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originally posted in: Forge Required Objects Guide
10/7/2010 5:19:36 PM
Hi I noticed that there are a few things that can improve the forging mode. 1. If somebody has made a really nice map but wants to move it all together and not piece by piece. Bungie could make a item much similar to the safe zones and kill zones but this zone will affect all placed items within it. For example every placed item has its own ability to be grabbed and placed much like many designated pieces have many designated movement area in which to grab and place. So with this movement zone it will mesh all the item areas into one making a full map or ship ect capable to be moved at once. 2. Much similar to the first one up above however you can set it up to move during a game from point A to point B over a set period of time which will in its own self affect the speed of things. Can you imagine you could make elevators, moving mazes, boats, space ships like in starwars with the city, you could even pull a super mario where the sun moves and kills you aka the kill ball. With these two simple things forge and custom games will become a much bigger highlight of the game then they are now. One could say you could remake a horror film say SAW hehehe. :) Literally you can remake anything and the game can truly be interactive I mean when you think about it there are two major forms of data 1 the default data of forge world where there is now items AND 2 the placed items themselves with a different form of data that you can affect in many ways.

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