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9/1/2010 1:41:19 AM

[Story] Streams of Fire *(Chapters 15 has arrived!!!)*

This is my first fan fiction, or my first fiction, period. So feel free to give me any criticism or comments, as they usually are helpful... For those who are too lazy to sit and read this here, you can download one of these 3 PDF files and read them wherever you want on: [url=]Your computer[/url] [url=]Your iPad or eReader[/url] or even [url=]Your iPhone or iPod touch[/url] These PDF will be updated with the post here, so you can grab the new one when the chapter is up. All you have to do to download the PDF files is click "File" then "Download Original" To pull this file into iBooks on you iPod or iPad, simply send it to yourself as an attachment in an email. Open that email on your selected device and there should be an option to import it into iBooks, where you can read in the comfort of wherever you happen to be. You may also notice a shiny new cover. Keep in mind that I made it, and I am in no way an artist, and I drew it on my iPod too... If you would like to contribute a more awesome cover, please do so. I would love a nice, even shinier cover... [url=]Chapter 1[/url] [url=]Chapter 2[/url](it's in the middle of the post) [url=]Chapter 3[/url] [url=]Chapter 4[/url] [url=]Chapter 5[/url] [url=]Chapter 6[/url] [url=]Chapter 7[/url] [url=]Chapter 8[/url] [url=]Chapter 9[/url] [url=]Chapter 10[/url] [url=]Chapter 11[/url] [url=]Chapter 12[/url] [url=]Chapter 13[/url] [url=]Chapter 14[/url] [url=]Chapter 15[/url] [b]Streams of Fire Prologue[/b] The battery of my wrist computer was dead. Of all times for it to happen, the nearly limitless energy source that powered it had gone out. I stared at the black screen, my reflection showing clearly, despite the long crack running through it. It was the first time in fifteen years that I had seen my face. I had always been too busy, too focused to spend time in front of a mirror. I gazed now into eyes that seemed unfamiliar, a face covered with scars that I could barely remember, and a short crop of hair much different from the long style of my adolescence. Gray patches were just starting to appear, odd, considering my age of 35. I guess that's what war does to a man. I pulled the busted contraption off my bleeding forearm, and threw it to the charred dirt. I put my hands to my face, holding back the tears of a battle gone bad, continuing them upwards through my graying hair. Then, as if a switch had turned off, my arms dropped, lifeless, to the ground. I no longer had the energy, nor the will to move, the day had drained all hope from me. I sat in silence, leaning against the useless warthog, watching the landscape around me burning. Reach was glassed, but for some reason, where I was had been left untouched. I watched what were once mountains flicker behind the heatwaves of the superheated surface. I heard the fizzling of the air around me as the temperature continued to rise. I felt the sweat dripping from my beaten brow. My senses were ablaze with the symphonies of a dying planet, and all I could do was wait, wait until I joined it. Reach's last hour had arrived, and I had been unfortunate enough to be stranded on it. Strangely, my thoughts veered away from my situation, and drifted towards my past. I put my head back, staring into the fiery sky. I watched a Covenant cruiser drifting silently overhead, its purple hull creating a stark contrast against the orange and crimson sky. It flickered with the flames of a burning world, its plasma weapons finally finished. I stared at it for what seemed like hours, and then I finally closed my eyes, and drifted off into another world. [Edited on 02.17.2012 10:25 PM PST]
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  • Sorry for the delay, there was a death in the family, and I was out of town for the last few days. But after a very long wait, here is Chapter's Eight and Nine: [i][b][u]Chapter Eight[/u][/b][/i] A shake to my shoulder woke me. I looked to see that it was Luck, pointing to the incoming pelican. "Better get up, Roland. Don't want HIGHCOM thinkin' you've been slackin' off do you?" She joked. I chuckled a bit as I stood, the weariness of a long day was playing havoc with my muscles, but I ignored it. [i]Best to work through it[/i], I thought. The Pelican touched down a few meters away, and we boarded, carrying anything we could from our own, crashed ship. Luck walked into the front, hoping there was room for her, but two pilots were already driving. She sat uncomfortably in the back with us. It was strange. In the 17 years I had been in the military, I had never seen Luck sit in the back of a Pelican, she was always doing the flying. Before I could say anything to her, a screen lit up in on the wall of the ship. A surprisingly youthful face introduced himself as Major Salvich, the same man we had spoken with earlier. "Now that I have a secure connection," He began, "I can brief you on tomorrow's plans. The Spartan's of Noble Team have recently discovered a