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5/4/2005 12:41:16 AM

Matchmaking Update!

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 4th, we'll be updating the matchmaking playlists to inlcude the new maps, and resetting stats to even the playing field. Read on to find out more details about what to expect.

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  • This is freeking awesome now i dont have to worry about some noob that i take within an inch of there life and dont die. We have all had it happen with the o to famous {noob combo}

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  • BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u couldnt fix standby and im mad 4 that so this better be craZy good.

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  • I cant wait two dominate the new maps BUT I Can Wait For The LEVELS Two DROP [Edited on 5/3/2005]

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  • I'm fat, (actually im really not fat but i like to pretend that i am!!)

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  • BUNNY!!! \ /) (0.o) (> <) /_ll_\ copy this bunny to help him rule the world!!!!

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  • Nice, the new maps are coming out for matchmaking and good thing is they are taking out that -blam!- plasma pistol/battle rifle combo i hope to enjoy it.

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  • on like every level i can get outta the boundries with a spectre, that means many people can, wont that screw things up??? The difference between a hero and a coward is in which direction they run..

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  • Yes finally some sweet action on 2v2

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  • First of all, I FREAKING SEE THE FREAKING UPDATE! And second of all, what's the big deal about posting first after and update?

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  • Hey noob, if you read the post Frankie said he was not in total agreement in the idea of taking radar out of head to head and he also DOESNT MAKE THE DECISIONS HIMSELF. He is just PR guy to come relate it on here to gamers. Since you are probably 8 years old PR: public relations =people who talk to the public. Frankie is smart and does his job well. He relays all of the inside from Bungie to us when it becomes public. What he meant about looking at radar while fighting DID MAKE SENSE. When I am owning someone (or usually two people at once) in front of me I want to make sure there is no red dot behind me coming to flank me/assisinate. Radar is important in a fight - obviously once you see the one person you are fighting in head to head there's nobody else to see on your radar, he realizes this - most likely referring to when he is playing team games. As far as your comment about hiding the bomb so you cant win - you are probably one of the people who did hide the bomb because less people on the other team means less chance you get owned. Bungie is not stupid anymore - they know what people do and they know that even if you are not winning, you can hide the bomb to force attrition (since you are 9 - that means people quitting) so they can then win against a shorthanded team. Please hit your 10th birthday before you post negative things about intelligent people. Also better hope you don't run into me when stats get reset and get owned. The Pist0L

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  • I can't wait to come home and play some 2vs2 with a friend. I haven't played as much Halo lately as I used to, but now I will. Bungie is the king of Video games. [Edited on 5/3/2005]

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  • replying to shadows comment that is a really good point and if u wanted u could just pile in to a spectre with the flag guy and go right to the top and sit until everybody quits and that really sucks for the people who have to quit. [Edited on 5/3/2005]

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  • I'm now hearing the Hallieluyia chours ......................

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  • you a hot boy hot boy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gamespecialist I cant wait two dominate the new maps BUT I Can Wait For The LEVELS Two DROP [/quote]

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  • Cool update...but what about the other unreleased maps? I have an idea for one anyway remake Boarding Action and have a alien ship and a human one then some sort of controlalble bridge insted of those teleporters(which I don't have a problem with I just think that being able to turn off a bridge(a bridge like the one on the frist halo that you have to turn on to drive the warthog arcoss) while someone is on it would be really entertaining. If anyone thinks that it wouldn't be fun just post under me!

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  • Wtf why dose it keep saying a error thing this is really ticking me off.

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  • w000000000000t

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dork Force One Wtf why dose it keep saying a error thing this is really ticking me off.[/quote] Yeah I know, me too, I'm getting mad...

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  • Team Preview is going to rule

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  • There is also a small rumor going around x-box-live that you guys are going to put spectres in matchmaking

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  • Hoppus Guy that is not a rumor that is a fact it says it in frankies write-up. [Edited on 5/3/2005]

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  • Ok Bungie I have never had a problme with you guys but not letting me read the the POSTS WTF what is wrong with your site and where can i get help.

