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5/6/2005 11:36:53 PM

Weekly What's Update

Here we are at the end of another fun-filled week. New matchmaking playlists, new maps, it was crazy, that's for sure. This week, a wee bit of news about the new maps. Including screens. Because we love you.

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  • i have not heard about these new maps like elongation, relic, gemini, ect. are they out?

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  • I apologize for any comments that offended anyone on if those people deserved it for being jackasses [Edited on 5/9/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Insomnia35 I have a question about the combos. You lessened the pistol combo but did nothing to the the plasma pistol/ battle rifle combo. Could you possibly tone that combo down as well. It is so annoying to fight somebody that has that combo because you stand no chance. Usually by the time you figure out your getting shot, your already dead. Is there any real defense to it? Even if you at least took away the seeking part of the plasma pistol it would be better. Because I'm getting killed clear across the map and cant do anything about it but hide![/quote] Oh, they're simple to beat. All you have to do is stay far away, the plasma bolt can't home in on you if you stay a certain distance away, and snipe the bastard to death. Another option is find a place with plenty of cover, keep checking all vulnerable areas and, when you spot 'em just battle rifle him four-five shots to the head. Lastly, lure him into close quarters where you can bash him to death, assasinate him, stick him, or blow him into pieces with a frag grenade or shot gun. If you are changing your position or strategy, run in a zig-zag pattern and jump frequently along an area with lots of rocks or walls that you can quickly hide behind (this increases the likelyhood of him missing you with the plasma rifle or battle rifle), but always change your pattern, because if he don't he could predict your movement and snipe you. Learn the maps well and if you're in a team game always have good backup so that if you die, the -blam!-(s) that combo you will die shortly while the plasma pistol cools down. I hope these strategies help. P.S. CONSTANTLY CHECK YOUR RADAR

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AscendantLaos The combo is awsome, dont tone it down bungie, u r just moaning cos u cant -blam!- use the combo, i love to bring down 3 noobs at a time with that combo![/quote] YOU are the noob for not being able to kill anything without that combo, or else you wouldn't be whining like a -blam!- at the though of it being weakened. -blam!!!- I dare you to school someone with just a magnum or just a plasma pistol. Can't do it can you? Thats what I thought, but I guess all of us can't have skill and cunning. [Edited on 5/9/2005]

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  • How long before the levels even out in matchmaking? im tired of getting owned by these satanic super demonic mutated cyber sonic lvl 1s... people on my friends list wont play matchmaking for at least 2 weeks they say untill the levels even out, but if so many people are going to do that then i guess the problem will be the same in 2 weeks time when they start playing. im having fun with it now though, i dont care that much about ranks because i have my good days and my bad days... but i have been winning a LOT recently. i think the 'balancing' has worked out to my advantage and it actually takes skill to win now as opposed to depending on certain combos and other factors. its great!!

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  • ok first rule..but you always know how to -blam!- up a good thing..i was really excited about the new game tipes and maps..double team for example...would have kicked ass..but as always the -blam!- rocket -blam!-s up the whole experience...and ctf with 4 people in a single room!!?!?!?!? WTF!!?!? WHOS SMART IDEA WAS THAT!!?!?! and the damn AU was...OK...i guess but it made it much easyr for noobs to win a game...way to easy...i know people ask you all the time plz do this and plz do that..but im not going to ask you anything..i just hope halo 2.5 or halo 3 dosnt have alot of the elements that made me not HATE the game..but made it much less fun all together...

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  • i heard from somes friends that when the maps come out for free you guys are getting rid of preview iwas wondering if it was true or just a rumor like the friends list thing? [Edited on 5/9/2005]

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  • PLEASE ADDRESS THE SUPER JUMP GLITCH/CHEAT!!!!!! Frankie, I messaged you about this but never got a reply, nor do I see you making any mention of it in the Weekly What's Update. You need to address this issue immediately, because it's a problem that should've been solved with the Auto Update in the first place. As you previously said, any glitches, cheats or exploits left out of the AU would only be used more by cheaters. And you're right. What people are doing now is utilizing a cheat/glitch in multiple maps known as the Super Jump. It would take a while to describe how it is done, especially since it's done in different ways on different maps, and because I don't use it. A friend showed me how to do it during a custom game, and I've also done it by accident during a Rumble Slayer match. The maps this cheat is used on (that I have seen) are Zanzibar (to get on the roof of the base), Burial Mounds (to get on top of the level and unfairly snipe people with no way of shooting down the sniper) and Lockout. The Zanzibar and Burial Mounds super jumps have been used against myself and my friends in past matches to gain unfair advantage in combat. I have also heard several people mention another on Coagulation. This is a problem that needs immediate fixing. I can't possibly be the only one who has brought it up, and I'm sure something this specific can be quickly fixed and made into another AU for the masses. Please talk about this in the next Weekly What's Update. Thank you in advance. [Edited on 5/8/2005]

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  • Frankie, why did u guys put suicides off. Like when u suicide u dont lose any points. What people do online is once they gain the led in a slayer match they just commite suicide, especially in team rockets. Can u fix that?

