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originally posted in: I admit, I love playing Destiny!
7/23/2015 8:59:17 AM
I get on and crack jokes from time to time but I usually stay pretty positive. It aggravates the sh!t out of me at times but all in all, I love this game! I dabbled a bit in Halo but it was always CoD that I played hardcore because that's what all my friends played. I started out solo in Destiny and missed out on a lot of things in the start of the game because of that, but over the last few months, I've met a lot of ppl that I game with from all over the world. I work a month on/month off schedule so I still miss out on some things but it also gives me something to look forward to in my time off. There's a lot of hate from people but they still play everyday just like the ones who actually love this game. Glad to see a positive post and good luck gaming!

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