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5/4/2005 12:41:16 AM

Matchmaking Update!

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 4th, we'll be updating the matchmaking playlists to inlcude the new maps, and resetting stats to even the playing field. Read on to find out more details about what to expect.

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  • Yea tell me about it. They have now reset mine 3 times today. I am going to stop playing it...they are really pissing me off.

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  • hey well today is wednesday and they reset the stats and i started playing and i got a level 5 in 2v2 and then it reset to level 1. so i was like ok then i started again and got a 4 and then it reset again to a 1. then it happened again. then i got a level 8 and it reset to level 1 again. i dont know what in the heck is going on but if you guys could fix it that would be nice. b/c its kind of stupid for you guys to give us a new playlist and then keep reseting it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FalconSD [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hybrid "…especially since we've removed Banshee from CTF and Assault games on Ascension and Headlong. Why? Because griefers will surf the bomb to unreachable places anyway, just to be jackasses. " This is a biiiiiig no no! Yes, people can be -blam!-s with it... But several of my friends and I love the Banshee... One of our favorate things to do is play CTF, Assault, and Team Slayer on the big maps... And more often than not, the Banshee plays a big part in it... Taking out the Banshee will seriously add another 'today we feel like sucking a -blam!-' item on the grand ol' list of tweeks and changes that I dont like... Ya, its your game and you can do whatever the hell you want... I've kept my mouth shut on most issues, but X-ing the Banshee is by far the worst thing you've done to me. It was what I looked foreward too most about Halo PC, it was what I enjoyed relearning the most about Halo 2, and it is instraments of destruction to fight with/against... Taking this out is just as odd and wrong as if you suddenly removed all sniper rifles and rocket launchers from the game claming that people where 'being -blam!-s with them'... Ya, I dont play assention that much, but I do play Headlong all the time on the matchmaking and such... And taking the banshee away is just... its just WRONG! This is... *sigh* I just feal (once again) betrayed by Bungie... Every time I learn to love some aspect of the game, it is raped, pillaged, and burned by Bungie... And personally... I have not once seen anyone try to surf the Objective away on a Banshee... first off, its hard... secondly... I shoot them the -blam!- down... Besides... if people wana be -blam!- like that, just add another feedback option right under cheating... "This guy is being an -blam!-!" damn you! give me back my Banshee! [/quote] Nice post! I also love the Banshee, especially in Headlong. I've played a lot of assault and CTF, but haven't seen anyone use it to hide the bomb. I hate cheaters and would rather lose than play with cheaters, so I'm not going to complain too much about any updates that lessen cheating, but I'll definately miss the Banshee.[/quote] I really don't understand this at ALL. You take sudden death out, but you're taking the banshee away so they can't surf the bomb? Okay, so they still surf the bomb while sudden death is gone. Who suffers in this scenario? The surfers! So WTF was the point of that??? Also, I have played a LOT of games in the last 4 months. I mean a LOT. And I have yet to see someone surf the bomb. I'm not saying it isn't or can't be done. I'm saying it's not the norm, like the update would have me believe. There are some serious parts of Headlong that are Banshee-access-only, like the top of the defense's base, that can't be utilized anymore. Want to throw some boxes down on the catwalks to help defend the base a little? Too bad, because the Banshee was the only way to get them down. There are quite a few other examples too. I wouldn't say that this is DESTROYING my game experience, per se, but it just seems like a move that was little more than -blam!- retarded. Without sudden death, the most you could "CHEAT" with the banshee would be to get on top of the level. But since that's the case with EVERY level that the banshee is on, I guess that means we should get rid of it on all maps, huh? I guess it's kinda depressing, because normally Bungie gives damn good argument for what it does. This time it just seemed like "Well, there we go!" I mean, I'd like to hear why in a 4 on 4 flag match on Burial Grounds, that there are two addition to the ghost and Spectre.......

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  • Why the hell would Bungie take out the Banshees. they say it's because people use the Banshee to take the bomb to "out-of-reach" places, but with the removal of sudden death, that problem is fixed right there. If you hide the bomb now, the timer's gonna run out anyway. This is stupid. The Banshee was the thing that a lot of players from the original Halo was looking forward to. it just adds a whole new layer of strategy with the aerial combat. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the update, although you've punched me back to level 1 about four times now.

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  • can somebody post it for me? plz? tytytytytyytytytytyty

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  • WTF i was playing on head to head just got updated and i was winning 4 games won 4 games played i was doing good and then i lost one cuse some noob was using -blam!- rockets thw whole damn game and then i go to look @ my rank and ima -blam!- level 1 again WTF is that if u loose 1 game ur rank goes downer something! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Tomorrow, Wednesday May 4th, we'll be updating the matchmaking playlists to inlcude the new maps, and resetting stats to even the playing field. Read on to find out more details about what to expect.[/quote]

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  • i can't see the update. wtf

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  • omfg! so every time halo gets updated they reset the stats. what the hell i finaly got to lvl 12 and then they reset it. i say leve the -blam!- stats alone!!! good game types though

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  • i agree with you dude...all these little kids whining over a video game....but hey u run across some jackasses in life so what ever.

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  • They said that the "Preview" section would play both old and new maps... but would be "wieghed" torwards the newer ones. I will tell you this, I've been playing for about an hour... or more and I've played ONE new map... ONCE!! The server should be ONLY new maps, not the old ones as well. Just my thoughts.