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  • Hey...i was wondering about the xbox next...i can't find a forum on it but i didn't look very hard either. I saw one website asking what we think should be on xbox next and i was thinking they need to make a Halo game...My idea was calling it "The Arbiter," in Halo 2 the profits (not the profit of regret that was "jumping the gun" on attaking earth) said the arbiters had to help with the "Grunt Rebelion" and "Training of the Hunters." I think that they should make a game of these never said that the Arbiters were elite only so it could aslo have Grunt, Hunter, and Jackle Arbiters that u could control... which we (i'm guessing every one else was also hoping this) all hoped we could do in Halo 2--we wanted to play with the Grunts most of all. I just thought that the people at bungie could see what they could do with this idea and if they could put it in Halo 2.5 or w/e it's called. Or maybe they are already are putting ti in the game and that is why they are calling it Halo 2.5. Well, send me replies to this.

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  • I know. I found at least 3 glitches on the Containment and Warlock! \ / ) (O.o) (> <) /_||_\ I support the bunny!

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  • I would be willing to bet just like they changed Rocket/Sword Glitch they changed how the spectre can penetrate through the invisible walls of the map so this can't happen so dont freak out. Although personally I have found may way of most of the new maps with default weapons and vehicles and no sword. You can do that now in foundation and in zanzibar and other maps already so it wont be much different. --------------------- Noobs should not rejoice about the combo announcement because it's only for 2 TS maps and people who own you will still BR you without the PP involved. Skill involved for PP/BR Combo? You still gotta time your BR and hit them in the head and rapidly change weapons while doing it. Take someone who never played halo and see which they learn easier: (A) Hitting R Trigger once while looking at someone (any part of their characters body) and automatically lunging 10 feet for an instant kill (B) Charging up a plasma pistol, then switching to their BR immediately and getting a HEADshot on a moving target ------------- I just dont think they are saying the COMBO is gone from matchmaking or team slayer. They just said on Beaver Creek and Colossus there is only human weapons. This makes me think: will colossus now have a human sniper instead of beam? If it's only human weapons, then the BEAM rifle will not be there. If that's the case, having sniper on colossus TS wont be as bad for the opposing team because a human sniper I believe has 16 bullets compared to the beam rifles 20 shots (could be wrong but I think that's it). Not a huge difference but that's 4 less kills before the respawn. DUAL MAGNUMS SUCK NOW!! *THAT* required the most skill. It's just insult #2 to people who liked the pistol in halo1. Now they can't even use dual magnums in halo2 and have it worthwhile. I think the most skill involved in halo is sniping and dual Magnums. But they weakened Dual Magnums so you need almost twice as many shots. That took skill to use that combo and they made it less effective. It certainly takes a lot more skill to shoot dual mags then the SMG/Magnum combo but SMG/Magnum combo now will own dual mags (Its more deadly). Not a good change. I think the PP/BR COMBO will still be on other maps - why do people think it's gone everywhere in TS matchmaking?? Are magnums gone? Using PP/Magnum is just as effective of a combo. That's why they are taking out the plasma pistols from those two maps. They arent removing the plasma pistols from all maps. They probably just realized that in Beaver Creek and Colossus that the OS is worthless due to combo. Now people will whore the OS close range and without plasma guns they can get double kills. This doesn't fix anything. Sword only takes one shot - rocket only takes one shot, a grenade takes one shot, shotgun takes one shot to the face, same as the sniper to somebodys head (or two to the foot for noob snipers) So why does everyone say combo takes no skill and is only for noobs? Then sniper is for noobs too then right? Sword is fair but combo isn't? MLG says you can use combo in ffa but not sword. How is combo cheap and not a sword? So is someone a noob because they headshot everyone with a sniper? Or maybe bungie should make plasma grenades not stick since that's an instant kill. Almost anything in Halo2 will kill somebody quickly. PP/BR Combo is great mid range, but not short or long range. Sword sucks long range but good short range. Sniper is not the best weapon up close even if you can no-scope well. Each combo or weapon will own different situations. The only people that call the PP/BR COMBO the noob combo is noobs. I get complaints from the other team in midship about using combo on them in TS games. So I drop my combo and just BR them or toss a grenade at their foot and BR them. Same effect. If you take out the PP/BR Combo out, take sword too, and rocket and sniper and grenades. Just leave the game with dual magnums only on the maps so we can kill each other with 13 dual magnum headshots.

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  • thats no sniper thats a water gun lol but i am getting sick of everyone messaging me saying DONT DELETE THIS MESSAGE OR YOU WILL LOSE ME FROM YOUR FREINDS LIST can u plz tell me if it is real because it is -blam!- im getting really sick of it. KIRBY WILL KILL YOU (> '' )>

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