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5/6/2005 11:36:53 PM

Weekly What's Update

Here we are at the end of another fun-filled week. New matchmaking playlists, new maps, it was crazy, that's for sure. This week, a wee bit of news about the new maps. Including screens. Because we love you.

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  • I can understand not wanting to add weapons into the multiplayer, for the most part I agree with it. The only gun I want to argue to have added is the fuel rod gun into the multiplayer as at least an option in the custom game weapon options.

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  • warlock is the worst map ever put into existance and if you want greifing to stop burn this map out of all matchmade games you lonely old fat men!!!!

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  • I feel accomplished... i gained 17 lv. in 3 hours because the exp. gain has ben actin wierd! Thank you bad math, THANK YOU!

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  • I'm all for leveling the playing field, but think the changes you made to eliminate some weapon combos (SMG/PlasmaRifle) have gone overboard. The battlerifle sucks for good close combat fighting, and I hate the -blam!- that like to sit and snipe. Put the weapons back the way they were and let us resume close quarter fights, and eliminate the squat and snipe -blam!-.

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  • hi i have a question, me and my brother were playing double team together and it picked 2v2 slayer on Foundation ok. when the game started we both spawded in one of the rooms by the time we got out of there the other guys had spawnd by one set of rockets and the other guy sponded and got a battle rifle. what is up with the spawn points? this has happened to us many times now. plus we even talked to those guys at the end of the game and they even said it was b s. can u do something about it? [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • hi again, (last post this week) are then next 5 maps coming out b4 june 28th??? can u give us a date???? and bring out the ATV everyone that i have taked to about it wants it NOW!!! :P cheers post soon :P

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  • hi again, i was playing on headlong (bigteam batty) and the game started someone got into a hog and i got into the back, the second i got in he when right into the water and killed us both, i had said or done nothing to infunce this! when i respornd i told him what i thought and put a few rounds into him (this did not kill him) then i got booted from the game!!! wtf :@ can u do something so stop ppl driving into the water on headlong to kill there team mates!!!! this has happend several times b4!!! cheers

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  • Nice update Bungie. I want to say a few things though. I'm tired of so many people online being rude. Its getting almost unberable. Now I know there is not much you can do, this is more I quess to the other players. I'm just sick of people really just being rude. The vulgar and often racial comments I've heard has really made me drift away from using the headset, (which I payed a nice 50 dollars for the halo 2 one) and sometimes even playing online at all. It really takes a lot of the fun out of the game. Now I know what some of you are going to say, just mute thier voice, but it is so bad that I would not only be mutting more voices than I can count, but may spend a large portion of matches doing it. Also, some of these playlists are getting kind of repetitive. I'm suprised I havent seen this yet, even shocked, and that is a Big Team Slayer or Big Rumple Pit style of playlist (16 person slayer). For me I'm not an objective person (mostly because I tend to be the unlucky one hudling in the base defending the flag, territory, etc.) and Rumble Pit is not big enough for my tastes. I dont know about everyone else, but I yearn to have the experience I had with Halo PC and its online play. The huge 16 matches were awsome. Even though I was terrible on Halo PC, the huge chaotic style of matches were just unbelivable. The thought of that chaos on the console, where I am not quite so bad, sounds very exciting indeed. I'll admit, I'm a slayer person. I might be a little biased here. But I will say this, I really miss the days when Halo 2 first came out, and costum games were the only things played for a time, and 16 person slayer, was very common. Bungie, if you would bring this to matchmaking (most of the people on my friendslist dont even play Halo 2 anymore, let alone play costum games) you would make myself and probaly many other very happy. So sum it up. Please, players, stop with the vulgar comments. Its getting really old. Bungie, please at least give me a yes or no if your even considering a Big Team Slayer or Big Rumble Pit? I would love to know.

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  • give bungie some slack guys they tried to make some people happy like they say you can make some of the people happy some of the time but you cant make everyone happy all of the time

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  • my question is are we going to be able to see more screen pictures of the new maps any time soon, my other question is i got on top of the white building on turf and started to snip and the newb's though that i was on top of the level and said i was cheating but i wasn't is there not a way that you can educate them to know what is cheating and what is not cuz they did edventaly kill me like its not hard to get up there or anything its just like getting on the ruff on zansibar

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  • The man is right you little peice of -blam!- halo was good before it was updated god damnit