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  • 1. STOP -blam!-ING ABOUT A DAMN GAME 2. bungie made a very nice little/big change 3. ur a -blam!-

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  • ok i think its WONDERFUL that bungie is resetting stats so i can kick those stand-bying peaces of crap how to play RIGHT......annnnd woop their ass. the new playlist sounds very AWESOME. yeah im glad ur taking away the noob combo. to be honmest i only used it when i was loosing by at least ten. ne way the battle rifle start out sounds a little edgy cuz of the patch that made it more powerful....annnd the small levels. bigger levels id give u guys a thumbs up....but beaver creek and other small levels......naaaahhhh. BUT to get back to my point bungie, u have made a video game legend.....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! gamer tag- BoundingfShadow friends list is gettin full so just come play a game with me or send me an invite

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  • Whos interested in joining a new organized clan message me.

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  • I am glad about the new palylist too and I wish that every Burial Mounds Team Slayer game started with the Battle Rifle. The game is so one sided on that map you get the snipers and rockets and you win. [Edited on 5/4/2005]

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  • ok bungie, what the hell, i have been patiently waiting for over a day now to read the update and still the server is down or something, whats the deal, get with the program, this isnt fair to me and the other countless people who cant read it as well, plz do something because im getting anxious and need to have my information... thnkz

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  • WOW!! BUNGIE UR PISSIN ME OFF! I was happy u reset the stats which was fine but i played slayer n got to a lvl 12 n they reset my stats again so now im a level 2... THEY NEED TO F****N Stop. -blam!-S!!!!!!

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  • Yes, yes, yes, finally the stats are updated. Now all you cheaters will have no ranks, can't cheat, and will continue to get there a$$ beat by level 1's.

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  • I was lv.4 in Team Preview, and me and my friends beat a level 8, 7, 3, and 3. So we go down to lv.2. Is that what we deserve? I know level settings are screwed up but what the hell.

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  • 2v2...the 2v2 is flawed? i have gotten up to level 6 twice now, lost one game...and gone back down to level 1... This hasnt only happened to me, it has happened to many others in my parties and people i have played agianst and messaged....what is happeneing?

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  • This update is great, I think the 2v2 is gonna be a great addition to this game. Everyone quit whining its only a video game, theres a lot more things in life to get upset over than this. In a month everyone will be used to this new update, and its gonna help everyone's skill go up because ever yone is gonna get better with the battle rifle.

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  • i think updating the hslo 2 playlist is great and i thing mixing the vehicles up is awesome to, but i think the shatiest piece of crap in the G O D Dam World is the fact that u start with a battle riffle on small maps like BURIALMOUNDS and BEAVER CREAK it isnt even possible to snipe now on beaver creak because of people hitting me from top of blue when iam behind red bungie i really do love your game and all the new levels but by all means this is the worst god damn aspect in halo 2 history, it may stop alot of people from playing your game and when u said there would be universal approvement, u were WRONG thats right bungie finnally fu ck ed up! and i never thought i would say that and i used to be a fan but this changed that for me i am going to tell everyone i know about this and that they shouldnt ever play halo 2 or halo 3 when it comes out ohh yeah and i also think battle riffle starts on coag and waterworks, and containment, and if u put them on headlong are great, but not small maps like BEAVER CREAK, any level that u have in ur head to head playlist is Way to small for batlle rifle starts u make me mad

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USCG 02 the new team slayer sucks, i have played the same board 6 times in a row, which was only BR. this weapon sucks too... also make a board with rockets instead of swords and the battle rifels thanks[/quote]Sounds like you only used the plasma pistal combos. Why don't you try actually gaining some skill at all of the weapons and quit whinning like a little -blam!-.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hybrid "…especially since we've removed Banshee from CTF and Assault games on Ascension and Headlong. Why? Because griefers will surf the bomb to unreachable places anyway, just to be jackasses. " This is a biiiiiig no no! Yes, people can be -blam!-s with it... But several of my friends and I love the Banshee... One of our favorate things to do is play CTF, Assault, and Team Slayer on the big maps... And more often than not, the Banshee plays a big part in it... Taking out the Banshee will seriously add another 'today we feel like sucking a -blam!-' item on the grand ol' list of tweeks and changes that I dont like... Ya, its your game and you can do whatever the hell you want... I've kept my mouth shut on most issues, but X-ing the Banshee is by far the worst thing you've done to me. It was what I looked foreward too most about Halo PC, it was what I enjoyed relearning the most about Halo 2, and it is instraments of destruction to fight with/against... Taking this out is just as odd and wrong as if you suddenly removed all sniper rifles and rocket launchers from the game claming that people where 'being -blam!-s with them'... Ya, I dont play assention that much, but I do play Headlong all the time on the matchmaking and such... And taking the banshee away is just... its just WRONG! This is... *sigh* I just feal (once again) betrayed by Bungie... Every time I learn to love some aspect of the game, it is raped, pillaged, and burned by Bungie... And personally... I have not once seen anyone try to surf the Objective away on a Banshee... first off, its hard... secondly... I shoot them the -blam!- down... Besides... if people wana be -blam!- like that, just add another feedback option right under cheating... "This guy is being an -blam!-!" damn you! give me back my Banshee! [/quote] Nice post! I also love the Banshee, especially in Headlong. I've played a lot of assault and CTF, but haven't seen anyone use it to hide the bomb. I hate cheaters and would rather lose than play with cheaters, so I'm not going to complain too much about any updates that lessen cheating, but I'll definately miss the Banshee.

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  • I played ONE game and now i'm a level 22. WTF?

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  • the new team slayer sucks, i have played the same board 6 times in a row, which was only BR. this weapon sucks too... also make a board with rockets instead of swords and the battle rifels thanks

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  • I just love this new update!, too bad every one now uses the battle rifle/plasma pistol like there is no tomorrow.... OH YaHHHH I got STANDBYED today in double team!!!!!!!! it was CTF midship and they just kept doing it for a few sec at a time ..... I have NOOBS!!!!

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