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  • Listen I don't know whose' crake pipe you borrowed to get high, but knock it off! Let me first start by saying that this is the first time that you have F#@$#$ UP. Head to Head I gave your new "Head to Head" a chance and boy did you screw up. 1. ODD BALL Well "Odd Ball" is a great game for more than two people. That's the catch Bungie...more than two PLAYERS! It's really hard for someone to catch up in two man "Odd Ball" when you have a 10 sec responds. Not to mention when there is a SWORD involved. 2. King of the Hill I don't even want to go into this one, but I will mention that everyone that I do play; ends in a tie. Because me that the other player call a truths and BS in the middle of the map. So good work on that one; thanks to this my friends list is filling up quite nicely. 3. Rifles Good idea 4. Pistols Alright, but I would rather have the plasma not play a part in this. I'm getting tiered of comboing people to death. My suggestion would be to have only Magnums and no shields. 5. Radar For all of you that have problem with the radar, or -blam!-dar as you see so fit to call it, deal with it. Radar is one of the things that make "Head to Head" so intense. There is nothing more exciting than creeping up on someone and killing them. If Bungie, for some reason, has to have a hand in our Radar business; then they could at least make it a game variance. Reason why...because I'm getting tired of little kids, and grown adults crying about how they would of won if they new I was behind them. The hate mail is really getting on my nerves. *If you don't believe that people hate this the most then make a "Head to Head Skirmish" and see how many games are played. Double Team This was something that everyone was waiting for, and it's alright; just needs to be tweaked. For example: "Beaver Creek” The rockets need to have a longer response time, and the spawn cycling needs to be better. Too many times have I spawned next to my teammate and felt his wrath (no joke he hit me in the back of the head). Double Team was a nice touch to the Matchmaking because I know how hard it is to get a four man team going. But a lot of the times I only want to play slayer not these skirmish games. 1. Slayer: This variance is great, but like I said earlier fix the weapon spawns and spawn cycling. 2. Odd Ball Some people like it but I don't, just remember SOME people; that's not a good number. 3. CTF This was the most worthless 12 min of my life; and I know that I'm not the only one. I won every game, but it felt wrong. In a "Multi Flag" all my team does, is have a runner and a spawn camper. If they take my flag so be it; there not home yet. "Single Flag” Lets just say that I hate it. There is no worse feeling than to watch a team run out of time, and relay the flag to death back home; thanks to sudden death. Also the 10 sec respond was a beautiful touch. Now all the apposing team has to go is kill us both with a rocket and wall`a the flag is already half way across the map. *Here is a little advice. I, and everyone else, know that everyone is going to hate something about Halo. Every player is great at one thing, some are freakishly good at amany. The point is...stop trying to make everyone happy. Just try to make so, and these are my suggestions: The slayer people have only slayer The Skirish people have only skirmish Head to Head is back to normal (version 1.0) Double Team is devided into 2 seperat matchmaking games, Skirmish and Slayer I’m hoping that your PR guys read this far into the forums, because this is a major issue. Everyone else, I ask that you personally send Frankie a message (filling up his mail box would be a nice touch), about how this update has affected you; but please leave the stats out of this. [Edited on 5/8/2005]