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  • Brickbazooka, This game sucks because you suck at it [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • hi Frankie, i was playing a game of team bomb, and the bomb holder got killed, the bomb fell thru the map and we could not get it, then when it came back it when flying out of the ground and landed some distance away when we went over to it we could not pick it up, so we lost the game and there was nothing we could do! will the atv ever come into halo2??? i am from New Zealand and when i play a matchmade game it selects mostly people from USA, this gives me more lag, is there some way that is will select people from New Zealand or Auzie first before people from USA so that there is less lag and i have a beter chance of winning??? this problem is most domiant in a game like swds were ppl from usa have host so when i lunge at them i get to them first and i sould kill them but then i just fall down dead for no reason!!!!! also i know u have taken out the plasma pistol and batty rifle combo in some game times thats great :), but in others we start off with a batty rifle and then there are plasma pistols on the map, this is realy "-blam!-" "stupid" its is a pethetic combo, and the ppl that use it should just learn how to use other wepons becuase when u do its alot more fun!!!!!!! thanks 4 ur time :) ps the new maps are great and the update, keep on trucking :P [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • they cant fix everything you want and if they did it would make a lot more people unhappy so just live with it and let me say i also hate the "Team Slayer BR" to much n00b combo i was wondering if there is a way to fix that so we can't be n00b comboed (n00b combo is aka the -blam!- Combo or the Plasma Pistol Battle Riffle combo) which is on a rampage in the BR games you made anyway to combat it or fix it? [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • okay so no more cheating and all but the disk with the update and new maps how much will it be.

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  • This game sucks now.Sorry but it really does. the "Human Slayer BR" blows and so do the new maps along with a lot of other stuff. You should have left it the way it was geniuses.

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  • I am downloading the maps from live, and not getting the disk. The way it sounded is that the people getting the disk would get more features. I want the extra's but i would not download them and get the disk. Does anyone know if this is really how it is? Also, it may have been discused in previous forums, but does anyone know about the possibility of new emblems. I doubt there hard to make, but is there a part in the game where it is possible to download more (like maps) or is it like the weapons? Anyone who could answer there would be greatly appreciated. [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • I personally think ranking up from basically one victory every time is completely boring. It takes almost no skill to rank up. I was a 9 in double team, one 4 games and was a 13. Normally it would have taken like 4 wins to go from 8 to 9.

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  • If the ranks are purely for matching you up against people of equivalant skill and not for higher levels to have it be some kind of trophy, why are there leader boardsand why when you reach a level past 40 something do you get a special picture for your level? Since Bungie is saying that the ranks are for matching player why are there leaderboards, and special pictures for higher levels? It makes no sense!

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  • those leval are a great idea give us some new places to rome and for those people know where every thing is now they dont are they goin to make a new stradagy guide for these new level yes or no?

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  • I have to say, I (as well as some of my friends) believe that we would rather have the "-blam!-" combo back (plasma pistol/BR) All BR's suck on colossus, and most of my friends believe the same. Getting plastered by 4 BR's at the same time is just down right maddening. I think the BR is a good weapon, don't get me wrong, but maybe it can be toned down a little bit, or make some of the other dual combo's stronger. Or maybe shorten the range on that damn BR!! I'd rather be assassinated 20 times than go through all that. Please do something about this. I'm sure my friends and I aren't the only ones that think this. Please check into this. The game isn't fun anymore.

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  • *drools*

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  • God damnit Bungie!!!!! WTF? I'm still getting -blam!- standbyed!!! Double Team has so many -blam!- objective games!!!!! Huge dissappointment. My friends and I wanted it so bad, but you had to go and -blam!- it up!!!!! Head to Head is far worse than I could have ever imagined!!!!!!! No radar!? Camping is easier now Einstein!!!! You didn't get rid of the time limit, which is what would have stopped camping!!!!!! Oddball!? Completely dependent on spawn points. People can gain a thirty second -blam!- lead because they spawn right next to it!!!!! King of the Hill Head to Head?! Have you ever played Halo!? Who in their right -blam!- mind suggested these things?! Warlock is the worst -blam!- level I have ever seen!!!!! If you keep spawning under the platforms, you're -blam!-!!!!!!! Levels aren't trophies?! I guess that's why you have leaderboards. I guess thats why the emblems get progressively fancier. I guess that's why the highest ranked person in Team Preview will obtain a prize. (You just wanted more people to buy the maps you greedy sons of -blam!-es.) I guess that's why people cheat and people automatically assume they are better than anyone at a lower level. Bungie, you are the most hypocritical bastards I have ever seen!!!!! The level system is not matching people of comparable skill!!!!!! I have raped people at much higher levels too many times to count!!!!!!!! Heres a secret..... if you hide the levels and destroy the leaderboards, the cheating will stop, everyone will be happy, and you will stop living a lie!!!!!!! Halo would become the greatest thing ever if people could just get on Live to have fun. Not cheat and be -blam!- -blam!-s!!!!!!! But I know that this will never happen. You're in this business for making money. To you a fan is just another monetary figure. \ Oh well, my opinion doesn't matter. Anyone who disagrees can go -blam!- themselves.

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  • Hmmm Backwash nice name for a map... Any way has annyone noticed that bungie didn't fully get rid of Sudden Death on assult games WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Icey Fish WHY DO EVERY1 from other poor countrys call AMERICANS YANKIES thats a New York Base ball team![/quote] Yankies was a slang term for the union or north army that won the American civil war [Edited on 5/6/2005]

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  • WHY DO EVERY1 from other poor countrys call AMERICANS YANKIES thats a New York Base ball team!

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