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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 11/23/2015 9:08:16 PM

Chapter 3 The story of three Overlords, The Horned Kell, episode 1

We chart a Coarse for Venus. We are still in our ship Me Cuban Manhatton Redreksis and the 5 Dregs. Redreksis Tells us the old Cache is in the Volcanic Mountains. Across from the sunken city. We land on an Out cropping of Stone Having to leave the Ship running since the Terrain is so Jagged and mostly Vertical We leave the Dregs on the Ship with Manhatton to babysit them. We start Scaling the Volcano Knowing that above there is a Cave Somewhere in the Cliff face . The Rocks are Warm to the touch. We Climb for what seems like an Hour Redreksis always a few feet ahead of us until Finally he stops on A small Ledge as get reach the ledge there is a small crevice in the Mountain side something you'd never notice if in the Air or even on foot if you weren't right in front of it. Redreksis makes his way in we follow behind him. Inside is a very small Cavern with a Fallen Door built into the Stone Redreksis walks up to it and starts punching in codes. The Door Opens a few Shanks fly out we shoot them down with ease. Manhatton calls us over the Comms asking if everything is alright. Must be he heard the gunfire I call back just taking out the Security. Inside the Door there are Three Fallen Caches and Even a Pike. Redreksis sees a deactivated Servitor and starts fiddling with it as we start opening the Caches There are fallen Weapons and Armor in the First Chest the Second Contains What looks like Fallen Banners of old wars past Finally the last Chest Contains an Ether Cypher what I thought we had originally came for. But Redreksis gets the Servitor up and Running its Networks Humming to life after so long dust falling from its dark shell. Redreksis starts moving some Rocks near the Far end of the Cavern I help him and we find an Old Fallen Console He starts punching in more codes When all of the Sudden Manhatton is back on the Comms Guys you might want to get out here A fallen Ketch just uncloaked Right Above the Volcano. Redreksis Says not to Worry. We Slip out of the Crevice while dragging the Caches behind us. Upon Exiting and Looking up we see the Massive Fallen Ship Looming above us unlike normal Fallen Ketch's this ship Has two Main Engines on Either Side. We continue down to our Ship The bay door still open the Dregs Sitting Chattering amongst themselves they seem Excited to see Redreksis clutching the Ether Cypher in his Hand Raising it in the air as he enters. The Dregs rise Raising their arms in the air. Redreksis asks us to bring the the ship up to the Ketch. And so we do he has us pull up to the Rear platform and The Servitor Starts Chiming and making noise the Bay door Opens up revealing two fallen Walkers and a hand full of pikes. We land our Ship inside the bay And off Board all us even the Dregs Redreksis hands the Ether Cypher to Each of the Dregs letting them take Drinks filling them with Energy Redreksis takes it back. Taking a long Drink himself from the Ether cypher. He explains to us that the Effects take awhile to take affect The Dregs docked Arms will grow back and they will grow in size. We explore the bay for a moment I bring the Three Caches into the bay off our ship And let the Dregs pick out their weapons Redreksis takes us on a small tour of the Ships main Rooms Showing us the Kell's Hall as well as the Pilots Area amongst other things The pilot Servitor is still alive working to keep the ship flying. Me Cuban and Manhatton speak briefly we could use this Ship and with Redreksis even pilot it to use against the Darkness. We agree to keep the Ketch and to also Recruit a few more fallen if possible. We tell Redreksis that we Shouldn't leave the Ketch here on Venus but Rather move it to Earth. He doesn't argue with this plan but just nods and plots the Course with the Pilot Servitor. Cuban looks at the Ether Cypher and picks it up tossing it to me He explains why don't you give it a try. I look at it for a moment having my doubts as to whether I should or not. I decide what's the worst that could happen I take a long Drink from it. It has no taste barely feels like anything but I can feel an Immediate Change I feel more full of light I feel stronger. Manhatton Explains that The Ether the Fallen live on is an Artificial replacement for the light from when the traveler left them. Redreksis asks if its okay to speak to me privately I can feel the ship Lurch into motion. I grant his Request. He leads me to a room from the Other Shanks Littering the Room with some Kind of machine on the other side He explains that he is thankful to be with us. But also to be allowed to give the fallen a second chance and that we'd allow him to do so. But I see something in his eyes I ask if anything is Wrong he explains he has seen many battles had many responsibilities but was never able to make choices for himself like he is with us. I explain to him that I see him as an Equal and that he is free to make his own decision. He looks down at me for a moment he says I have something to ask of you would you let me Lead these Fallen. Let me form A new Fallen House. The House of Lords we shall have no Dregs in our Ranks. I wish to lead but not by cutting Down my fellow Fallen that would stand beside me like so many other Fallen houses. I tell him I can't make this Decision on my own But for now I have no problem with this as long as he stays our ally. I go back to the bay and let Manhatton and Cuban know Manhatton ask if I think I can trust him with that much power I don't see why not he has done nothing to say otherwise he has risked his life alongside us and even cut down fallen. His own kind fighting with us. Cuban says he's on board with the Idea beside there's nothing like having an Army backing you if you need. I explain that the Vanguard can't know of this they would surely put us each on trial and kill Redreksis. Manhatton Explains that we must keep the Ketch Hidden with the New Fallen House of Lord's on it. Redreksis will be free to come or go as he pleases. But he must teach the New Fallen to join the House English so that there is no Miscommunications between us. We Go to Redreksis and Explain this to him he seems happy with the outcome. We arrive at earth much faster than we normally would we Decide to leave the ship Cloaked in the Forest North of the Tower out of range of the Tower's artillery just in Case. To be continued....

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