huge Covenant invading army, hidden from us by cloaking technology. It appears that what you found was similar, if not the exact same thing." "It was Vice Admiral Whitcomb that discovered it sir," Duncan put in, "He's the one that sent us in to destroy it. He says there are more of 'em too." "He was right. We are still unable to establish contact with the Vice Admiral, but we have also recently discovered numerous compounds." "How recent? Have you been able to do anything so far?" I asked. "Within the past few hours. Noble Team alerted us first. After you destroyed that compound, communications opened up, and news of other installations flooded in. Tomorrow we go on the offensive. We are staging a massive ground assault on the compound discovered by Noble Team, and you came on board just in time to partake in it. We will be assaulting the Viery Territory, and will do as much damage as we can there." "What are we going to be doing, sir?" Duncan questioned. The image of Salvich's head was replaced by a satellite image of the tower, which then zoomed out to show the entire area around the compound. "You and your fellow ODST will be assigned to a Pelican, and you will be dropped where needed. Roland and his marines will be in Warthogs on the ground assault. Lukenowski will be flying a pelican in the aerial battle." "What about me?" Wesley put forth. I'm no soldier. "You are an ONI engineer, am I right?" Wesley nodded. "You will be escorted to the Office of Naval Intelligence Headquarters in New Alexandria with the others affiliated with ONI... Any questions?" "When do we start?" Duncan said with a grin. ------- By the time we arrived, it was nearly morning. Duncan and Bishop quickly departed, heading straight to the group of ODSTs standing by the landing pad. Wesley was met by a waiting ONI representative, and was led away. Luck, Stone, Reynolds, Young and I walked forward, not quite sure where to go. Luckily, we were soon approached by Major Salvich, all of us giving a quick salute. I offered my hand to the Officer, and he took it with a firm grip. "Damn good work, Sergeant." He began. "Once the sun is up, we hope to do with an army, what you did with a single dropship." "It wouldn't have happened without the Spartan." I insisted. "A Spartan?" "Yes, he got us into the generator station, secured our exit from the station, dove out of the Pelican to save the bomb, and saved my life more than once. Without him, we would not be here." "He lived up to his name." The Major commended "That's all he could have asked for." I nodded. "This is your team?" "All that's left of it." I answered somberly. "Young here is a civilian, one of ten that aided us in the ground assault on the generator station." "Well, he isn't a civilian any more." He turned to Young, "Your are now Private Young." "Thank you, sir." Young muttered gratefully, giving an unrehearsed salute as he said so. The Major nodded to the newly appointed private, returning the salute. "You'll also have one other addition to your team, Sergeant." "An addition? Who?" "Me." "Major?" I asked, confused. Officers didn't often enter in the battlefield. "You heard me right, Roland. Reach is my home, I've lived here my whole life. I'll be damned if I let the Covenant take it without going through me first." He answered, determined in his decision to fight. "I understand. I look forward to serving under someone with your experience." "It is I who look forward to serving under you, Sergeant." I gave a look of confusion to the Major. "You've proven yourself to be a better field commander than I ever was, Roland. I'll be honored to follow your command on the field." "Sir, I don't quite know how to respond." "You don't have to. I'll see you on the field." With that, Major Salvich left us there, in the hangar. "Sergeant Roland?" A timid marine asked from behind. "Yes?" I turned to answer. "Come with me, we've got your warthogs ready." "I'm gonna need new guns and equipment too." "We've got that taken care of for you, sir." We followed the marine to a cluster of vehicles, and he showed us to a stockpile of weapons and ammo. I spied a new wrist computer resting on the ammo case, and quickly replaced the broken one on my wrist. "Good luck, Sergeant." shouted the marine as he jogged off to help the next team prepare. I looked around at my squad. Luck had been pulled aside to the pilot's area of the hangar, so it was only Young, Stone, Reynolds, and I. We silently prepared for what was soon to be the biggest fight of our lives, knowing as well that we should pull weapons aside for the Major. We had been assigned two warthogs, both with mounted LAAG turrets. I decided that I would take one of them with Stone, while Young, Reynolds, and the Major would take the other. Once everything was ready, we sat and rested, waiting for word from Salvich. I hadn't been sitting long when I felt my eyes begin to droop, and fell deep into sleep. ------- Chapter Eight is short, but Chapter Nine's awesomeness should make up for it...

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