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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Crossbar King: 6/23/2015 7:44:44 PM

Should we keep all the game modes around? (Not talking about Iron Banner or Trials here)

Yes, give us all the Crucible game modes.


No, keep some game modes as occasional events.


You don't have to read my post on the matter, but if you want to read my ramblings, feel free. TL;DR- I want Bungie to keep all the Crucible game modes around all the time (except for Trials and Iron Banner) to give us more variety and fun in the Crucible. What do you guys think? First it was Iron Banner. We got it, had our fun, and then BOOM. It left us. We were confused and longed for more, but we knew it would be back, and the large rewards from Iron Banner perhaps justified its merely periodic appearances. Same thing with Trials. But then it started happening with other game modes. Combined arms, salvage, inferno, doubles, and the camel that broke the other camel's back for me, ELIMINATION. These game modes are FUN, Bungie! You did a really great job at crafting entertaining, diverse ways to plat crucible. Elimination in a more casual setting than Trials is a BLAST. And you know this. Why, then, do you keep taking these game modes away from us? Why just tease? I get that occasional special events in crucible can peak interest in PVP for players that may not get on otherwise. I get it. But we have Iron Banner for that. And there is no way, with the massive player count for Destiny, that if you kept all the cool game modes in the rotation, along with Control, Skirmish, and Clash, that players would be spread too thinly across the different modes. Honestly, I believe more people would play PVP if there was constantly a mode in there that peaked their interest. I think people, including me, would play the crap out of Elimination if it stuck around for more than a week. Diversity is what we need, and you know how to give it to us. Certain game modes like Inferno clash or Mayhem clash may make sense to not have around all the time, as they are just modifiers on an existing game mode, but even so, certain people will enjoy those the most! Just keep 'em all around! The only two barriers to this that I can think of are 1) Not all the game modes fitting on the current Crucible screen, which could easily be fixed with an aesthetic update between now and TTK or 2) Server constraints that I cannot begin to fathom with my limited computer engineering knowledge. This one may be a problem, but I get the feeling that it may not be the underlying reason for Bungie. I may seem a little whiny, but I just think it would be super fun to have skirmish, combined arms (which is the only place you can play certain maps....which is pretty silly in and of itself as combined arms is a limited time offer), control, ELIMINATION, and RIFT!!!, along with the other modes, as options all the time when stepping into the Crucible. Please, Bungie, give us the variety. I will be sad when TTK rolls around if I can't play Rift every time I jump on. And frankly, it kind of discredits the Crucible team when you hide away the game modes they have worked so hard to create. Just a thought. The game is great and getting better, Bungie. Keep listening to the community and you will go far. And thanks ahead of time for responding! This is a great community, Guardians, and I hope to see you in the game sometime. P.S. If you have made it this far, a friend of mine and I are looking to join a clan of people who are chill and also like to do well in Crucible/ Trials/ Beat difficult PVE content. Just wanna have some fun people to play with who won't kick us because our K/D is less than 7. Thanks!

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