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1/24/2011 2:50:32 AM
Above discussion was a tasty snack ;) I definitely wouldn't say the lessons are bad, considering they're the primary influences on how far I've come since August 3rd, but, well... 'Reaching Perfection.' I said this a while ago on RP, and I still think it's true to an extent. I agree with Jumpmstr (great name, BTW, jumping was my favorite non-conventional H3 activity) that specific examples could greatly help you out, if done correctly. I know these are general design theories, but even you call them [b]Forge[/b] Lessons. You know your main audience. And I think if you do them right, they could still be effective. For example, in the lesson on smooth spawning, something like, "A lot of people aren't fans of the spawns on Pinnacle. Why? [Note: I do disagree with Jumpmstr on the comments about questions, I think the more the merrier. The more questions Godly asks, the more the reader thinks. If the reader is thinking more, the reader is learniing more, in the same size lesson.] Because a lot of them have no cover around them, and in a lot of cases you can barely spawn without having fire rained down upon you immediately." You could go on to expand this, and it could be one of your paragraphs. It's clearly a very specific example from Reach (whose players are your target audience) but the way it's presented means that it makes perfect sense out of context. PS: Thanks to Jumpmstr for starting this discussion, it led to me looking at the earliest lessons for reference, and I saw some of my comments back when I had maybe an hour's worth of design experience. They made me smile.

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