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  • Wow, I was kinda waiting all week to hear their reasons for catering to the uber-sniping community. Hey, I got a great idea! Next update, just turn the shields off, and give everyone nothing but sniper rifles. I really don't see the difference. This game used to be about variety. I'm excellent with a battle rifle, but my friends have different skills. But now they all have to be expert snipers too in order to have any fun. And to be quite frank, I'm not in love with the tactic. Despite my skill in it, it's easily my most hated portion of the game. But I don't get to enjoy other aspects of the game anymore. The most chance I have in achieving fun is a game on Midship or Warlock with my friends, but I don't dare use any weapon other than the BR, and if I die ONCE during that game, our team is screwed with BR spawn camping. The game really isn't fun for me anymore. It just isn't Halo anymore. Increase grenade throwing? great. Increase melee attack damage? Awesome. Make the game sniper-heaven? Ridiculously stupid. I don't know how that was supposed to take away the problems of the past. To be quite honest, I don't remember getting spawn raped more than I was after the update. 75% of my friends list doesn't play this game anymore. They had a few games, and they're done. I try to bring myself to give it "another go", because I keep thinking MAYBE, just MAYBE I'm overreacting to the situation, but no, I'm not. This game is Ghost Recon without the good parts of Ghost Recon. I play Ghost Recon on the PC, because the mouse and the keyboard is undisputably the best FPS control today. There was a reason why you guys made shields when you were on the original drawing boards for Halo. From the looks of things, you obviously forgot all about it. You guys turned back time for some key points of Halo, so that you could go back to the roots of what made the game great. And then you completely destroyed a different root: The shields. They're useless now. Completely and utterly useless. Sure, they protect you, but that wasn't the point of them. The point of shields was to give both parties a fraction of a second to adjust their aiming mid-battle while the shields were depleting. Then when they were gone, the two parties were on equal terms aim-wise. Now I'm going up against people that were born with the stick in their hands, and they don't need to adjust. Call them skilled, call them talented. I'd agree with either one 100%. But I'd also call it ridiculous to give them an edge when the controls I am given are undeniably less precise than my keyboard and mouse. I have been punished for versatility long enough by Bungie this week. What is done is done. I only hope and pray that Bungie looks at this as a mistake instead of a standard for Halo 3....

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  • Dude, there needs to be some huge consequences for people who quit games. I had a 17 and then there were some douche bags quit in four games so I'm back to my 16 and almost a 15. I know it's not a huge loss but it's still bull-blam!- nonetheless. PLEASE BUNGIE, DO SOMETHING ABOUT CHRONIC QUITTERS

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  • yeah man i here that i've got a few things to say and i have no idea how to get this stuff heard by the bungie guys.

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  • bungie, or anyone who can answer me. i realize the autoupdate came out last week, and in a recent game of 1 flag CTF i was, you guessed it, VIOLENTLY stand-byed. i feel as if i spent half the game in blue screen. me and my teammate picked up rockets and kept them dead long enough to quite literally INCH the flag to our base, and manage a tie. the thing is, when i was near them (i was at our flag-score, they were above me) i DISTINCTLY heard the words "press it now". i IMMEDIATELY paused my game and left cheating feedback, but should i really have to do that? werent cheats fixed? i hope bungie comes out with another patch because im SICK of people who press that magic button to make their numbers rise. please someone...ANYONE reply to me @ if you reply THANK YOU it will be greatly appreciated.

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  • dude, Frankie, you make me so mad every time you say some crap about "rank isn't a trophy or status symbol" it's like if I don't view your matchmaking system the EXACT way you do, I'm wrong and potentially a bad person or something. I just pulled a level 19 today with a broken right hand... and i'm PROUD of it... oh, and I sometimes use my rank to boss around lower ranked kids so they'll hand me the sniper (so we can win).... and i LIKE it. -Skin Cancer P.S. - Hang Em High was the best map ever created, clearly there are some issues with the balance of the bases, but that shouldn't be a problem except for CTF Classic or Multiflag/bomb... I, along with EVERYONE I know that played Halo CE wants it back... c'mon guys, give the people what they want! [Edited on 5/8/2005]

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  • I was just wondering if you could say something to those unfortunate folks who think everytime a blue screen pops up it means someone is stanbying. I was playing a team training game today, my teammates sucked and we were getting killed and a guys whole team quit. They all quit one after another and I figured they would because before the game started they were yelling at the party leader that they should be in team slayer not team training. So they quit and the guy sits at his base to defend so we storm in and we all get owned and he keeps saying "stop cheating" no one was cheating, everyone but me seemed to be a complete newb. I was playing with my ex gf who I live with as a guest. So because he sees a blue screen which happens when a host quits or when the game is reestablishing a connection he figures we lagged out his team instead of them quitting. Obviously none of us know if they quit or what because we all have guests so we can't see what happened. So can you say something to the masses telling them the blue screen doesn't automatically mean someone is standbying? Oh and where is the big team slayer matchmaking playlist?!?

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  • Is anybody here?

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  • Yeah i hate that combo b/c whoever uses it, just shows what a noobe they are.

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  • those maps are gonna be sick. keep up the badass work.

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  • Yeah i agree Gemini and Terminal sounds pretty cool.

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  • Are you going to have pictures of the other maps? If so, when?

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  • Please we are looking for tactical playing Halo 2 players. Requirments Must be above lv 5 for now since reset stats. Must have beaten Halo 1 on legendary. Must have beaten Halo 2 on Heroic. Also next Fall we also will be playing on Halo PC for old times.

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  • Hello

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  • What level were you.

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