. Just cause ur liek a total n00b and used to go around duel wielding 24/7 are now get pwned cause u can't use 2 bullet hoses can put H2 down and pick up some warcraft cause ur all liek the -blam!- and stuff. rofl lol. The game just requires more skill and u cry babies enjoyed owning wif bullet hoses are now getting pwnzored. rofl lol [/quote] My apologies, but I have to heavily disagree. First of all, your method of argument is atrociously childish. Spelling errors, run-on sentences, etc. I do applaud you on forming your own form of idiot code, however. If enemy spies were trying to decipher your message, you have thoroughly confused them. I think the army may have a job for you...... Secondly, the game does not require MORE skill. It requires LESS of an overall skill and MORE of one particular skill now, that being able to snipe. Several aspects of the game that make Halo what it is are now non-existent due to the sheer majority of Battle rifles in the game. For example, shields were introduced into the game so that those who required a split-second more to aim for the head while firing, had that split-second. They had to get through the shields first, anyways. The game was also such a favorite because the game was a much slower-paced one compared to what it is now. Slayer matches run much much faster now, since I can't take 3 steps after spawn without getting BRed to death by people from......who the hell am I kidding, I can't find them until they walk over my corpse. Quite frankly, I would almost understand a BR start, but they: 1. Put it on just about ANY map, including the very tiny ones! Why? 2. Softened the Plasma RIFLE/ SMG combo in the 1st AU. 3. Decreased the power of the Magnum....which was already no match for the BR..... 4. Softened the SMG in general, and made it less accurate in combos 5. Got rid of Plasma weapons on a large majority of gametypes, so that you have don't have options at range anymore. I'm not talking about the "n00b combo", I'm talking about being able to compete with a battle rifle at medium range to some degree with some sort of Plasma/ human combo. If you don't believe me on any of those 5 points, they detail them in the numerous updates we've had. And honestly, even after all that, it probably STILL wouldn't be so bad, but we've got a bunch of gametypes that are geared toward Battle Rifle mastery. Like Human gametypes. I don't even get a BR at start to compete with them now! Instead I get the freakin' SMG, and I get to go up against BR fire coming from who-knows-where, along with MORE THAN ONE rocket coming at me, and then some sniper fire to boot. There's really no use in firing at them, chucking grenades, or running for good weapons/vehicles... It all comes down to how they kept telling us that we'd be able to use a variety of options in-game. They lied. There's only one option: Custom Games. Wow, glad they never gave us the ability to browse custom games, huh? Now I have to play a few games of hell to play a few games of fun.....

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  • All I have to say is that I love this game period. Halo owns all of us and you know it. Everything Bungie does to this game makes it better and better. You all know it's the best FPS out there. The matchmaking update was great. To anyone that feels a need to complain about some of the stuff on the game, just get over it. The bottomline is Bungie cannot make something where everyone will like every aspect of it. Do I like doing CTF on Ivory Tower in Double Team? No. Am I going to complain about it and whine? No, because I realize there's other people out there that enjoy that scenario. Props to Bungie for the updates it incorporated with some of the maps. I personally like everyone having a BR on certain maps like Burial Grounds. It's definitely more of an even playing field and essentially the person with the best skill does win, which is one of the things Bungie was trying to accomplish with the updates. The best thing of all is what Bungie has done with standby. I was in a Rumble Pit game where someone tried to standby. It turns out that person was booted from the game, and the game actually restarted with everyone at 0 kills. Sure it sucked for me, because I had the lead, and I ended up getting like 2nd or 3rd place, but it's for the better. Good job Bungie on catching and stopping these cheating homos. Also, if you have a crappy Internet connection, don't be trying to accuse other people of standbying. I was doing a double team and this guy's connection was horrible, and he accused me and my partner of standbying. The whole time I thought he was standbying. I can honestly say I have never touched that button on my modem, and I don't even know why they have it on there. What does the standby function on a cable modem accomplish anyway? What is it's purpose besides providing a way for people to cheat in online gaming? Seriously. So, for all of you that want to complain about this great game, just don't play it anymore then. Just realize there are some things that you will not like about it. Overall though, you know you love the game, and that's why you play it and complain about it later. You can complain all you want to, but at the end of the day you know that you're back on Live playing it. To the people that quit team-related games, because you don't like the scenario or your team is losing, all I have to say is stop being -blam!-. I know it may be hard to do that, but at least try. I'm always looking for good people that are skilled and don't quit to do team slayer or anything team-related with. My gamertag is NKSM79. Send me a friend request. Later guys.

