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3/28/2005 9:53:18 PM

Bungie Humpday Challenge

Bungie versus Japan. Bungie took its worst beating ever, from the most-skilled team we've played so far. With any luck, the matches can only get easier from here. Check out how horribly we performed inside. Host advantage doesn't explain it all.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] stopsign15 I know! How can Bungie, the guys who created Halo suck at it. You guys should be the best players ever, but you're not so good. This is just an observation, don't take it personally. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Munchmeister Man, you guys got totalled. [/quote][/quote all of the people making fun of bungie are -blam!-s. they made the game but thats design, not game testing. so if ur gonna start -blam!-in anymore, talk to the game testers.

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  • It was very interesting to read your report on the defeat you recieved at the hands of a well organized team. I have played on teams that for lack of a better term suck, no team work everyone for themselves and that's just plain frustrating. For the most part teams have been great and getting to play on a team that moves like a single foe, with multiple objectives working together is pure joy. Bungie team, good luck next time, maybe a little team work practice will make you worthy of the namesake you have created! Cheers Col Mercy

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  • well i see how u got beaten so badly wut do u expect there japanese the kings of all video games and its kind of pointless to go up against a japanese person in a video game. i have no idea how they get so good but they do and we cant deny it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mobius 1 dude shutup, if the weak will die your country is goin first. so what if bungie lost, they still make some better games that you guys do[/quote] totally. Japan will get owned because they are so small bet densly populated, one nuke that is big enough will wipe the whole country out.

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  • Holy smokes... Ive never seen the creators of a game get owned so badly at it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Milkysunshine ... Balanced my ass....[/quote] If everything was perfectly balanced then their would be no way to win. You could not gain a tactical edge through your position and every weapon would have to be equal because anything better would not be balanced. Spawn killers will go straight to the eternal lake of fire. Once the other team has [i]every[/i] non-suck weapon, then the game is over - especially when the other teams teamwork is the balls.

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  • I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad bungie got to taste their "BALANCED" Maps... Frankie, Can you honestly say that once they had both snipers and rockets you had absolutely no chance? Balanced my ass....

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  • dude shutup, if the weak will die your country is goin first. so what if bungie lost, they still make some better games that you guys do

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  • Well japanese are the best gamers well not exactly japanese most of all asian contrys so bungie did make a big mistake for challengeing my home contry but nonetheless it does prove that bungie isint as tall and mighty as we think -.-'

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  • do u suck so much that u do get spawn killed , never happened to me ive always been doing it.

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  • the beating they took is the major reason i think matchmaking should be split by country, or at least continent. i'm so tired of listening to some bristish guy wine the whole dam game

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  • Bungie vs Rooster Teeth Productions, just so i could see if Tex is as awsome as the character is suppose to be.

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  • hey i think japan kind of take it very seriously and i think that if they did all of this planing and killing they kind of... well don't have a life so frankie u should not be mad. : )

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  • talk about a full 100% pown on that custom ctf game! if i were you i would try to organize the entire team to try to make a massive assault on one or two people to just at least put a crack in their offensive onslaught P.S. Can I get some specific dated on downloadable content releases? Specifically the disc for $19.99 plz

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  • enough evryone stop talkin bad about bungie... DAMMIT BUNGIE WHATS WRONG WITH THE WEBSITE???? just kiddin. you tryed. most of us would have done the same.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] EzCompany2Squad In that Team Slayer game I hope they were getting [b] spawn killed [/b] with Battle Rifle and Sniper as they [b] SPAWNED WITH THEIR LITTLE SMG's [/b] maybe they will get out of their NOOB dream world and figure out that SMG is not a good spawn weapon and [b] change it to Battle Rifle. [/b] The fact that they were getting Spawn Killed/ SNIPED in Coagulation as they spawned with SMG's comforts me. TODAY is a Glorious day and I love it that Bungie now shares our PAIN. Change the Spawn weapon on BigTeamBattle games to Battle Rifle you NOOBS muhahahhahaha muhahahhahahaa [-EVIL LAUGH -Ez's rooom shakes..lights dim and lightning strikes][/quote] No offense to Bungie or anyone else but, smg is a good spawn weapon. If you are being spawn killed then you probably would not fair well against them anyway. This is because you start at totally different points on the map and you both have access to strong weapons. Therefore you must be worse than the other team in order for them to kill you while you have the same weapons as them. So getting spawn camped means even if you had the other weapons you would be beaten with them still because earlier in the game you have proven that they were better than you, because they are now spawncamping. :-)

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  • i would like to try to go at those guys three on three in a slayer match at lockout or wherever they want...i alwayz like a challenge!!!

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  • hey I work for a Gamecrazy in Round Lake Illinois and we all play at my work and we have a lot of our regulars that play with us. I see that you guys get challenged all the time by companies how about the RLGC Hustle vs Bungie Slaughtered I think its catchy. My manager would love to play against you guys since we all praise this game. We have a team of four that plays at our work but we could get more if youd like us to just let us know or send me a friend request at Breech5 cause we would love to play. Breech5

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  • what's "im"barrassing to America is that you can't spell embarrassing.

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  • wow bungie i always knew teamwork can payoff but i never would have thought of that whole 2 person battle rifle plasma pistol combo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nailbunny9 [url=]J!n x Shirts[/url] Don't feel bad guys. You did better than most of us can expect to do. And this T-Shirt explains all of our toils.[/quote] Lmao.

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  • its not like bungie plays halo 2 as much as us. they just work on the game but that dosn't mean that they are 1337 every game.

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  • Two things to remember: 1. Never get involved in an asian ground war. 2. Never get play asians in videogames. period. Sorry if that's racist, but it's the truth. P.S. you guys got your grills busted.

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  • Yo what the hell BUNGIE YOU FAILED ME!!! AND him and that other guy too we believed in you >.<

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  • A lot of people have been asking how Bungie could lose so badly in their own game.I think I know why.See,Japan is pretty much the birthpace of gaming.While we were playing Atari,they were playing NES.So,they've had more experience with the straightforward kinds of games like Halo.Why do you think Nintendo has been making waves of "innovative" games that make no sense?Because they're bored with straightforward games that inherently enjoyable.They've mastered those already.

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  • 1) stop talking to frankie hes not going to respond 2)i was watching some halo2 videos on they said that they played like every night i play like every night and i could probley ace frankie in a head to head (no offence) 3)srry for acting like a little kid and say o i pwn cause i dont pwn everyone

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