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  • I totaly agree with everyone that likes the BR and thinks its a skilled weapon. Because it IS! You damn little kids just havn't developed your hand-eye coordination yet (and your balls havnt dropped yet), so quit -blam!-in and practice on you aiming. Thats what the BR is all about right? have you ever shot a REAL gun? You have to aim and be a good shot.. not just sprey at someone till the clip is empty. BR is 4 to 5 bursts becaus its a RIFLE.. not a BB gun, its supposed to be powerful and a quicker kill that the SMG and Plasma crappy guns. Keep it up bungie because the skilled players I know what your trying to do, Ween out the newbies that cant win without their Dual weilding and Newbie combo's!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fsq04_ OKay, all u total n00bs complaining about "too many BATTLE RIFLES" can eat a weenier. Just cause ur liek a total n00b and used to go around duel wielding 24/7 are now get pwned cause u can't use 2 bullet hoses can put H2 down and pick up some warcraft cause ur all liek the -blam!- and stuff. rofl lol. The game just requires more skill and u cry babies enjoyed owning wif bullet hoses are now getting pwnzored. rofl lol Oh, and stop whining about rocket glitch. Get a life, who the -blam!- cares wht the top of a level looks like. wtf do u kids do on a friday night?? "OMFG GUYS, GET ON HALO 2, WERE GUNNA FIND PLACES THE PROGRAMMERS HOPED WE'D NEVER SEE!!" Goodcall. [/quote] I hate the amount of Battle Riffle Games myself but its NOT because i lack skill! theres just too god damn many BR games and its sooooo repetitive its painful. And BTW it takes more skill to own with duel bullethoses than it does with a BR, it takes forever to kill people with SMGs but Battle rifles take em down in about 4 - 5 bursts... but hey thats IMO, if someone gets up close with a couple of SMGs of course thier gonna kill you, but with a BR you can stop em from gettin close! Less BR games please, its a really boring weapon when your stuck with it for like 60-70% of the time And as for glitching on top of levels, it IS fun to do, and often quite a good laugh. But people dont get raging hardons because they can get up there! it was just another fun side to Halo... how many other FPS,s can you explore outside of levels? NONE. Ibet your the type of person who throws the controller against the wall when you dont win and take a game really seriously! wise up you geek!!! [Edited on 5/10/2005]

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  • some people are right- alot of us are getting beat down with one hit from the front. it seems really glitchy. I walked right up behind a guy to beat him down- hit him- and then I died. WTF!!! I thought. It has happened at least 3 times I can think of right now. And the lag- about how many hours are we talking about to play. I have live, but I can't live on the xbox- I have lots of other stuff to do- and It is really making me not want to play. Thats probably why you only had 60k people on 2day. Don't get me wrong- I love you guys- Halo- combat evolved is the best fps I have ever played. Just fix the crap- PLEASE REMAKE H1 FOR XBOX LIVE. WE WILL PLAY IT. PROMISE. AND DON'T CHANGE A THING. LET US PLAY IN THE NO VEHICLE LOCK ON- NO DUAL WEILDING GLORY THAT WE ALL TRULY LOVE.

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  • OKay, all u total n00bs complaining about "too many BATTLE RIFLES" can eat a weenier. Just cause ur liek a total n00b and used to go around duel wielding 24/7 are now get pwned cause u can't use 2 bullet hoses can put H2 down and pick up some warcraft cause ur all liek the -blam!- and stuff. rofl lol. The game just requires more skill and u cry babies enjoyed owning wif bullet hoses are now getting pwnzored. rofl lol Oh, and stop whining about rocket glitch. Get a life, who the -blam!- cares wht the top of a level looks like. wtf do u kids do on a friday night?? "OMFG GUYS, GET ON HALO 2, WERE GUNNA FIND PLACES THE PROGRAMMERS HOPED WE'D NEVER SEE!!" Goodcall.

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  • if anyone is over a level 17 and wants to join a level 23 clan send CubsOfChicago a friend request. if you are not a level 17 then you can try out anytime

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  • yes dumbo, you get the map in xbox live only uhh.. what dumbhead

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  • what if you have xbox live? can you still get the maps? @golaith-nice spam. please dive in a pool full of infection forms dressed like a 50-course steak dinner.

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  • Has anyone noticed that Bungie's website is a POS. For the past week I've been trying to surf there site, and came up empty handed. The interesting part is, I have a 256K upload and 6MB download. With this bad ass connection I still couldn't read the forums. But I was able to surf the Bungie Store just fine...INTERESTING?!

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  • so true confetti maker

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The exorcist NL me (x-box live gamertag: aklorian12) is freaking out cause i cant doe the rocket glitch i loved to do that.. but jou removed with a freaking update, what is that for lame thing you guys dit.... i dont see 1 guy collecting the rocketlauncher the sword and the overshield,(the overshield you might dont need it) in coagulation its even inpossible to do the rocketglitch, so i got the solution: why cant you guys care that the rocket glitch ONLY WORKS at CUSTOMGMES, i think you gonna make many people freaking happy about it, i like al the new maps and playlist and all that but me and many friends feel a little empty without doing the rocketglitch in custom games..we always do that bij a hard game of matchmaking, to do a little custom game for fun so PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU GUYS, PUT THE ROCKETGLITCH BACK ON CUMSTOM GAMES, AND ONLY FOR CUSTOM GAMES. thank you for watching this message... message send bij x-box live account: aklorian 12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Here we are at the end of another fun-filled week. New matchmaking playlists, new maps, it was crazy, that's for sure. This week, a wee bit of news about the new maps. Including screens. Because we love you.[/quote][/quote] Someone failed typing class, or just dropped out of High School; ) A little advice dude, reread your work before you submit it! Because all I understood was your an idiot. Besides if you want to play with the rocket glitch then remove the patch from your XBOX

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  • Bungie u should really consider a downloadable map maker that we could use to make are own maps and send them on xbox live to bungie studios and you can u will pick the top 3 and then make that as downloadable content for everybody! Awesome maps yo relic is Sick

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] dillpickle152 you spelled isle wrong when talking about relic lol but those look like some tight maps that are coming out[/quote] I believe that he meant islet as that is a different word from isle and also has a slightly different meaning. Also Relic will be totally sweet. Agreed. i r 1337 haxxor.

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